Title | A multi-omics atlas of the human retina at single-cell resolution. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2023 |
Authors | Liang, Q, Cheng, X, Wang, J, Owen, L, Shakoor, A, Lillvis, JL, Zhang, C, Farkas, M, Kim, IK, Li, Y, DeAngelis, M, Chen, R |
Journal | Cell Genom |
Volume | 3 |
Issue | 6 |
Pagination | 100298 |
Date Published | 2023 Jun 14 |
ISSN | 2666-979X |
Abstract | Cell classes in the human retina are highly heterogeneous with their abundance varying by several orders of magnitude. Here, we generated and integrated a multi-omics single-cell atlas of the adult human retina, including more than 250,000 nuclei for single-nuclei RNA-seq and 137,000 nuclei for single-nuclei ATAC-seq. Cross-species comparison of the retina atlas among human, monkey, mice, and chicken revealed relatively conserved and non-conserved types. Interestingly, the overall cell heterogeneity in primate retina decreases compared with that of rodent and chicken retina. Through integrative analysis, we identified 35,000 distal -element-gene pairs, constructed transcription factor (TF)-target regulons for more than 200 TFs, and partitioned the TFs into distinct co-active modules. We also revealed the heterogeneity of the -element-gene relationships in different cell types, even from the same class. Taken together, we present a comprehensive single-cell multi-omics atlas of the human retina as a resource that enables systematic molecular characterization at individual cell-type resolution. |
DOI | 10.1016/j.xgen.2023.100298 |
Alternate Journal | Cell Genom |
PubMed ID | 37388908 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC10300490 |
Grant List | K08 EY031800 / EY / NEI NIH HHS / United States |