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Lu J, Zheng KQ, Bertrand RElaine, Quinlan J, Ferdous S, Srinivasan T, Oh S, Wang K, Chen R. Gene augmentation therapy to rescue degenerative photoreceptors in a Cwc27 mutant mouse model. Exp Eye Res. 2023 ;234:109596.
Zaneveld SAgrawal, Eblimit A, Liang Q, Bertrand R, Wu N, Liu H, Nguyen Q, Zaneveld J, Wang K, Li Y, Chen R. Gene Therapy Rescues Retinal Degeneration in Receptor Expression-Enhancing Protein 6 Mutant Mice. Hum Gene Ther. 2019 ;30(3):302-315.
Kim S, Lowe A, Dharmat R, Lee S, Owen LA, Wang J, Shakoor A, Li Y, Morgan DJ, Hejazi AA, Cvekl A, DeAngelis MM, Z Zhou J, Chen R, Liu W. Generation, transcriptome profiling, and functional validation of cone-rich human retinal organoids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 ;116(22):10824-10833.
Tan H, Deng B, Yu H, Yang Y, Ding L, Zhang Q, Qin J, Kijlstra A, Chen R, Yang P. Genetic analysis of innate immunity in Behcet's disease identifies an association with IL-37 and IL-18RAP. Sci Rep. 2016 ;6:35802.
Keser V, Khan A, Siddiqui S, Lopez I, Ren H, Qamar R, Nadaf J, Majewski J, Chen R, Koenekoop RK. The Genetic Causes of Nonsyndromic Congenital Retinal Detachment: A Genetic and Phenotypic Study of Pakistani Families. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017 ;58(2):1028-1036.
Wang J, Wang M, Moshiri A, Harris RA, Raveendran M, Nguyen T, Kim S, Young L, Wang K, Wiseman R, O'Connor DH, Johnson Z, Martinez M, Montague MJ, Sayers K, Lyke M, Vallender E, Stout T, Li Y, Thomasy SM, Rogers J, Chen R. Genetic diversity of 1,845 rhesus macaques improves genetic variation interpretation and identifies disease models. Nat Commun. 2024 ;15(1):5658.
Gibbs RA, Weinstock GM, Metzker ML, Muzny DM, Sodergren EJ, Scherer S, Scott G, Steffen D, Worley KC, Burch PE, Okwuonu G, Hines S, Lewis L, DeRamo C, Delgado O, Dugan-Rocha S, Miner G, Morgan M, Hawes A, Gill R, Holt RA, Adams MD, Amanatides PG, Baden-Tillson H, Barnstead M, Chin S, Evans CA, Ferriera S, Fosler C, Glodek A, Gu Z, Jennings D, Kraft CL, Nguyen T, Pfannkoch CM, Sitter C, Sutton GG, J Venter C, Woodage T, Smith D, Lee H-M, Gustafson E, Cahill P, Kana A, Doucette-Stamm L, Weinstock K, Fechtel K, Weiss RB, Dunn DM, Green ED, Blakesley RW, Bouffard GG, De Jong PJ, Osoegawa K, Zhu B, Marra M, Schein J, Bosdet I, Fjell C, Jones S, Krzywinski M, Mathewson C, Siddiqui A, Wye N, McPherson J, Zhao S, Fraser CM, Shetty J, Shatsman S, Geer K, Chen Y, Abramzon S, Nierman WC, Havlak PH, Chen R, K Durbin J, Simons R, Ren Y, Song X-Z, Li B, Liu Y, Qin X, Cawley S, Worley KC, Cooney AJ, D'Souza LM, Martin K, Wu JQian, Gonzalez-Garay ML, Jackson AR, Kalafus KJ, McLeod MP, Milosavljevic A, Virk D, Volkov A, Wheeler DA, Zhang Z, Bailey JA, Eichler EE, Tuzun E, Birney E, Mongin E, Ureta-Vidal A, Woodwark C, Zdobnov E, Bork P, Suyama M, Torrents D, Alexandersson M, Trask BJ, Young JM, Huang H, Wang H, Xing H, Daniels S, Gietzen D, Schmidt J, Stevens K, Vitt U, Wingrove J, Camara F, M Albà M, Abril JF, Guigó R, Smit A, Dubchak I, Rubin EM, Couronne O, Poliakov A, Hübner N, Ganten D, Goesele C, Hummel O, Kreitler T, Lee Y-A, Monti J, Schulz H, Zimdahl H, Himmelbauer H, Lehrach H, Jacob HJ, Bromberg S, Gullings-Handley J, Jensen-Seaman MI, Kwitek AE, Lazar J, Pasko D, Tonellato PJ, Twigger S, Ponting CP, Duarte JM, Rice S, Goodstadt L, Beatson SA, Emes RD, Winter EE, Webber C, Brandt P, Nyakatura G, Adetobi M, Chiaromonte F, Elnitski L, Eswara P, Hardison RC, Hou M, Kolbe D, Makova K, Miller W, Nekrutenko A, Riemer C, Schwartz S, Taylor J, Yang S, Zhang Y, Lindpaintner K, T Andrews D, Caccamo M, Clamp M, Clarke L, Curwen V, Durbin R, Eyras E, Searle SM, Cooper GM, Batzoglou S, Brudno M, Sidow A, Stone EA, J Venter C, Payseur BA, Bourque G, López-Otín C, Puente XS, Chakrabarti K, Chatterji S, Dewey C, Pachter L, Bray N, Yap VBing, Caspi A, Tesler G, Pevzner PA, Haussler D, Roskin KM, Baertsch R, Clawson H, Furey TS, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D, Kent WJ, Rosenbloom KR, Trumbower H, Weirauch M, Cooper DN, Stenson PD, Ma B, Brent M, Arumugam M, Shteynberg D, Copley RR, Taylor MS, Riethman H, Mudunuri U, Peterson J, Guyer M, Felsenfeld A, Old S, Mockrin S, Collins F. Genome sequence of the Brown Norway rat yields insights into mammalian evolution. Nature. 2004 ;428(6982):493-521.
