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Mendelson MM, Marioni RE, Joehanes R, Liu C, Hedman ÅK, Aslibekyan S, Demerath EW, Guan W, Zhi D, Yao C, Huan T, Willinger C, Chen B, Courchesne P, Multhaup M, Irvin MR, Cohain A, Schadt EE, Grove ML, Bressler J, North K, Sundström J, Gustafsson S, Shah S, McRae AF, Harris SE, Gibson J, Redmond P, Corley J, Murphy L, Starr JM, Kleinbrink E, Lipovich L, Visscher PM, Wray NR, Krauss RM, Fallin D, Feinberg A, Absher DM, Fornage M, Pankow JS, Lind L, Fox C, Ingelsson E, Arnett DK, Boerwinkle E, Liang L, Levy D, Deary IJ. Association of Body Mass Index with DNA Methylation and Gene Expression in Blood Cells and Relations to Cardiometabolic Disease: A Mendelian Randomization Approach. PLoS Med. 2017 ;14(1):e1002215.
Lee W-P, Choi SHoan, Shea MG, Cheng P-L, Dombroski BA, Pitsillides AN, Heard-Costa NL, Wang H, Bulekova K, Kuzma AB, Leung YYee, Farrell JJ, Lin H, Kunkle BW, Naj A, Blue EE, Nusetor F, Wang D, Boerwinkle E, Bush WS, Zhang X, De Jager PL, Dupuis J, Farrer LA, Fornage M, Martin E, Pericak-Vance M, Seshadri S, Wijsman EM, San Wang L-, Schellenberg GD, DeStefano AL, Haines JL, Peloso GM. Association of common and rare variants with Alzheimer's disease in more than 13,000 diverse individuals with whole-genome sequencing from the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project. Alzheimers Dement. 2024 ;.
Lee W-P, Choi SHoan, Shea MG, Cheng P-L, Dombroski BA, Pitsillides AN, Heard-Costa NL, Wang H, Bulekova K, Kuzma AB, Leung YYee, Farrell JJ, Lin H, Naj A, Blue EE, Nusetor F, Wang D, Boerwinkle E, Bush WS, Zhang X, De Jager PL, Dupuis J, Farrer LA, Fornage M, Martin E, Pericak-Vance M, Seshadri S, Wijsman EM, San Wang L-, Schellenberg GD, DeStefano AL, Haines JL, Peloso GM. Association of Common and Rare Variants with Alzheimer's Disease in over 13,000 Diverse Individuals with Whole-Genome Sequencing from the Alzheimer's Disease Sequencing Project. medRxiv. 2023 ;.
Schick UM, Auer PL, Bis JC, Lin H, Wei P, Pankratz N, Lange LA, Brody J, Stitziel NO, Kim DS, Carlson CS, Fornage M, Haessler J, Hsu L, Jackson RD, Kooperberg C, Leal SM, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E, Tracy R, Ardissino D, Shah S, Willer C, Loos R, Melander O, McPherson R, Hovingh K, Reilly M, Watkins H, Girelli D, Fontanillas P, Chasman DI, Gabriel SB, Gibbs R, Nickerson DA, Kathiresan S, Peters U, Dupuis J, Wilson JG, Rich SS, Morrison AC, Benjamin EJ, Gross MD, Reiner AP. Association of exome sequences with plasma C-reactive protein levels in >9000 participants. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 ;24(2):559-71.
Yu B, Barbalic M, Brautbar A, Nambi V, Hoogeveen RC, Tang W, Mosley TH, Rotter JI, deFilippi CR, O'Donnell CJ, Kathiresan S, Rice K, Heckbert SR, Ballantyne CM, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E. Association of genome-wide variation with highly sensitive cardiac troponin-T levels in European Americans and Blacks: a meta-analysis from atherosclerosis risk in communities and cardiovascular health studies. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2013 ;6(1):82-8.
