Development of a faculty research interest resource.

TitleDevelopment of a faculty research interest resource.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1996
AuthorsFowler, J, Wheeler, DA, Camerino, PW, Bat, O, Burch, PE
JournalProc AMIA Annu Fall Symp
Date Published1996
KeywordsDatabases, Factual, Faculty, Medical, Hypermedia, MEDLINE, Publishing, Research, Subject Headings

We have developed a faculty research interests resource by "mining" MEDLINE for relationships that are not directly queryable through the normal MEDLINE schema. Faculty citations are retrieved and World-Wide Web pages built to interconnect authors, their citations, and the MeSH terms that have been assigned to these citations. The design and development of the resource are discussed and examples of the results illustrated.

Alternate JournalProc AMIA Annu Fall Symp
PubMed ID8947689
PubMed Central IDPMC2233220

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