Jusiak B, Wang F, Karandikar UC, Kwak S-J, Wang H, Chen R, Mardon G. Genome-wide DNA binding pattern of the homeodomain transcription factor Sine oculis (So) in the developing eye of . Genom Data. 2014 ;2:153-155.
Ostrin EJ, Li Y, Hoffman K, Liu J, Wang K, Zhang L, Mardon G, Chen R. Genome-wide identification of direct targets of the Drosophila retinal determination protein Eyeless. Genome Res. 2006 ;16(4):466-76.
Gunasekara CJ, C Scott A, Laritsky E, Baker MS, MacKay H, Duryea JD, Kessler NJ, Hellenthal G, Wood AC, Hodges KR, Gandhi M, Hair AB, Silver MJ, Moore SE, Prentice AM, Li Y, Chen R, Coarfa C, Waterland RA. A genomic atlas of systemic interindividual epigenetic variation in humans. Genome Biol. 2019 ;20(1):105.
Chen Q, Sasikala-Appukuttan AKirshna, Husain Z, Shrivastava A, Spain M, Sendler ED, Daines B, Fischer S, Chen R, Cook TA, Friedrich M. Global Gene Expression Analysis Reveals Complex Cuticle Organization of the Tribolium Compound Eye. Genome Biol Evol. 2023 ;15(1).
Wang J, Zhao L, Wang X, Chen Y, Xu M, Soens ZT, Ge Z, Wang PRonghan, Wang F, Chen R. GRIPT: a novel case-control analysis method for Mendelian disease gene discovery. Genome Biol. 2018 ;19(1):203.
Simakov O, Kawashima T, Marlétaz F, Jenkins J, Koyanagi R, Mitros T, Hisata K, Bredeson J, Shoguchi E, Gyoja F, Yue J-X, Chen Y-C, Freeman RM, Sasaki A, Hikosaka-Katayama T, Sato A, Fujie M, Baughman KW, Levine J, Gonzalez P, Cameron C, Fritzenwanker JH, Pani AM, Goto H, Kanda M, Arakaki N, Yamasaki S, Qu J, Cree A, Ding Y, Dinh HH, Dugan S, Holder M, Jhangiani SN, Kovar CL, Lee SL, Lewis LR, Morton D, Nazareth LV, Okwuonu G, Santibanez J, Chen R, Richards S, Muzny DM, Gillis A, Peshkin L, Wu M, Humphreys T, Su Y-H, Putnam NH, Schmutz J, Fujiyama A, Yu J-K, Tagawa K, Worley KC, Gibbs RA, Kirschner MW, Lowe CJ, Satoh N, Rokhsar DS, Gerhart J. Hemichordate genomes and deuterostome origins. Nature. 2015 ;527(7579):459-65.
Zhou Q, Yao F, Wang F, Li H, Chen R, Sui R. A heterozygous mutation in RPGR associated with X-linked retinitis pigmentosa in a patient with Turner syndrome mosaicism (45,X/46,XX). Am J Med Genet A. 2018 ;176(1):214-218.
Srivatsan A, Han Y, Peng J, Tehranchi AK, Gibbs RA, Wang JD, Chen R. High-precision, whole-genome sequencing of laboratory strains facilitates genetic studies. PLoS Genet. 2008 ;4(8):e1000139.
Daines B, Wang H, Li Y, Han Y, Gibbs RA, Chen R. High-throughput multiplex sequencing to discover copy number variants in Drosophila. Genetics. 2009 ;182(4):935-41.
Wang F, Li H, Xu M, Li H, Zhao L, Yang L, Zaneveld JE, Wang K, Li Y, Sui R, Chen R. A homozygous missense mutation in NEUROD1 is associated with nonsyndromic autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2014 ;56(1):150-5.
Soens ZT, Li Y, Zhao L, Eblimit A, Dharmat R, Li Y, Chen Y, Naqeeb M, Fajardo N, Lopez I, Sun Z, Koenekoop RK, Chen R. Hypomorphic mutations identified in the candidate Leber congenital amaurosis gene CLUAP1. Genet Med. 2016 ;18(10):1044-51.