Human Lymphatic Architecture and Dynamic Transport Imaged Using Near-infrared Fluorescence.

TitleHuman Lymphatic Architecture and Dynamic Transport Imaged Using Near-infrared Fluorescence.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsRasmussen, JC, Tan, I-C, Marshall, MV, Adams, KE, Kwon, S, Fife, CE, Maus, EA, Smith, LA, Covington, KR, Sevick-Muraca, EM
JournalTransl Oncol
Date Published2010 Dec 01

BACKGROUND: Although the importance of lymphatic function is well recognized, the lack of real-time imaging modalities limits our understanding of its role in many diseases. In a phase 0 exploratory study, we used dynamic, near-infrared (NIR) fluorescence imaging to assess the extremes of lymphatic architecture and transport in healthy human subjects and in subjects clinically diagnosed with unilateral lymphedema (LE), a disease that can be prevalent in cancer survivors.METHODS AND RESULTS: Active lymphatic propulsion was imaged after intradermal injections of 25 µg of indocyanine green (total maximum dose ≤400 µg) bilaterally in the arms or legs of control and subjects. Images show well-defined lymphatic structures with propulsive dye transport in limbs of healthy subjects. In LE subjects, we observed extravascular dye accumulation, networks of fluorescent lymphatic capillaries, and/or tortuous lymphatic vessels in all symptomatic and some asymptomatic limbs. Statistical models indicate that disease status and/or limb significantly affect parameters of apparent lymph propagation velocity and contractile frequency.CONCLUSIONS: These clinical research studies demonstrate the potential of NIR fluorescence imaging as a diagnostic measure of functional lymphatics and as a new tool in translational research studies to decipher the role of the lymphatic system in cancer and other diseases.

Alternate JournalTransl Oncol
PubMed ID21151475
PubMed Central IDPMC3000461
Grant ListR01 HL092923 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
U54 CA136404 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States