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Journal Article
Zhang L, Sun Z, Zhao P, Huang L, Xu M, Yang Y, Chen X, Lu F, Zhang X, Wang H, Zhang S, Liu W, Jiang Z, Ma S, Chen R, Zhao C, Yang Z, Sui R, Zhu X. Whole-exome sequencing revealed HKDC1 as a candidate gene associated with autosomal-recessive retinitis pigmentosa. Hum Mol Genet. 2018 ;27(23):4157-4168.
Wang X, Wang H, Cao M, Li Z, Chen X, Patenia C, Gore A, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi AA, Lewis RA, Lupski JR, Mardon G, Zhang K, Muzny D, Gibbs RA, Chen R. Whole-exome sequencing identifies ALMS1, IQCB1, CNGA3, and MYO7A mutations in patients with Leber congenital amaurosis. Hum Mutat. 2011 ;32(12):1450-9.
Sheng X, Chen X, Lei B, Chen R, Wang H, Zhang F, Rong W, Ha R, Liu Y, Zhao F, Yang P, Zhao C. Whole exome sequencing confirms the clinical diagnosis of Marfan syndrome combined with X-linked hypophosphatemia. J Transl Med. 2015 ;13:179.
Jusiak B, Karandikar UC, Kwak S-J, Wang F, Wang H, Chen R, Mardon G. Regulation of Drosophila eye development by the transcription factor Sine oculis. PLoS One. 2014 ;9(2):e89695.
Wang H, Chattopadhyay A, Li Z, Daines B, Li Y, Gao C, Gibbs R, Zhang K, Chen R. Rapid identification of heterozygous mutations in Drosophila melanogaster using genomic capture sequencing. Genome Res. 2010 ;20(7):981-8.
Ge Z, Bowles K, Goetz K, Scholl HPN, Wang F, Wang X, Xu S, Wang K, Wang H, Chen R. NGS-based Molecular diagnosis of 105 eyeGENE(®) probands with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Sci Rep. 2015 ;5:18287.
Fu Q, Wang F, Wang H, Xu F, Zaneveld JE, Ren H, Keser V, Lopez I, Tuan H-F, Salvo JS, Wang X, Zhao L, Wang K, Li Y, Koenekoop RK, Chen R, Sui R. Next-generation sequencing-based molecular diagnosis of a Chinese patient cohort with autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2013 ;54(6):4158-66.
Zhang Q, Xu M, Verriotto JD, Li Y, Wang H, Gan L, Lam BL, Chen R. Next-generation sequencing-based molecular diagnosis of 35 Hispanic retinitis pigmentosa probands. Sci Rep. 2016 ;6:32792.
Salvo J, Lyubasyuk V, Xu M, Wang H, Wang F, Nguyen D, Wang K, Luo H, Wen C, Shi C, Lin D, Zhang K, Chen R. Next-generation sequencing and novel variant determination in a cohort of 92 familial exudative vitreoretinopathy patients. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 ;56(3):1937-46.
Wang F, Wang H, Tuan H-F, Nguyen DH, Sun V, Keser V, Bowne SJ, Sullivan LS, Luo H, Zhao L, Wang X, Zaneveld JE, Salvo JS, Siddiqui S, Mao L, Wheaton DK, Birch DG, Branham KE, Heckenlively JR, Wen C, Flagg K, Ferreyra H, Pei J, Khan A, Ren H, Wang K, Lopez I, Qamar R, Zenteno JC, Ayala-Ramirez R, Buentello-Volante B, Fu Q, Simpson DA, Li Y, Sui R, Silvestri G, Daiger SP, Koenekoop RK, Zhang K, Chen R. Next generation sequencing-based molecular diagnosis of retinitis pigmentosa: identification of a novel genotype-phenotype correlation and clinical refinements. Hum Genet. 2014 ;133(3):331-45.
Wang H, Hollander AI den, Moayedi Y, Abulimiti A, Li Y, Collin RWJ, Hoyng CB, Lopez I, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi AA, Bray M, Lewis RAlan, Lupski JR, Mardon G, Koenekoop RK, Chen R. Mutations in SPATA7 cause Leber congenital amaurosis and juvenile retinitis pigmentosa. Am J Hum Genet. 2009 ;84(3):380-7.
