Complex Compound Inheritance of Lethal Lung Developmental Disorders Due to Disruption of the TBX-FGF Pathway.

TitleComplex Compound Inheritance of Lethal Lung Developmental Disorders Due to Disruption of the TBX-FGF Pathway.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsKarolak, JA, Vincent, M, Deutsch, G, Gambin, T, Cogné, B, Pichon, O, Vetrini, F, Mefford, HC, Dines, JN, Golden-Grant, K, Dipple, K, Freed, AS, Leppig, KA, Dishop, M, Mowat, D, Bennetts, B, Gifford, AJ, Weber, MA, Lee, AF, Boerkoel, CF, Bartell, TM, Ward-Melver, C, Besnard, T, Petit, F, Bache, I, Tümer, Z, Denis-Musquer, M, Joubert, M, Martinovic, J, Bénéteau, C, Molin, A, Carles, D, André, G, Bieth, E, Chassaing, N, Devisme, L, Chalabreysse, L, Pasquier, L, Secq, V, Don, M, Orsaria, M, Missirian, C, Mortreux, J, Sanlaville, D, Pons, L, Küry, S, Bézieau, S, Liet, J-M, Joram, N, Bihouée, T, Scott, DA, Brown, CW, Scaglia, F, Tsai, AChun-Hui, Grange, DK, Phillips, JA, Pfotenhauer, JP, Jhangiani, SN, Gonzaga-Jauregui, CG, Chung, WK, Schauer, GM, Lipson, MH, Mercer, CL, van Haeringen, A, Liu, Q, Popek, E, Akdemir, ZHCoban, Lupski, JR, Szafranski, P, Isidor, B, Le Caignec, C, Stankiewicz, P
JournalAm J Hum Genet
Date Published2019 Feb 07
KeywordsDNA Copy Number Variations, Female, Fibroblast Growth Factor 10, Gene Expression Regulation, Gestational Age, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Infant, Newborn, Diseases, Lung, Lung Diseases, Male, Maternal Inheritance, Organogenesis, Paternal Inheritance, Pedigree, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, Receptor, Fibroblast Growth Factor, Type 2, Signal Transduction, T-Box Domain Proteins

Primary defects in lung branching morphogenesis, resulting in neonatal lethal pulmonary hypoplasias, are incompletely understood. To elucidate the pathogenetics of human lung development, we studied a unique collection of samples obtained from deceased individuals with clinically and histopathologically diagnosed interstitial neonatal lung disorders: acinar dysplasia (n = 14), congenital alveolar dysplasia (n = 2), and other lethal lung hypoplasias (n = 10). We identified rare heterozygous copy-number variant deletions or single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) involving TBX4 (n = 8 and n = 2, respectively) or FGF10 (n = 2 and n = 2, respectively) in 16/26 (61%) individuals. In addition to TBX4, the overlapping ∼2 Mb recurrent and nonrecurrent deletions at 17q23.1q23.2 identified in seven individuals with lung hypoplasia also remove a lung-specific enhancer region. Individuals with coding variants involving either TBX4 or FGF10 also harbored at least one non-coding SNV in the predicted lung-specific enhancer region, which was absent in 13 control individuals with the overlapping deletions but without any structural lung anomalies. The occurrence of rare coding variants involving TBX4 or FGF10 with the putative hypomorphic non-coding SNVs implies a complex compound inheritance of these pulmonary hypoplasias. Moreover, they support the importance of TBX4-FGF10-FGFR2 epithelial-mesenchymal signaling in human lung organogenesis and help to explain the histopathological continuum observed in these rare lethal developmental disorders of the lung.

Alternate JournalAm J Hum Genet
PubMed ID30639323
PubMed Central IDPMC6369446
Grant List / / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
UM1 HG006542 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
R35 NS105078 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
/ / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
R01 HL137203 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
T32 GM007454 / GM / NIGMS NIH HHS / United States

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