Long Read Sequencing Request at the BCM-HGSC

The Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center (BCM-HGSC) team is offering long read sequencing to those interested. Please see sample quantity and quality requirements below.

DNA quality is critical to performance and final results.

The BCM-HGSC is offering the below applications for each platform:

Instrument: Pacific Biosciences Sequel II

Applications Minimum DNA (by Qubit) QC Requirements
Whole Genome Sequencing - CLR 3-5 ug >50 Kb; 260/280 >1.8; 260/230>2.0
Whole Genome Sequencing - HiFi 10-15 ug
Amplicon (1-20 Kb) 100 ng/amplicon
Whole Genome Sequencing - Microbial 1 ug/sample >80% gDNA >20 kb; 260/280 >1.8; 260/230>2.0
16S 0.05 ng - 5 ng/sample 260/280 >1.8; 260/230>2.0
RNA Iso-Seq 500 ng - 1 ug RIN≥7.0 

Instrument: Oxford Nanopore PromethION

Applications Minimum DNA (by Qubit) QC Requirements
Whole Genome Sequencing  3 ug for insert size 15 kb~20 kb; more for larger insert size >50 Kb; 260/280 >1.8; 260/230>2.0 

**DNA or RNA should be suspended in Qiagen Elution Buffer, 10 mM Tris-Cl, pH 8.5.  If needed, we can perform DNA and/or RNA Isolation for blood or tissue samples.

Deliverables: There will be a one-time data transfer for a given project including raw and/or mapped data. Mapped data will only be available for human samples and if a version is provided during sample submission.

Timeline: Project dependent. We will provide an estimate after your sequencing request is submitted.

Keep in mind – the cost of sequencing is reduced when sequencing multiple SMRT/flowcells.

If you are interested please fill out the form below.