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Zhang J, Gambin T, Yuan B, Szafranski P, Rosenfeld JA, Balwi MAl, Alswaid A, Al-Gazali L, Shamsi AMAl, Komara M, Ali BR, Roeder E, McAuley L, Roy DS, Manchester DK, Magoulas P, King LE, Hannig V, Bonneau D, Denommé-Pichon A-S, Charif M, Besnard T, Bézieau S, Cogné B, Andrieux J, Zhu W, He W, Vetrini F, Ward PA, Cheung SWai, Bi W, Eng CM, Lupski JR, Yang Y, Patel A, Lalani SR, Xia F, Stankiewicz P. Haploinsufficiency of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase gene TRIP12 causes intellectual disability with or without autism spectrum disorders, speech delay, and dysmorphic features. Hum Genet. 2017 ;136(4):377-386.
Baslan T, Kovaka S, Sedlazeck FJ, Zhang Y, Wappel R, Tian S, Lowe SW, Goodwin S, Schatz MC. High resolution copy number inference in cancer using short-molecule nanopore sequencing. Nucleic Acids Res. 2021 ;49(21):e124.
Daines B, Wang H, Li Y, Han Y, Gibbs R, Chen R. High-throughput multiplex sequencing to discover copy number variants in Drosophila. Genetics. 2009 ;182(4):935-41.
Du H, Dardas Z, Jolly A, Grochowski CM, Jhangiani SN, Li H, Muzny DM, Fatih JM, Yesil G, Elcioglu NH, Gezdirici A, Marafi D, Pehlivan D, Calame DG, Carvalho CMB, Posey JE, Gambin T, Coban-Akdemir Z, Lupski JR. HMZDupFinder: a robust computational approach for detecting intragenic homozygous duplications from exome sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 ;52(4):e18.
Gambin T, Akdemir ZC, Yuan B, Gu S, Chiang T, Carvalho CMB, Shaw C, Jhangiani S, Boone PM, Eldomery MK, Karaca E, Bayram Y, Stray-Pedersen A, Muzny DM, Charng W-L, Bahrambeigi V, Belmont JW, Boerwinkle E, Beaudet AL, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR. Homozygous and hemizygous CNV detection from exome sequencing data in a Mendelian disease cohort. Nucleic Acids Res. 2017 ;45(4):1633-1648.
Behera S, Belyeu JR, Chen X, Paulin LF, Nguyen NQuynh H, Newman E, Mahmoud M, Menon VK, Qi Q, Joshi P, Marcovina S, Rossi M, Roller E, Han J, Onuchic V, Avery CL, Ballantyne CM, Rodriguez CJ, Kaplan RC, Muzny DM, Metcalf GA, Gibbs RA, Yu B, Boerwinkle E, Eberle MA, Sedlazeck FJ. Identification of allele-specific KIV-2 repeats and impact on Lp(a) measurements for cardiovascular disease risk. BMC Med Genomics. 2024 ;17(1):255.
Gambin T, Yuan B, Bi W, Liu P, Rosenfeld JA, Coban-Akdemir Z, Pursley AN, Nagamani SCS, Marom R, Golla S, Dengle L, Petrie HG, Matalon R, Emrick L, Proud MB, Treadwell-Deering D, Chao H-T, Koillinen H, Brown C, Urraca N, Mostafavi R, Bernes S, Roeder ER, Nugent KM, Bader PI, Bellus G, Cummings M, Northrup H, Ashfaq M, Westman R, Wildin R, Beck AE, Immken L, Elton L, Varghese S, Buchanan E, Faivre L, Lefebvre M, Schaaf CP, Walkiewicz M, Yang Y, Kang S-HL, Lalani SR, Bacino CA, Beaudet AL, Breman AM, Smith JL, Cheung SWai, Lupski JR, Patel A, Shaw CA, Stankiewicz P. Identification of novel candidate disease genes from de novo exonic copy number variants. Genome Med. 2017 ;9(1):83.