Hardy DS, Hoelscher DM, Aragaki C, Stevens J, Steffen LM, Pankow JS, Boerwinkle E. Association of glycemic index and glycemic load with risk of incident coronary heart disease among Whites and African Americans with and without type 2 diabetes: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study. Ann Epidemiol. 2010 ;20(8):610-6.
Cornes BK, Brody JA, Nikpoor N, Morrison AC, Chu H, Ahn BSoo, Wang S, Dauriz M, Barzilay JI, Dupuis J, Florez JC, Coresh J, Gibbs RA, Kao WHLinda, Liu C-T, McKnight B, Muzny D, Pankow JS, Reid JG, White CC, Johnson AD, Wong TY, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E, Rotter JI, Siscovick DS, Sladek R, Meigs JB. Association of levels of fasting glucose and insulin with rare variants at the chromosome 11p11.2-MADD locus: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium Targeted Sequencing Study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 ;7(3):374-382.
Agarwala A, Pokharel Y, Saeed A, Sun W, Virani SS, Nambi V, Ndumele C, Shahar E, Heiss G, Boerwinkle E, Konety S, Hoogeveen RC, Ballantyne CM. The association of lipoprotein(a) with incident heart failure hospitalization: Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study. Atherosclerosis. 2017 ;262:131-137.
Bressler J, Davies G, Smith AV, Saba Y, Bis JC, Jian X, Hayward C, Yanek L, Smith JA, Mirza SS, Wang R, Adams HHH, Becker D, Boerwinkle E, Campbell A, Cox SR, Eiriksdottir G, Fawns-Ritchie C, Gottesman RF, Grove ML, Guo X, Hofer E, Kardia SLR, Knol MJ, Koini M, Lopez OL, Marioni RE, Nyquist P, Pattie A, Polasek O, Porteous DJ, Rudan I, Satizabal CL, Schmidt H, Schmidt R, Sidney S, Simino J, Smith BH, Turner ST, van der Lee SJ, Ware EB, Whitmer RA, Yaffe K, Yang Q, Zhao W, Gudnason V, Launer LJ, Fitzpatrick AL, Psaty BM, Fornage M, M Ikram A, van Duijn CM, Seshadri S, Mosley TH, Deary IJ. Association of low-frequency and rare coding variants with information processing speed. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 ;11(1):613.
Peloso GM, Auer PL, Bis JC, Voorman A, Morrison AC, Stitziel NO, Brody JA, Khetarpal SA, Crosby JR, Fornage M, Isaacs A, Jakobsdottir J, Feitosa MF, Davies G, Huffman JE, Manichaikul A, Davis B, Lohman K, Joon AY, Smith AV, Grove ML, Zanoni P, Redon V, Demissie S, Lawson K, Peters U, Carlson C, Jackson RD, Ryckman KK, Mackey RH, Robinson JG, Siscovick DS, Schreiner PJ, Mychaleckyj JC, Pankow JS, Hofman A, Uitterlinden AG, Harris TB, Taylor KD, Stafford JM, Reynolds LM, Marioni RE, Dehghan A, Franco OH, Patel AP, Lu Y, Hindy G, Gottesman O, Bottinger EP, Melander O, Orho-Melander M, Loos RJF, Duga S, Merlini PAngelica, Farrall M, Goel A, Asselta R, Girelli D, Martinelli N, Shah SH, Kraus WE, Li M, Rader DJ, Reilly MP, McPherson R, Watkins H, Ardissino D, Zhang Q, Wang J, Tsai MY, Taylor HA, Correa A, Griswold ME, Lange LA, Starr JM, Rudan I, Eiriksdottir G, Launer LJ, Ordovas JM, Levy D, Chen Y-DIda, Reiner AP, Hayward C, Polasek O, Deary IJ, Borecki IB, Liu Y, Gudnason V, Wilson JG, van Duijn CM, Kooperberg C, Rich SS, Psaty BM, Rotter JI, O'Donnell CJ, Rice K, Boerwinkle E, Kathiresan S, L Cupples A. Association of low-frequency and rare coding-sequence variants with blood lipids and coronary heart disease in 56,000 whites and blacks. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(2):223-32.
