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Warren WC, Harris RA, Haukness M, Fiddes IT, Murali SC, Fernandes J, Dishuck PC, Storer JM, Raveendran M, Hillier LDW, Porubsky D, Mao Y, Gordon D, Vollger MR, Lewis AP, Munson KM, DeVogelaere E, Armstrong J, Diekhans M, Walker JA, Tomlinson C, Graves-Lindsay TA, Kremitzki M, Salama SR, Audano PA, Escalona M, Maurer NW, Antonacci F, Mercuri L, Maggiolini FAM, Catacchio CRita, Underwood JG, O'Connor DH, Sanders AD, Korbel JO, Ferguson B, H Kubisch M, Picker L, Kalin NH, Rosene D, Levine J, Abbott DH, Gray SB, Sanchez MM, Kovacs-Balint ZA, Kemnitz JW, Thomasy SM, Roberts JA, Kinnally EL, Capitanio JP, Skene JHPate, Platt M, Cole SA, Green RE, Ventura M, Wiseman RW, Paten B, Batzer MA, Rogers J, Eichler EE. Sequence diversity analyses of an improved rhesus macaque genome enhance its biomedical utility. Science. 2020 ;370(6523).
Palesch D, Bosinger SE, Tharp GK, Vanderford TH, Paiardini M, Chahroudi A, Johnson ZP, Kirchhoff F, Hahn BH, Norgren RB, Patel NB, Sodora DL, Dawoud RA, Stewart C-B, Seepo SM, Harris RA, Liu Y, Raveendran M, Han Y, English A, Thomas GWC, Hahn MW, Pipes L, Mason CE, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Sauter D, Worley KC, Rogers J, Silvestri G. Sooty mangabey genome sequence provides insight into AIDS resistance in a natural SIV host. Nature. 2018 ;553(7686):77-81.
Schmidtke D, Lempp C, Dubicanac M, Radespiel U, Zimmermann E, Baumgärtner W, Kästner S, Meier M, Balkema-Buschmann A, Harris RA, Raveendran M, Muzny DM, Worley KC, Rogers J. Spontaneous Spongiform Brainstem Degeneration in a Young Mouse Lemur () with Conspicuous Behavioral, Motor, Growth, and Ocular Pathologies. Comp Med. 2018 ;68(6):489-495.
Paulin LF, Raveendran M, Harris RA, Rogers J, von Haeseler A, Sedlazeck FJ. SVhound: detection of regions that harbor yet undetected structural variation. BMC Bioinformatics. 2023 ;24(1):23.