Ritter DI, Haines K, Cheung H, Davis CF, Lau CC, Berg JS, Brown CW, Thompson PA, Gibbs RA, Wheeler DA, Plon SE. Identifying gene disruptions in novel balanced de novo constitutional translocations in childhood cancer patients by whole-genome sequencing. Genet Med. 2015 ;17(10):831-5.
Boone PM, Soens ZT, Campbell IM, Stankiewicz P, Cheung SWai, Patel A, Beaudet AL, Plon SE, Shaw CA, McGuire AL, Lupski JR. Incidental copy-number variants identified by routine genome testing in a clinical population. Genet Med. 2013 ;15(1):45-54.
Creighton CJ, Hernandez-Herrera A, Jacobsen A, Levine DA, Mankoo P, Schultz N, Du Y, Zhang Y, Larsson E, Sheridan R, Xiao W, Spellman PT, Getz G, Wheeler DA, Perou CM, Gibbs RA, Sander C, D Hayes N, Gunaratne PH. Integrated analyses of microRNAs demonstrate their widespread influence on gene expression in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(3):e34546.
Kandoth C, Schultz N, Cherniack AD, Akbani R, Liu Y, Shen H, A Robertson G, Pashtan I, Shen R, Benz CC, Yau C, Laird PW, Ding L, Zhang W, Mills GB, Kucherlapati R, Mardis ER, Levine DA. Integrated genomic characterization of endometrial carcinoma. Nature. 2013 ;497(7447):67-73.
Shen H, Shih J, Hollern DP, Wang L, Bowlby R, Tickoo SK, Thorsson V, Mungall AJ, Newton Y, Hegde AM, Armenia J, Sánchez-Vega F, Pluta J, Pyle LC, Mehra R, Reuter VE, Godoy G, Jones J, Shelley CS, Feldman DR, Vidal DO, Lessel D, Kulis T, Cárcano FM, Leraas KM, Lichtenberg TM, Brooks D, Cherniack AD, Cho J, Heiman DI, Kasaian K, Liu M, Noble MS, Xi L, Zhang H, Zhou W, ZenKlusen JC, Hutter CM, Felau I, Zhang J, Schultz N, Getz G, Meyerson M, Stuart JM, Akbani R, Wheeler DA, Laird PW, Nathanson KL, Cortessis VK, Hoadley KA. Integrated Molecular Characterization of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors. Cell Rep. 2018 ;23(11):3392-3406.
Altshuler DM, Gibbs RA, Peltonen L, Altshuler DM, Gibbs RA, Peltonen L, Dermitzakis E, Schaffner SF, Yu F, Peltonen L, Dermitzakis E, Bonnen PE, Altshuler DM, Gibbs RA, de Bakker PIW, Deloukas P, Gabriel SB, Gwilliam R, Hunt S, Inouye M, Jia X, Palotie A, Parkin M, Whittaker P, Yu F, Chang K, Hawes A, Lewis LR, Ren Y, Wheeler D, Gibbs RA, Muzny DMarie, Barnes C, Darvishi K, Hurles M, Korn JM, Kristiansson K, Lee C, McCarrol SA, Nemesh J, Dermitzakis E, Keinan A, Montgomery SB, Pollack S, Price AL, Soranzo N, Bonnen PE, Gibbs RA, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Keinan A, Price AL, Yu F, Anttila V, Brodeur W, Daly MJ, Leslie S, McVean G, Moutsianas L, Nguyen H, Schaffner SF, Zhang Q, Ghori MJR, McGinnis R, McLaren W, Pollack S, Price AL, Schaffner SF, Takeuchi F, Grossman SR, Shlyakhter I, Hostetter EB, Sabeti PC, Adebamowo CA, Foster MW, Gordon DR, Licinio J, Manca MCristina, Marshall PA, Matsuda I, Ngare D, Wang VOta, Reddy D, Rotimi CN, Royal CD, Sharp RR, Zeng C, Brooks LD, McEwen JE. Integrating common and rare genetic variation in diverse human populations. Nature. 2010 ;467(7311):52-8.
