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Journal Article
Dron JS, Patel AP, Zhang Y, Jurgens SJ, Maamari DJ, Wang M, Boerwinkle E, Morrison AC, de Vries PS, Fornage M, Hou L, Lloyd-Jones DM, Psaty BM, Tracy RP, Bis JC, Vasan RS, Levy D, Heard-Costa N, Rich SS, Guo X, Taylor KD, Gibbs RA, Rotter JI, Willer CJ, Oelsner EC, Moran AE, Peloso GM, Natarajan P, Khera AV. Association of Rare Protein-Truncating DNA Variants in APOB or PCSK9 With Low-density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Level and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease. JAMA Cardiol. 2023 ;8(3):258-267.
Yu B, Li AH, Muzny DM, Veeraraghavan N, de Vries PS, Bis JC, Musani SK, Alexander D, Morrison AC, Franco OH, Uitterlinden A, Hofman A, Dehghan A, Wilson JG, Psaty BM, Gibbs RA, Wei P, Boerwinkle E. Association of Rare Loss-Of-Function Alleles in HAL, Serum Histidine: Levels and Incident Coronary Heart Disease. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2015 ;8(2):351-5.
Liu X, Longchamps RJ, Wiggins KL, Raffield LM, Bielak LF, Zhao W, Pitsillides A, Blackwell TW, Yao J, Guo X, Kurniansyah N, Thyagarajan B, Pankratz N, Rich SS, Taylor KD, Peyser PA, Heckbert SR, Seshadri S, L Cupples A, Boerwinkle E, Grove ML, Larson NB, Smith JA, Vasan RS, Sofer T, Fitzpatrick AL, Fornage M, Ding J, Correa A, Abecasis G, Psaty BM, Wilson JG, Levy D, Rotter JI, Bis JC, Satizabal CL, Arking DE, Liu C. Association of mitochondrial DNA copy number with cardiometabolic diseases. Cell Genom. 2021 ;1(1).
Zhang Y, Liu X, Wiggins KL, Kurniansyah N, Guo X, Rodrigue AL, Zhao W, Yanek LR, Ratliff SM, Pitsillides A, Patiño JSebastian, Sofer T, Arking DE, Austin TR, Beiser AS, Blangero J, Boerwinkle E, Bressler J, Curran JE, Hou L, Hughes TM, Kardia SLR, Launer LJ, Levy D, Mosley TH, Nasrallah IM, Rich SS, Rotter JI, Seshadri S, Tarraf W, González KA, Ramachandran V, Yaffe K, Nyquist PA, Psaty BM, DeCarli CS, Smith JA, Glahn DC, Gonzalez HM, Bis JC, Fornage M, Heckbert SR, Fitzpatrick AL, Liu C, Satizabal CL. Association of Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number With Brain MRI Markers and Cognitive Function: A Meta-analysis of Community-Based Cohorts. Neurology. 2023 ;100(18):e1930-e1943.
Peloso GM, Auer PL, Bis JC, Voorman A, Morrison AC, Stitziel NO, Brody JA, Khetarpal SA, Crosby JR, Fornage M, Isaacs A, Jakobsdottir J, Feitosa MF, Davies G, Huffman JE, Manichaikul A, Davis B, Lohman K, Joon AY, Smith AV, Grove ML, Zanoni P, Redon V, Demissie S, Lawson K, Peters U, Carlson C, Jackson RD, Ryckman KK, Mackey RH, Robinson JG, Siscovick DS, Schreiner PJ, Mychaleckyj JC, Pankow JS, Hofman A, Uitterlinden AG, Harris TB, Taylor KD, Stafford JM, Reynolds LM, Marioni RE, Dehghan A, Franco OH, Patel AP, Lu Y, Hindy G, Gottesman O, Bottinger EP, Melander O, Orho-Melander M, Loos RJF, Duga S, Merlini PAngelica, Farrall M, Goel A, Asselta R, Girelli D, Martinelli N, Shah SH, Kraus WE, Li M, Rader DJ, Reilly MP, McPherson R, Watkins H, Ardissino D, Zhang Q, Wang J, Tsai MY, Taylor HA, Correa A, Griswold ME, Lange LA, Starr JM, Rudan I, Eiriksdottir G, Launer LJ, Ordovas JM, Levy D, Chen Y-DIda, Reiner AP, Hayward C, Polasek O, Deary IJ, Borecki IB, Liu Y, Gudnason V, Wilson JG, van Duijn CM, Kooperberg C, Rich SS, Psaty BM, Rotter JI, O'Donnell CJ, Rice K, Boerwinkle E, Kathiresan S, L Cupples A. Association of low-frequency and rare coding-sequence variants with blood lipids and coronary heart disease in 56,000 whites and blacks. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(2):223-32.
