Molecular basis of retinal remodeling in a zebrafish model of retinitis pigmentosa.

TitleMolecular basis of retinal remodeling in a zebrafish model of retinitis pigmentosa.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsSanthanam, A, Shihabeddin, E, Wei, H, Wu, J, O'Brien, J
JournalCell Mol Life Sci
Date Published2023 Nov 18
KeywordsAnimals, Disease Models, Animal, Female, Male, Retina, Retinal Degeneration, Retinal Rod Photoreceptor Cells, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Zebrafish

A hallmark of inherited retinal degenerative diseases such as retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is progressive structural and functional remodeling of the remaining retinal cells as photoreceptors degenerate. Extensive remodeling of the retina stands as a barrier for the successful implementation of strategies to restore vision. To understand the molecular basis of remodeling, we performed analyses of single-cell transcriptome data from adult zebrafish retina of wild type AB strain (WT) and a P23H mutant rhodopsin transgenic model of RP with continuous degeneration and regeneration. Retinas from both female and male fish were pooled to generate each library, combining data from both sexes. We provide a benchmark atlas of retinal cell type transcriptomes in zebrafish and insight into how each retinal cell type is affected in the P23H model. Oxidative stress is found throughout the retina, with increases in reliance on oxidative metabolism and glycolysis in the affected rods as well as cones, bipolar cells, and retinal ganglion cells. There is also transcriptional evidence for widespread synaptic remodeling and enhancement of glutamatergic transmission in the inner retina. Notably, changes in circadian rhythm regulation are detected in cones, bipolar cells, and retinal pigmented epithelium. We also identify the transcriptomic signatures of retinal progenitor cells and newly formed rods essential for the regenerative process. This comprehensive transcriptomic analysis provides a molecular road map to understand how the retina remodels in the context of chronic retinal degeneration with ongoing regeneration.

Alternate JournalCell Mol Life Sci
PubMed ID37979052
PubMed Central IDPMC10657301
Grant ListP30 EY007551 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
TL1 TR003169 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
P30EY028102 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
R01NS088353 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
R21 NS113068 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
F31 EY034793 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
P30 EY028102 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
G20RR024000 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
G20 RR024000 / RR / NCRR NIH HHS / United States
R01 NS088353 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
TL1TR003169 / TR / NCATS NIH HHS / United States
F31EY034793 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States
R21NS113068 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
P30EY007551 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States

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