Distinct gene expression profiles between human preterm-derived and adult-derived intestinal organoids exposed to : a pilot study.

TitleDistinct gene expression profiles between human preterm-derived and adult-derived intestinal organoids exposed to : a pilot study.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsMasi, AC, Fofanova, TY, Lamb, CA, Auchtung, JM, Britton, RA, Estes, MK, Ramani, S, Cockell, SJ, Coxhead, J, Embleton, ND, Berrington, JE, Petrosino, JF, Stewart, CJ
Date Published2021 Dec 17
Alternate JournalGut
PubMed ID34921063
PubMed Central IDPMC9231289
Grant List / WT_ / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
P30 ES030285 / ES / NIEHS NIH HHS / United States