Identification of a QTL for adipocyte volume and of shared genetic effects with aspartate aminotransferase.

TitleIdentification of a QTL for adipocyte volume and of shared genetic effects with aspartate aminotransferase.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsBose, T, V Voruganti, S, M Tejero, E, J Proffit, M, Cox, LA, VandeBerg, JL, Mahaney, MC, Rogers, J, Freeland-Graves, JH, Cole, SA, Comuzzie, AG
JournalBiochem Genet
Date Published2010 Jun
KeywordsAdipocytes, Animals, Aspartate Aminotransferases, Biomarkers, Cell Size, Female, Genomics, Humans, Male, Obesity, Papio, Quantitative Trait Loci

Plasma levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST), a liver enzyme, are elevated in patients with visceral obesity. This study examined whether adipocyte volume is under the influence of genetic factors and evaluated its genetic correlations with AST. Fasting plasma levels of 344 pedigreed baboons from the Southwest National Primate Research Center in San Antonio, TX, USA, were assayed for AST. Adipocyte volume was measured using biopsies of omental adipose tissue. Adipocyte volume, body weight, and plasma AST were heritable. Genetic correlations between the measured adiposity-related phenotypes and AST were significant. A quantitative trait locus (LOD score 3.2) for adipocyte volume was identified on the baboon homolog of human chromosome 6 near marker D6S1028. These results suggest that omental adipocyte volume is under genetic regulation and that shared genetic factors influence adiposity-associated traits and AST.

Alternate JournalBiochem Genet
PubMed ID20390338
PubMed Central IDPMC2869397
Grant ListC06 RR015456-01A1 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
C06 RR017515-01A1 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
R37 MH059490-12 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
C06 RR017515 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
C06 RR013556-01 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
C06 RR014578-01 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
C06 RR013556 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
R01 MH59490 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
R01 MH059490 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
R37 MH059490 / MH / NIMH NIH HHS / United States
C06 RR014578 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
C06 RR015456 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
P01 HL028972-27 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States
P51 RR013986 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
P51 RR013986-118083 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
P01 HL028972 / HL / NHLBI NIH HHS / United States

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