Zhang Y, Liu X, Wiggins KL, Kurniansyah N, Guo X, Rodrigue AL, Zhao W, Yanek LR, Ratliff SM, Pitsillides A, Patiño JSebastian, Sofer T, Arking DE, Austin TR, Beiser AS, Blangero J, Boerwinkle E, Bressler J, Curran JE, Hou L, Hughes TM, Kardia SLR, Launer LJ, Levy D, Mosley TH, Nasrallah IM, Rich SS, Rotter JI, Seshadri S, Tarraf W, González KA, Ramachandran V, Yaffe K, Nyquist PA, Psaty BM, DeCarli CS, Smith JA, Glahn DC, Gonzalez HM, Bis JC, Fornage M, Heckbert SR, Fitzpatrick AL, Liu C, Satizabal CL. Association of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number With Brain MRI Markers and Cognitive Function: A Meta-analysis of Community-Based Cohorts. Neurology. 2023 ;100(18):e1930-e1943.
Liu X, Longchamps RJ, Wiggins KL, Raffield LM, Bielak LF, Zhao W, Pitsillides A, Blackwell TW, Yao J, Guo X, Kurniansyah N, Thyagarajan B, Pankratz N, Rich SS, Taylor KD, Peyser PA, Heckbert SR, Seshadri S, L Cupples A, Boerwinkle E, Grove ML, Larson NB, Smith JA, Vasan RS, Sofer T, Fitzpatrick AL, Fornage M, Ding J, Correa A, Abecasis G, Psaty BM, Wilson JG, Levy D, Rotter JI, Bis JC, Satizabal CL, Arking DE, Liu C. Association of mitochondrial DNA copy number with cardiometabolic diseases. Cell Genom. 2021 ;1(1).
Mirzaa GM, Campbell CD, Solovieff N, Goold C, Jansen LA, Menon S, Timms AE, Conti V, Biag JD, Adams C, Boyle EAugust, Collins S, Ishak G, Poliachik S, Girisha KM, San Yeung K, Chung BHon Yin, Rahikkala E, Gunter SA, McDaniel SS, Macmurdo CForsyth, Bernstein JA, Martin B, Leary R, Mahan S, Liu S, Weaver M, Doerschner M, Jhangiani S, Muzny DM, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR, Shendure J, Saneto RP, Novotny EJ, Wilson CJ, Sellers WR, Morrissey M, Hevner RF, Ojemann JG, Guerrini R, Murphy LO, Winckler W, Dobyns WB. Association of MTOR Mutations With Developmental Brain Disorders, Including Megalencephaly, Focal Cortical Dysplasia, and Pigmentary Mosaicism. JAMA Neurol. 2016 ;73(7):836-845.
Yu B, Li AH, Muzny DM, Veeraraghavan N, de Vries PS, Bis JC, Musani SK, Alexander D, Morrison AC, Franco OH, Uitterlinden A, Hofman A, Dehghan A, Wilson JG, Psaty BM, Gibbs RA, Wei P, Boerwinkle E. Association of Rare Loss-Of-Function Alleles in HAL, Serum Histidine: Levels and Incident Coronary Heart Disease. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2015 ;8(2):351-5.
Dron JS, Patel AP, Zhang Y, Jurgens SJ, Maamari DJ, Wang M, Boerwinkle E, Morrison AC, de Vries PS, Fornage M, Hou L, Lloyd-Jones DM, Psaty BM, Tracy RP, Bis JC, Vasan RS, Levy D, Heard-Costa N, Rich SS, Guo X, Taylor KD, Gibbs RA, Rotter JI, Willer CJ, Oelsner EC, Moran AE, Peloso GM, Natarajan P, Khera AV. Association of Rare Protein-Truncating DNA Variants in APOB or PCSK9 With Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Level and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. JAMA Cardiol. 2023 ;8(3):258-267.
