Corrigendum to "Conditional loss of Spata7 in photoreceptors causes progressive retinal degeneration in mice" [Exp. Eye Res. 166 (2018) 120-130].

TitleCorrigendum to "Conditional loss of Spata7 in photoreceptors causes progressive retinal degeneration in mice" [Exp. Eye Res. 166 (2018) 120-130].
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2018
AuthorsEblimit, A, Agrawal, SA, Thomas, K, Anastassov, IA, Abulikemu, T, Moayedi, Y, Mardon, G, Chen, R
JournalExp Eye Res
Date Published2018 Jun
Alternate JournalExp Eye Res
PubMed ID29579643
Grant ListR01 EY028970 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States