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Integrated Analysis of TP53 Gene and Pathway Alterations in The Cancer Genome Atlas. Cell Rep. 2019 ;28(5):1370-1384.e5.
. Integrated Molecular Characterization of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors. Cell Rep. 2018 ;23(11):3392-3406.
. Integrated tumor and germline whole-exome sequencing identifies mutations in MAPK and PI3K pathway genes in an adolescent with rosette-forming glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2016 ;2(5):a001057.
. Integrative Genomic Analysis of Cholangiocarcinoma Identifies Distinct IDH-Mutant Molecular Profiles. Cell Rep. 2017 ;18(11):2780-2794.
. Integrative genomic characterization of oral squamous cell carcinoma identifies frequent somatic drivers. Cancer Discov. 2013 ;3(7):770-81.
. ITD assembler: an algorithm for internal tandem duplication discovery from short-read sequencing data. BMC Bioinformatics. 2016 ;17:188.
. Landscape of somatic retrotransposition in human cancers. Science. 2012 ;337(6097):967-71.
. Mixed-phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL) exhibits frequent mutations in DNMT3A and activated signaling genes. Exp Hematol. 2016 ;44(8):740-4.
. Molecular Features of Cancers Exhibiting Exceptional Responses to Treatment. Cancer Cell. 2021 ;39(1):38-53.e7.
. Molecular profiling predicts meningioma recurrence and reveals loss of DREAM complex repression in aggressive tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 ;116(43):21715-21726.
. Multilevel Genomics-Based Taxonomy of Renal Cell Carcinoma. Cell Rep. 2016 ;14(10):2476-89.
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. Novel Anaplastic Thyroid Cancer PDXs and Cell Lines: Expanding Preclinical Models of Genetic Diversity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2021 ;106(11):e4652-e4665.
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. Orphan nuclear receptor GCNF is required for the repression of pluripotency genes during retinoic acid-induced embryonic stem cell differentiation. Mol Cell Biol. 2005 ;25(19):8507-19.
. Orphan nuclear receptor LRH-1 is required to maintain Oct4 expression at the epiblast stage of embryonic development. Mol Cell Biol. 2005 ;25(9):3492-505.
. Pancreatic cancer genomes reveal aberrations in axon guidance pathway genes. Nature. 2012 ;491(7424):399-405.
. Pathway and network analysis of more than 2500 whole cancer genomes. Nat Commun. 2020 ;11(1):729.