Bressler J, Davies G, Smith AV, Saba Y, Bis JC, Jian X, Hayward C, Yanek L, Smith JA, Mirza SS, Wang R, Adams HHH, Becker D, Boerwinkle E, Campbell A, Cox SR, Eiriksdottir G, Fawns-Ritchie C, Gottesman RF, Grove ML, Guo X, Hofer E, Kardia SLR, Knol MJ, Koini M, Lopez OL, Marioni RE, Nyquist P, Pattie A, Polasek O, Porteous DJ, Rudan I, Satizabal CL, Schmidt H, Schmidt R, Sidney S, Simino J, Smith BH, Turner ST, van der Lee SJ, Ware EB, Whitmer RA, Yaffe K, Yang Q, Zhao W, Gudnason V, Launer LJ, Fitzpatrick AL, Psaty BM, Fornage M, M Ikram A, van Duijn CM, Seshadri S, Mosley TH, Deary IJ. Association of low-frequency and rare coding variants with information processing speed. Transl Psychiatry. 2021 ;11(1):613.
Cornes BK, Brody JA, Nikpoor N, Morrison AC, Chu H, Ahn BSoo, Wang S, Dauriz M, Barzilay JI, Dupuis J, Florez JC, Coresh J, Gibbs RA, Kao WHLinda, Liu C-T, McKnight B, Muzny D, Pankow JS, Reid JG, White CC, Johnson AD, Wong TY, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E, Rotter JI, Siscovick DS, Sladek R, Meigs JB. Association of levels of fasting glucose and insulin with rare variants at the chromosome 11p11.2-MADD locus: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium Targeted Sequencing Study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 ;7(3):374-382.
Yu B, Barbalic M, Brautbar A, Nambi V, Hoogeveen RC, Tang W, Mosley TH, Rotter JI, deFilippi CR, O'Donnell CJ, Kathiresan S, Rice K, Heckbert SR, Ballantyne CM, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E. Association of genome-wide variation with highly sensitive cardiac troponin-T levels in European Americans and Blacks: a meta-analysis from atherosclerosis risk in communities and cardiovascular health studies. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2013 ;6(1):82-8.
Schick UM, Auer PL, Bis JC, Lin H, Wei P, Pankratz N, Lange LA, Brody J, Stitziel NO, Kim DS, Carlson CS, Fornage M, Haessler J, Hsu L, Jackson RD, Kooperberg C, Leal SM, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E, Tracy R, Ardissino D, Shah S, Willer C, Loos R, Melander O, McPherson R, Hovingh K, Reilly M, Watkins H, Girelli D, Fontanillas P, Chasman DI, Gabriel SB, Gibbs R, Nickerson DA, Kathiresan S, Peters U, Dupuis J, Wilson JG, Rich SS, Morrison AC, Benjamin EJ, Gross MD, Reiner AP. Association of exome sequences with plasma C-reactive protein levels in >9000 participants. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 ;24(2):559-71.
Liu X, Sun X, Zhang Y, Jiang W, Lai M, Wiggins KL, Raffield LM, Bielak LF, Zhao W, Pitsillides A, Haessler J, Zheng Y, Blackwell TW, Yao J, Guo X, Qian Y, Thyagarajan B, Pankratz N, Rich SS, Taylor KD, Peyser PA, Heckbert SR, Seshadri S, Boerwinkle E, Grove ML, Larson NB, Smith JA, Vasan RS, Fitzpatrick AL, Fornage M, Ding J, Carson AP, Abecasis G, Dupuis J, Reiner A, Kooperberg C, Hou L, Psaty BM, Wilson JG, Levy D, Rotter JI, Bis JC, Satizabal CL, Arking DE, Liu C. Association Between Whole Blood-Derived Mitochondrial DNA Copy Number, Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol, and Cardiovascular Disease Risk. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023 ;12(20):e029090.
