Large-scale sequencing in human chromosome 12p13: experimental and computational gene structure determination.

TitleLarge-scale sequencing in human chromosome 12p13: experimental and computational gene structure determination.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1997
AuthorsAnsari-Lari, MA, Shen, Y, Muzny, DM, Lee, W, Gibbs, RA
JournalGenome Res
Date Published1997 Mar
KeywordsAlternative Splicing, Amino Acid Sequence, Chromosome Mapping, Chromosomes, Human, Pair 12, Computational Biology, DNA, Complementary, Exons, Gene Expression, Genomic Library, Glycolysis, Humans, Introns, Molecular Sequence Data, Multigene Family, Nerve Tissue Proteins, Polymerase Chain Reaction, RNA-Directed DNA Polymerase, Sequence Analysis, DNA, Sequence Homology, Amino Acid, Signal Transduction, Software

The detailed genomic organization of a gene-dense region at human chromosome 12p13, spanning 223 kb of contiguous sequence, was determined. This region is composed of 20 genes and several other expressed sequences. Experimental tools including RT-PCR and cDNA sequencing, combined with gene prediction programs, were utilized in the analysis of the sequence. Various computer software programs were employed for sequence similarity searches and functional predictions. The high number of genes with diverse functions and complex transcriptional patterns make this region ideal for addressing challenges of gene discovery and genomic characterization amenable to large-scale sequence analysis.

Alternate JournalGenome Res
PubMed ID9074930
Grant ListR01 HG01459 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States

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