Pickering CR, Zhang J, Yoo SYoung, Bengtsson L, Moorthy S, Neskey DM, Zhao M, Alves MVOrtega, Chang K, Drummond J, Cortez E, Xie T-X, Zhang D, Chung W, Issa J-PJ, Zweidler-McKay PA, Wu X, El-Naggar AK, Weinstein JN, Wang J, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Wheeler DA, Myers JN, Frederick MJ. Integrative genomic characterization of oral squamous cell carcinoma identifies frequent somatic drivers. Cancer Discov. 2013 ;3(7):770-81.
Liu P, Gelowani V, Zhang F, Drory VE, Ben-Shachar S, Roney E, Medeiros AC, Moore RJ, DiVincenzo C, Burnette WB, Higgins JJ, Li J, Orr-Urtreger A, Lupski JR. Mechanism, prevalence, and more severe neuropathy phenotype of the Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A triplication. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(3):462-9.
Gu S, Szafranski P, Akdemir ZCoban, Yuan B, Cooper ML, Magriñá MA, Bacino CA, Lalani SR, Breman AM, Smith JL, Patel A, Song RH, Bi W, Cheung SWai, Carvalho CMB, Stankiewicz P, Lupski JR. Mechanisms for Complex Chromosomal Insertions. PLoS Genet. 2016 ;12(11):e1006446.
Gu S, Posey JE, Yuan B, Carvalho CMB, Luk HM, Erikson K, Lo IFM, Leung GKC, Pickering CR, H Y Chung B, Lupski JR. Mechanisms for the Generation of Two Quadruplications Associated with Split-Hand Malformation. Hum Mutat. 2016 ;37(2):160-4.
Beck CR, Carvalho CMB, Akdemir ZC, Sedlazeck FJ, Song X, Meng Q, Hu J, Doddapaneni H, Chong Z, Chen ES, Thornton PC, Liu P, Yuan B, Withers M, Jhangiani SN, Kalra D, Walker K, English AC, Han Y, Chen K, Muzny DM, Ira G, Shaw CA, Gibbs RA, Hastings PJ, Lupski JR. Megabase Length Hypermutation Accompanies Human Structural Variation at 17p11.2. Cell. 2019 ;176(6):1310-1324.e10.
Patel AJ, Wan Y-W, Al-Ouran R, Revelli J-P, Cardenas MF, Oneissi M, Xi L, Jalali A, Magnotti JF, Muzny DM, Doddapaneni H, Sebastian S, Heck KA, J Goodman C, Gopinath SP, Liu Z, Rao G, Plon SE, Yoshor D, Wheeler DA, Zoghbi HY, Klisch TJ. Molecular profiling predicts meningioma recurrence and reveals loss of DREAM complex repression in aggressive tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 ;116(43):21715-21726.
Du H, Jolly A, Grochowski CM, Yuan B, Dawood M, Jhangiani SN, Li H, Muzny DM, Fatih JM, Coban-Akdemir Z, Carlin MEsther, Scheuerle AE, Witzl K, Posey JE, Pendleton M, Harrington E, Juul S, Hastings PJ, Bi W, Gibbs RA, Sedlazeck FJ, Lupski JR, Carvalho CMB, Liu P. The multiple de novo copy number variant (MdnCNV) phenomenon presents with peri-zygotic DNA mutational signatures and multilocus pathogenic variation. Genome Med. 2022 ;14(1):122.
Pickering CR, Zhou JH, J Lee J, Drummond JA, S Peng A, Saade RE, Tsai KY, Curry JL, Tetzlaff MT, Lai SY, Yu J, Muzny DM, Doddapaneni H, Shinbrot E, Covington KR, Zhang J, Seth S, Caulin C, Clayman GL, El-Naggar AK, Gibbs RA, Weber RS, Myers JN, Wheeler DA, Frederick MJ. Mutational landscape of aggressive cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 ;20(24):6582-92.