Li Y, Wang H, Peng J, Gibbs RA, Lewis RAlan, Lupski JR, Mardon G, Chen R. Mutation survey of known LCA genes and loci in the Saudi Arabian population. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2009 ;50(3):1336-43.
Wang F, Wang Y, Zhang B, Zhao L, Lyubasyuk V, Wang K, Xu M, Li Y, Wu F, Wen C, Bernstein PS, Lin D, Zhu S, Wang H, Zhang K, Chen R. A missense mutation in HK1 leads to autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 ;55(11):7159-64.
Jeong M, Sun D, Luo M, Huang Y, Challen GA, Rodriguez B, Zhang X, Chavez L, Wang H, Hannah R, Kim S-B, Yang L, Ko M, Chen R, Göttgens B, Lee J-S, Gunaratne P, Godley LA, Darlington GJ, Rao A, Li W, Goodell MA. Large conserved domains of low DNA methylation maintained by Dnmt3a. Nat Genet. 2014 ;46(1):17-23.
Daines B, Wang H, Li Y, Han Y, Gibbs R, Chen R. High-throughput multiplex sequencing to discover copy number variants in Drosophila. Genetics. 2009 ;182(4):935-41.
Jusiak B, Wang F, Karandikar UC, Kwak S-J, Wang H, Chen R, Mardon G. Genome-wide DNA binding pattern of the homeodomain transcription factor Sine oculis (So) in the developing eye of . Genom Data. 2014 ;2:153-155.
Huang Z, Chen K, Zhang J, Li Y, Wang H, Cui D, Tang J, Liu Y, Shi X, Li W, Liu D, Chen R, Sucgang RS, Pan X. A functional variomics tool for discovering drug-resistance genes and drug targets. Cell Rep. 2013 ;3(2):577-85.
Wang H, Chen X, Dudinsky L, Patenia C, Chen Y, Li Y, Wei Y, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi AA, Lewis RAlan, Lupski JR, Mardon G, Gibbs RA, Perkins BD, Chen R. Exome capture sequencing identifies a novel mutation in BBS4. Mol Vis. 2011 ;17:3529-40.
Chaki M, Airik R, Ghosh AK, Giles RH, Chen R, Slaats GG, Wang H, Hurd TW, Zhou W, Cluckey A, Gee HYung, Ramaswami G, Hong C-J, Hamilton BA, Cervenka I, Ganji RSri, Bryja V, Arts HH, van Reeuwijk J, Oud MM, Letteboer SJF, Roepman R, Husson H, Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya O, Yasunaga T, Walz G, Eley L, Sayer JA, Schermer B, Liebau MC, Benzing T, Le Corre S, Drummond I, Janssen S, Allen SJ, Natarajan S, O'Toole JF, Attanasio M, Saunier S, Antignac C, Koenekoop RK, Ren H, Lopez I, Nayir A, Stoetzel C, Dollfus H, Massoudi R, Gleeson JG, Andreoli SP, Doherty DG, Lindstrad A, Golzio C, Katsanis N, Pape L, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi AA, Lewis RA, Omran H, Lee EY-HP, Wang S, Sekiguchi JM, Saunders R, Johnson CA, Garner E, Vanselow K, Andersen JS, Shlomai J, Nurnberg G, Nurnberg P, Levy S, Smogorzewska A, Otto EA, Hildebrandt F. Exome capture reveals ZNF423 and CEP164 mutations, linking renal ciliopathies to DNA damage response signaling. Cell. 2012 ;150(3):533-48.