Chen N, Caruso C, Alonso A, Derebail VK, Kshirsagar AV, A Sharrett R, Key NS, Gottesman RF, Grove ML, Bressler J, Boerwinkle E, B Windham G, Mosley TH, Hyacinth HI. Association of sickle cell trait with measures of cognitive function and dementia in African Americans. eNeurologicalSci. 2019 ;16:100201.
Volcik KA, Ballantyne CM, Braun MC, Coresh J, Mosley TH, Boerwinkle E. Association of the complement factor H Y402H polymorphism with cardiovascular disease is dependent upon hypertension status: The ARIC study. Am J Hypertens. 2008 ;21(5):533-8.
Willems SM, Cornes BK, Brody JA, Morrison AC, Lipovich L, Dauriz M, Chen Y, Liu C-T, Rybin DV, Gibbs RA, Muzny DM, Pankow JS, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E, Rotter JI, Siscovick DS, Vasan RS, Kaplan RC, Isaacs A, Dupuis J, van Duijn CM, Meigs JB. Association of the IGF1 gene with fasting insulin levels. Eur J Hum Genet. 2016 ;24(9):1337-43.
Luo L, Boerwinkle E, Xiong M. Association studies for next-generation sequencing. Genome Res. 2011 ;21(7):1099-108.
Nettleton JA, Matijevic N, Follis JL, Folsom AR, Boerwinkle E. Associations between dietary patterns and flow cytometry-measured biomarkers of inflammation and cellular activation in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Carotid Artery MRI Study. Atherosclerosis. 2010 ;212(1):260-7.
Zheng Y, Yu B, Alexander D, Manolio TA, Aguilar D, Coresh J, Heiss G, Boerwinkle E, Nettleton JA. Associations between metabolomic compounds and incident heart failure among African Americans: the ARIC Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2013 ;178(4):534-42.
Bis JC, DeStefano A, Liu X, Brody JA, Choi SHoan, Verhaaren BFJ, Debette S, M Ikram A, Shahar E, Butler KR, Gottesman RF, Muzny D, Kovar CL, Psaty BM, Hofman A, Lumley T, Gupta M, Wolf PA, van Duijn C, Gibbs RA, Mosley TH, Longstreth WT, Boerwinkle E, Seshadri S, Fornage M. Associations of NINJ2 sequence variants with incident ischemic stroke in the Cohorts for Heart and Aging in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium. PLoS One. 2014 ;9(6):e99798.
Chiang T, Liu X, Wu T-J, Hu J, Sedlazeck FJ, White S, Schaid D, de Andrade M, Jarvik GP, Crosslin D, Stanaway I, Carrell DS, Connolly JJ, Hakonarson H, Groopman EE, Gharavi AG, Fedotov A, Bi W, Leduc MS, Murdock DR, Jiang Y, Meng L, Eng CM, Wen S, Yang Y, Muzny DM, Boerwinkle E, Salerno W, Venner E, Gibbs RA. Atlas-CNV: a validated approach to call single-exon CNVs in the eMERGESeq gene panel. Genet Med. 2019 ;21(9):2135-2144.
Quagliarini F, Wang Y, Kozlitina J, Grishin NV, Hyde R, Boerwinkle E, Valenzuela DM, Murphy AJ, Cohen JC, Hobbs HH. Atypical angiopoietin-like protein that regulates ANGPTL3. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 ;109(48):19751-6.
Wong WJ, Emdin C, Bick AG, Zekavat SM, Niroula A, Pirruccello JP, Dichtel L, Griffin G, Uddin MMesbah, Gibson CJ, Kovalcik V, Lin AE, McConkey ME, Vromman A, Sellar RS, Kim PG, Agrawal M, Weinstock J, Long MT, Yu B, Banerjee R, Nicholls RC, Dennis A, Kelly M, Loh P-R, McCarroll S, Boerwinkle E, Vasan RS, Jaiswal S, Johnson AD, Chung RT, Corey K, Levy D, Ballantyne C, Ebert BL, Natarajan P. Author Correction: Clonal haematopoiesis and risk of chronic liver disease. Nature. 2023 ;619(7970):E47.