The i5K Initiative: advancing arthropod genomics for knowledge, human health, agriculture, and the environment.

TitleThe i5K Initiative: advancing arthropod genomics for knowledge, human health, agriculture, and the environment.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2013
Corporate Authorsi5K Consortium
JournalJ Hered
Date Published2013 Sep-Oct
KeywordsAnimals, Arthropods, Chromosome Mapping, Genomics

Insects and their arthropod relatives including mites, spiders, and crustaceans play major roles in the world's terrestrial, aquatic, and marine ecosystems. Arthropods compete with humans for food and transmit devastating diseases. They also comprise the most diverse and successful branch of metazoan evolution, with millions of extant species. Here, we describe an international effort to guide arthropod genomic efforts, from species prioritization to methodology and informatics. The 5000 arthropod genomes initiative (i5K) community met formally in 2012 to discuss a roadmap for sequencing and analyzing 5000 high-priority arthropods and is continuing this effort via pilot projects, the development of standard operating procedures, and training of students and career scientists. With university, governmental, and industry support, the i5K Consortium aspires to deliver sequences and analytical tools for each of the arthropod branches and each of the species having beneficial and negative effects on humankind.

Alternate JournalJ Hered
PubMed ID23940263
PubMed Central IDPMC4046820
Grant ListU54 HG003273 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States

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