Gibbs RA, Rogers J, Katze MG, Bumgarner R, Weinstock GM, Mardis ER, Remington KA, Strausberg RL, J Venter C, Wilson RK, Batzer MA, Bustamante CD, Eichler EE, Hahn MW, Hardison RC, Makova KD, Miller W, Milosavljevic A, Palermo RE, Siepel A, Sikela JM, Attaway T, Bell S, Bernard KE, Buhay CJ, Chandrabose MN, Dao M, Davis C, Delehaunty KD, Ding Y, Dinh HH, Dugan-Rocha S, Fulton LA, Gabisi RAyiesha, Garner TT, Godfrey J, Hawes AC, Hernandez J, Hines S, Holder M, Hume J, Jhangiani SN, Joshi V, Khan ZMohid, Kirkness EF, Cree A, R Fowler G, Lee S, Lewis LR, Li Z, Liu Y-S, Moore SM, Muzny D, Nazareth LV, Ngo DNgoc, Okwuonu GO, Pai G, Parker D, Paul HA, Pfannkoch C, Pohl CS, Rogers Y-H, Ruiz SJuana, Sabo A, Santibanez J, Schneider BW, Smith SM, Sodergren E, Svatek AF, Utterback TR, Vattathil S, Warren W, White CSherell, Chinwalla AT, Feng Y, Halpern AL, Hillier LDW, Huang X, Minx P, Nelson JO, Pepin KH, Qin X, Sutton GG, Venter E, Walenz BP, Wallis JW, Worley KC, Yang S-P, Jones SM, Marra MA, Rocchi M, Schein JE, Baertsch R, Clarke L, Csuros M, Glasscock J, R Harris A, Havlak P, Jackson AR, Jiang H, Liu Y, Messina DN, Shen Y, Song HXing-Zhi, Wylie T, Zhang L, Birney E, Han K, Konkel MK, Lee J, Smit AFA, Ullmer B, Wang H, Xing J, Burhans R, Cheng Z, Karro JE, Ma J, Raney B, She X, Cox MJ, Demuth JP, Dumas LJ, Han S-G, Hopkins J, Karimpour-Fard A, Kim YH, Pollack JR, Vinar T, Addo-Quaye C, Degenhardt J, Denby A, Hubisz MJ, Indap A, Kosiol C, Lahn BT, Lawson HA, Marklein A, Nielsen R, Vallender EJ, Clark AG, Ferguson B, Hernandez RD, Hirani K, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Kolb J, Patil S, Pu L-L, Ren Y, Smith DGlenn, Wheeler DA, Schenck I, Ball EV, Chen R, Cooper DN, Giardine B, Hsu F, W Kent J, Lesk A, Nelson DL, O'brien WE, Prüfer K, Stenson PD, Wallace JC, Ke H, Liu X-M, Wang P, Xiang APeng, Yang F, Barber GP, Haussler D, Karolchik D, Kern AD, Kuhn RM, Smith KE, Zwieg AS. Evolutionary and biomedical insights from the rhesus macaque genome. Science. 2007 ;316(5822):222-34.
Sun D, Luo M, Jeong M, Rodriguez B, Xia Z, Hannah R, Wang H, Le T, Faull KF, Chen R, Gu H, Bock C, Meissner A, Göttgens B, Darlington GJ, Li W, Goodell MA. Epigenomic profiling of young and aged HSCs reveals concerted changes during aging that reinforce self-renewal. Cell Stem Cell. 2014 ;14(5):673-88.
Daines B, Wang H, Wang L, Li Y, Han Y, Emmert D, Gelbart W, Wang X, Li W, Gibbs R, Chen R. The Drosophila melanogaster transcriptome by paired-end RNA sequencing. Genome Res. 2011 ;21(2):315-24.
Wang H, Wang X, Zou X, Xu S, Li H, Soens ZTore, Wang K, Li Y, Dong F, Chen R, Sui R. Comprehensive Molecular Diagnosis of a Large Chinese Leber Congenital Amaurosis Cohort. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 ;56(6):3642-55.
Jiang L, Liang X, Li Y, Wang J, Zaneveld JEric, Wang H, Xu S, Wang K, Wang B, Chen R, Sui R. Comprehensive molecular diagnosis of 67 Chinese Usher syndrome probands: high rate of ethnicity specific mutations in Chinese USH patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2015 ;10:110.
Wang X, Wang H, Sun V, Tuan H-F, Keser V, Wang K, Ren H, Lopez I, Zaneveld JE, Siddiqui S, Bowles S, Khan A, Salvo J, Jacobson SG, Iannaccone A, Wang F, Birch D, Heckenlively JR, Fishman GA, Traboulsi EI, Li Y, Wheaton D, Koenekoop RK, Chen R. Comprehensive molecular diagnosis of 179 Leber congenital amaurosis and juvenile retinitis pigmentosa patients by targeted next generation sequencing. J Med Genet. 2013 ;50(10):674-88.