
Filters: Author is Lewis, Richard Alan  [Clear All Filters]
Patel RM, Liu D, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Jhangiani S, Lu JT, V Sutton R, Fernbach SD, Azamian M, White L, Edmond JC, Paysse EA, Belmont JW, Muzny DM, Lupski JR, Gibbs RA, Lewis RAlan, Lee BH, Lalani SR, Campeau PM. An exome sequencing study of Moebius syndrome including atypical cases reveals an individual with CFEOM3A and a mutation. Cold Spring Harb Mol Case Stud. 2017 ;3(2):a000984.
Eldomery MK, Coban-Akdemir Z, Harel T, Rosenfeld JA, Gambin T, Stray-Pedersen A, Küry S, Mercier S, Lessel D, Denecke J, Wiszniewski W, Penney S, Liu P, Bi W, Lalani SR, Schaaf CP, Wangler MF, Bacino CA, Lewis RAlan, Potocki L, Graham BH, Belmont JW, Scaglia F, Orange JS, Jhangiani SN, Chiang T, Doddapaneni H, Hu J, Muzny DM, Xia F, Beaudet AL, Boerwinkle E, Eng CM, Plon SE, V Sutton R, Gibbs RA, Posey JE, Yang Y, Lupski JR. Lessons learned from additional research analyses of unsolved clinical exome cases. Genome Med. 2017 ;9(1):26.
Bekheirnia MReza, Bekheirnia N, Bainbridge MN, Gu S, Akdemir ZHande Coba, Gambin T, Janzen NK, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Michael M, Brewer ED, Elenberg E, Kale AS, Riley AA, Swartz SJ, Scott DA, Yang Y, Srivaths PR, Wenderfer SE, Bodurtha J, Applegate CD, Velinov M, Myers A, Borovik L, Craigen WJ, Hanchard NA, Rosenfeld JA, Lewis RAlan, Gonzales ET, Gibbs RA, Belmont JW, Roth DR, Eng C, Braun MC, Lupski JR, Lamb DJ. Whole-exome sequencing in the molecular diagnosis of individuals with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract and identification of a new causative gene. Genet Med. 2017 ;19(4):412-420.