Experiences in providing a community educational resource for the All of Us Researcher Workbench.

TitleExperiences in providing a community educational resource for the All of Us Researcher Workbench.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2024
AuthorsRitter, DI, Byun, J, Wang, J, Richards, S, Luna, PN, Williams, LT, Coleman, JR, Baker, JN, Ketkar, S, Butler, AM, Hammonds-Odie, L, Atkinson, EG, Worley, KC, Murray, DD, Lee, B, Scherer, SE
JournalJ Am Med Inform Assoc
Date Published2024 Sep 11

OBJECTIVE: Educational offerings to fill the bioinformatics knowledge gap are a key component to enhancing access and use of health data from the All of Us Research Program. We developed a Train the Trainer-based, innovative training series including project-based learning, modular on-demand demonstrations, and unstructured tutorial time as a model for educational engagement in the All of Us community.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We highlight our training modules and content, with training survey data informing cycles of development in the creation of a 6-module training series with modular demonstrations.

RESULTS: We have conducted 2 public iterations of the Train the Trainer (Tx3) Series based on survey feedback while training over 300 registered researchers to access and analyze data on the All of Us Researcher Workbench.

DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Future directions of the Tx3 Series include enhanced focus on project-based learning and learner requests for modularity and asynchronous materials access.

Alternate JournalJ Am Med Inform Assoc
PubMed ID39259934
Grant ListOT2 OD031932 / OD / NIH HHS / United States