Drosophila modENCODE Project

Image source: Botaurus (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

About the project

As part of the Drosophila modENCODE project, we are studying the comparative genomics of eight additional species of Drosophila: biarmipes, bipectinata, elegans, eugracillis, ficusphila, kikkawai, rhopaloa, and takahashii.


The aim is to better identify and annotate conserved sequences within the Drosophila genome.

The modEncode comparative genomics white paper also requests the sequencing of the Oregon R fly strain used for many of the modEncode lab experiments.

We sequenced isolates of the strains used in three modENCODE laboratories (Bloomington, Elgin laboratory, Orr-Weaver laboratory) using an illumina re-sequencing approach. Raw sequences are available on the NCBI BioProject: Drosophila melanogaster page.

Genomic Resources

Eight genome assemblies now available on the NCBI website

  1. D. biarmipes
  2. D. bipectinata

  3. D. elegans

  4. D. eugracilis

  5. D. ficusphila

  6. D. kikkawai

  7. D. takahashii

  8. D. rhopaloa

Additional resources

Web Apollo: A web-based sequence annotation editor for community annotation

For information about Web Apollo, please contact Monica Poelchau.


Updates about the modENCODE genome sequencing are being posted to the modENCODE genomics listserv. Please contact Stephen Richards with your email address to sign up.

Learn more about the modENCODE Project