Single-cell somatic copy number variants in brain using different amplification methods and reference genomes.

TitleSingle-cell somatic copy number variants in brain using different amplification methods and reference genomes.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsKalef-Ezra, E, Turan, ZGozde, Perez-Rodriguez, D, Bomann, I, Behera, S, Morley, C, Scholz, SW, Jaunmuktane, Z, Demeulemeester, J, Sedlazeck, FJ, Proukakis, C
Date Published2023 Nov 21

The presence of somatic mutations, including copy number variants (CNVs), in the brain is well recognized. Comprehensive study requires single-cell whole genome amplification, with several methods available, prior to sequencing. We compared PicoPLEX with two recent adaptations of multiple displacement amplification (MDA): primary template-directed amplification (PTA) and droplet MDA, across 93 human brain cortical nuclei. We demonstrated different properties for each, with PTA providing the broadest amplification, PicoPLEX the most even, and distinct chimeric profiles. Furthermore, we performed CNV calling on two brains with multiple system atrophy and one control brain using different reference genomes. We found that 38% of brain cells have at least one Mb-scale CNV, with some supported by bulk sequencing or single-cells from other brain regions. Our study highlights the importance of selecting whole genome amplification method and reference genome for CNV calling, while supporting the existence of somatic CNVs in healthy and diseased human brain.

Alternate JournalbioRxiv
PubMed ID37609320
PubMed Central IDPMC10441336
Grant ListU01 HG011758 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
UG3 NS132105 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
ZIA NS003154 / ImNIH / Intramural NIH HHS / United States