Lucilia cuprina genome unlocks parasitic fly biology to underpin future interventions.

TitleLucilia cuprina genome unlocks parasitic fly biology to underpin future interventions.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsAnstead, CA, Korhonen, PK, Young, ND, Hall, RS, Jex, AR, Murali, SC, Hughes, DST, Lee, SF, Perry, T, Stroehlein, AJ, Ansell, BRE, Breugelmans, B, Hofmann, A, Qu, J, Dugan, S, Lee, SL, Chao, H, Dinh, H, Han, Y, Doddapaneni, H, Worley, KC, Muzny, DM, Ioannidis, P, Waterhouse, RM, Zdobnov, EM, James, PJ, Bagnall, NH, Kotze, AC, Gibbs, RA, Richards, S, Batterham, P, Gasser, RB
JournalNat Commun
Date Published2015 Jun 25
KeywordsAnimals, Diptera, Female, Gene Expression Regulation, Genome, Insect, Insect Proteins, Insecticide Resistance, Insecticides, Larva, Male, Transcriptome

Lucilia cuprina is a parasitic fly of major economic importance worldwide. Larvae of this fly invade their animal host, feed on tissues and excretions and progressively cause severe skin disease (myiasis). Here we report the sequence and annotation of the 458-megabase draft genome of Lucilia cuprina. Analyses of this genome and the 14,544 predicted protein-encoding genes provide unique insights into the fly's molecular biology, interactions with the host animal and insecticide resistance. These insights have broad implications for designing new methods for the prevention and control of myiasis.

Alternate JournalNat Commun
PubMed ID26108605
PubMed Central IDPMC4491171
Grant ListU54 HG003273 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States

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