Sun X, Bulekova K, Yang J, Lai M, Pitsillides AN, Liu X, Zhang Y, Guo X, Yong Q, Raffield LM, Rotter JI, Rich SS, Abecasis G, Carson AP, Vasan RS, Bis JC, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E, Fitzpatrick AL, Satizabal CL, Arking DE, Ding J, Levy D, Liu C. Association analysis of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmic variants: methods and application. medRxiv. 2024 ;.
Sun X, Bulekova K, Yang J, Lai M, Pitsillides AN, Liu X, Zhang Y, Guo X, Yong Q, Raffield LM, Rotter JI, Rich SS, Abecasis G, Carson AP, Vasan RS, Bis JC, Psaty BM, Boerwinkle E, Fitzpatrick AL, Satizabal CL, Arking DE, Ding J, Levy D, Liu C. Association analysis of mitochondrial DNA heteroplasmic variants: Methods and application. Mitochondrion. 2024 ;79:101954.
Kim W, Hecker J, R Barr G, Boerwinkle E, Cade B, Correa A, Dupuis J, Gharib SA, Lange L, London SJ, Morrison AC, O'Connor GT, Oelsner EC, Psaty BM, Vasan RS, Redline S, Rich SS, Rotter JI, Yu B, Lange C, Manichaikul A, Zhou JJ, Sofer T, Silverman EK, Qiao D, Cho MH. Assessing the contribution of rare genetic variants to phenotypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease using whole-genome sequence data. Hum Mol Genet. 2022 ;31(22):3873-3885.
Brody JA, Morrison AC, Bis JC, O'Connell JR, Brown MR, Huffman JE, Ames DC, Carroll A, Conomos MP, Gabriel S, Gibbs RA, Gogarten SM, Gupta N, Jaquish CE, Johnson AD, Lewis JP, Liu X, Manning AK, Papanicolaou GJ, Pitsillides AN, Rice KM, Salerno W, Sitlani CM, Smith NL, Heckbert SR, Laurie CC, Mitchell BD, Vasan RS, Rich SS, Rotter JI, Wilson JG, Boerwinkle E, Psaty BM, L Cupples A. Analysis commons, a team approach to discovery in a big-data environment for genetic epidemiology. Nat Genet. 2017 ;49(11):1560-1563.
Weinstock JS, Gopakumar J, Burugula BBharathi, Uddin MMesbah, Jahn N, Belk JA, Bouzid H, Daniel B, Miao Z, Ly N, Mack TM, Luna SE, Prothro KP, Mitchell SR, Laurie CA, Broome JG, Taylor KD, Guo X, Sinner MF, von Falkenhausen AS, Kääb S, Shuldiner AR, O'Connell JR, Lewis JP, Boerwinkle E, Barnes KC, Chami N, Kenny EE, Loos RJF, Fornage M, Hou L, Lloyd-Jones DM, Redline S, Cade BE, Psaty BM, Bis JC, Brody JA, Silverman EK, Yun JH, Qiao D, Palmer ND, Freedman BI, Bowden DW, Cho MH, DeMeo DL, Vasan RS, Yanek LR, Becker LC, Kardia SLR, Peyser PA, He J, Rienstra M, van der Harst P, Kaplan R, Heckbert SR, Smith NL, Wiggins KL, Arnett DK, Irvin MR, Tiwari H, Cutler MJ, Knight S, J Muhlestein B, Correa A, Raffield LM, Gao Y, de Andrade M, Rotter JI, Rich SS, Tracy RP, Konkle BA, Johnsen JM, Wheeler MM, J Smith G, Melander O, Nilsson PM, Custer BS, Duggirala R, Curran JE, Blangero J, McGarvey S, L Williams K, Xiao S, Yang M, C Gu C, Chen Y-DIda, Lee W-J, Marcus GM, Kane JP, Pullinger CR, M Shoemaker B, Darbar D, Roden DM, Albert C, Kooperberg C, Zhou Y, Manson JAE, Desai P, Johnson AD, Mathias RA, Blackwell TW, Abecasis GR, Smith AV, Kang HM, Satpathy AT, Natarajan P, Kitzman JO, Whitsel EA, Reiner AP, Bick AG, Jaiswal S. Aberrant activation of TCL1A promotes stem cell expansion in clonal haematopoiesis. Nature. 2023 ;616(7958):755-763.