Title | Telomere Maintenance Mechanisms Define Clinical Outcome in High-Risk Neuroblastoma. |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 2020 |
Authors | Koneru, B, Lopez, G, Farooqi, A, Conkrite, KL, Nguyen, TH, Macha, SJ, Modi, A, Rokita, JLynne, Urias, E, Hindle, A, Davidson, H, McCoy, K, Nance, J, Yazdani, V, Irwin, MS, Yang, S, Wheeler, DA, Maris, JM, Diskin, SJ, C Reynolds, P |
Journal | Cancer Res |
Volume | 80 |
Issue | 12 |
Pagination | 2663-2675 |
Date Published | 2020 Jun 15 |
ISSN | 1538-7445 |
Keywords | Cell Line, Tumor, Child, Child, Preschool, Disease-Free Survival, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Gene Expression Regulation, Neoplastic, Humans, Infant, Male, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local, Neuroblastoma, RNA, Messenger, RNA-Seq, Telomerase, Telomere, Telomere Homeostasis, Whole Genome Sequencing, X-linked Nuclear Protein, Xenograft Model Antitumor Assays |
Abstract | Neuroblastoma is a childhood cancer with heterogeneous clinical outcomes. To comprehensively assess the impact of telomere maintenance mechanism (TMM) on clinical outcomes in high-risk neuroblastoma, we integrated the C-circle assay [a marker for alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT)], TERT mRNA expression by RNA-sequencing, whole-genome/exome sequencing, and clinical covariates in 134 neuroblastoma patient samples at diagnosis. In addition, we assessed TMM in neuroblastoma cell lines ( = 104) and patient-derived xenografts ( = 28). ALT was identified in 23.4% of high-risk neuroblastoma tumors and genomic alterations in were detected in 60% of ALT tumors; 40% of ALT tumors lacked genomic alterations in known ALT-associated genes. Patients with high-risk neuroblastoma were classified into three subgroups (TERT-high, ALT, and TERT-low/non-ALT) based on presence of C-circles and TERT mRNA expression (above or below median TERT expression). Event-free survival was similar among TERT-high, ALT, or TERT-low/non-ALT patients. However, overall survival (OS) for TERT-low/non-ALT patients was significantly higher relative to TERT-high or ALT patients (log-rank test; < 0.01) independent of current clinical and molecular prognostic markers. Consistent with the observed higher OS in patients with TERT-low/non-ALT tumors, continuous shortening of telomeres and decreasing viability occurred in low TERT-expressing, non-ALT patient-derived high-risk neuroblastoma cell lines. These findings demonstrate that assaying TMM with TERT mRNA expression and C-circles provides precise stratification of high-risk neuroblastoma into three subgroups with substantially different OS: a previously undescribed TERT-low/non-ALT cohort with superior OS (even after relapse) and two cohorts of patients with poor survival that have distinct molecular therapeutic targets. SIGNIFICANCE: These findings assess telomere maintenance mechanisms with TERT mRNA and the ALT DNA biomarker C-circles to stratify neuroblastoma into three groups, with distinct overall survival independent of currently used clinical risk classifiers. |
DOI | 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-19-3068 |
Alternate Journal | Cancer Res |
PubMed ID | 32291317 |
PubMed Central ID | PMC7313726 |
Grant List | R35 CA220500 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States R01 CA204974 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States R01 CA217251 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States R01 CA221957 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States U10 CA098543 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States RC1 MD004418 / MD / NIMHD NIH HHS / United States U10 CA098413 / CA / NCI NIH HHS / United States |
Telomere Maintenance Mechanisms Define Clinical Outcome in High-Risk Neuroblastoma.
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