Evolutionary and biomedical insights from the rhesus macaque genome.

TitleEvolutionary and biomedical insights from the rhesus macaque genome.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsGibbs, RA, Rogers, J, Katze, MG, Bumgarner, R, Weinstock, GM, Mardis, ER, Remington, KA, Strausberg, RL, J Venter, C, Wilson, RK, Batzer, MA, Bustamante, CD, Eichler, EE, Hahn, MW, Hardison, RC, Makova, KD, Miller, W, Milosavljevic, A, Palermo, RE, Siepel, A, Sikela, JM, Attaway, T, Bell, S, Bernard, KE, Buhay, CJ, Chandrabose, MN, Dao, M, Davis, C, Delehaunty, KD, Ding, Y, Dinh, HH, Dugan-Rocha, S, Fulton, LA, Gabisi, RAyiesha, Garner, TT, Godfrey, J, Hawes, AC, Hernandez, J, Hines, S, Holder, M, Hume, J, Jhangiani, SN, Joshi, V, Khan, ZMohid, Kirkness, EF, Cree, A, R Fowler, G, Lee, S, Lewis, LR, Li, Z, Liu, Y-S, Moore, SM, Muzny, D, Nazareth, LV, Ngo, DNgoc, Okwuonu, GO, Pai, G, Parker, D, Paul, HA, Pfannkoch, C, Pohl, CS, Rogers, Y-H, Ruiz, SJuana, Sabo, A, Santibanez, J, Schneider, BW, Smith, SM, Sodergren, E, Svatek, AF, Utterback, TR, Vattathil, S, Warren, W, White, CSherell, Chinwalla, AT, Feng, Y, Halpern, AL, Hillier, LDW, Huang, X, Minx, P, Nelson, JO, Pepin, KH, Qin, X, Sutton, GG, Venter, E, Walenz, BP, Wallis, JW, Worley, KC, Yang, S-P, Jones, SM, Marra, MA, Rocchi, M, Schein, JE, Baertsch, R, Clarke, L, Csuros, M, Glasscock, J, R Harris, A, Havlak, P, Jackson, AR, Jiang, H, Liu, Y, Messina, DN, Shen, Y, Song, HXing-Zhi, Wylie, T, Zhang, L, Birney, E, Han, K, Konkel, MK, Lee, J, Smit, AFA, Ullmer, B, Wang, H, Xing, J, Burhans, R, Cheng, Z, Karro, JE, Ma, J, Raney, B, She, X, Cox, MJ, Demuth, JP, Dumas, LJ, Han, S-G, Hopkins, J, Karimpour-Fard, A, Kim, YH, Pollack, JR, Vinar, T, Addo-Quaye, C, Degenhardt, J, Denby, A, Hubisz, MJ, Indap, A, Kosiol, C, Lahn, BT, Lawson, HA, Marklein, A, Nielsen, R, Vallender, EJ, Clark, AG, Ferguson, B, Hernandez, RD, Hirani, K, Kehrer-Sawatzki, H, Kolb, J, Patil, S, Pu, L-L, Ren, Y, Smith, DGlenn, Wheeler, DA, Schenck, I, Ball, EV, Chen, R, Cooper, DN, Giardine, B, Hsu, F, W Kent, J, Lesk, A, Nelson, DL, O'brien, WE, Prüfer, K, Stenson, PD, Wallace, JC, Ke, H, Liu, X-M, Wang, P, Xiang, APeng, Yang, F, Barber, GP, Haussler, D, Karolchik, D, Kern, AD, Kuhn, RM, Smith, KE, Zwieg, AS
Corporate AuthorsRhesus Macaque Genome Sequencing and Analysis Consortium
Date Published2007 Apr 13
KeywordsAnimals, Biomedical Research, Evolution, Molecular, Female, Gene Duplication, Gene Rearrangement, Genetic Diseases, Inborn, Genetic Variation, Genome, Humans, Macaca mulatta, Male, Multigene Family, Mutation, Pan troglodytes, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Species Specificity

The rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) is an abundant primate species that diverged from the ancestors of Homo sapiens about 25 million years ago. Because they are genetically and physiologically similar to humans, rhesus monkeys are the most widely used nonhuman primate in basic and applied biomedical research. We determined the genome sequence of an Indian-origin Macaca mulatta female and compared the data with chimpanzees and humans to reveal the structure of ancestral primate genomes and to identify evidence for positive selection and lineage-specific expansions and contractions of gene families. A comparison of sequences from individual animals was used to investigate their underlying genetic diversity. The complete description of the macaque genome blueprint enhances the utility of this animal model for biomedical research and improves our understanding of the basic biology of the species.

Alternate JournalScience
PubMed ID17431167
Grant List062023 / / Wellcome Trust / United Kingdom
R01 HG002939 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
U54 HG003068 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
U54 HG003079 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States

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