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Leduc MS, Niu Z, Bi W, Zhu W, Miloslavskaya I, Chiang T, Streff H, Seavitt JR, Murray SA, Eng C, Chan A, Yang Y, Lalani SR. CRIPT exonic deletion and a novel missense mutation in a female with short stature, dysmorphic features, microcephaly, and pigmentary abnormalities. Am J Med Genet A. 2016 ;170(8):2206-11.
Sung YJu, Winkler TW, Manning AK, Aschard H, Gudnason V, Harris TB, Smith AV, Boerwinkle E, Brown MR, Morrison AC, Fornage M, Lin L-A, Richard M, Bartz TM, Psaty BM, Hayward C, Polasek O, Marten J, Rudan I, Feitosa MF, Kraja AT, Province MA, Deng X, Fisher VA, Zhou Y, Bielak LF, Smith J, Huffman JE, Padmanabhan S, Smith BH, Ding J, Liu Y, Lohman K, Bouchard C, Rankinen T, Rice TK, Arnett D, Schwander K, Guo X, Palmas W, Rotter JI, Alfred T, Bottinger EP, Loos RJF, Amin N, Franco OH, van Duijn CM, Vojinovic D, Chasman DI, Ridker PM, Rose LM, Kardia S, Zhu X, Rice K, Borecki IB, Rao DC, W Gauderman J, L Cupples A. An Empirical Comparison of Joint and Stratified Frameworks for Studying G × E Interactions: Systolic Blood Pressure and Smoking in the CHARGE Gene-Lifestyle Interactions Working Group. Genet Epidemiol. 2016 ;40(5):404-15.
Charng W-L, Karaca E, Akdemir ZCoban, Gambin T, Atik MM, Gu S, Posey JE, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Doddapaneni H, Hu J, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Rosenfeld JA, Cui H, Xia F, Manickam K, Yang Y, Faqeih EA, Asmari AAl, Saleh MAM, El-Hattab AW, Lupski JR. Exome sequencing in mostly consanguineous Arab families with neurologic disease provides a high potential molecular diagnosis rate. BMC Med Genomics. 2016 ;9(1):42.
Huang J, Wang K, Wei P, Liu X, Liu X, Tan K, Boerwinkle E, Potash JB, Han S. FLAGS: A Flexible and Adaptive Association Test for Gene Sets Using Summary Statistics. Genetics. 2016 ;202(3):919-29.
Kaiser TS, Poehn B, Szkiba D, Preussner M, Sedlazeck FJ, Zrim A, Neumann T, Nguyen L-T, Betancourt AJ, Hummel T, Vogel H, Dorner S, Heyd F, von Haeseler A, Tessmar-Raible K. The genomic basis of circadian and circalunar timing adaptations in a midge. Nature. 2016 ;540(7631):69-73.
Loviglio MNicla, Beck CR, White JJ, Leleu M, Harel T, Guex N, Niknejad A, Bi W, Chen ES, Crespo I, Yan J, Charng W-L, Gu S, Fang P, Coban-Akdemir Z, Shaw CA, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Rougemont J, Xenarios I, Lupski JR, Reymond A. Identification of a RAI1-associated disease network through integration of exome sequencing, transcriptomics, and 3D genomics. Genome Med. 2016 ;8(1):105.
Coppieters F, Ascari G, Dannhausen K, Nikopoulos K, Peelman F, Karlstetter M, Xu M, Brachet C, Meunier I, Tsilimbaris MK, Tsika C, Blazaki SV, Vergult S, Farinelli P, Van Laethem T, Bauwens M, De Bruyne M, Chen R, Langmann T, Sui R, Meire F, Rivolta C, Hamel CP, Leroy BP, De Baere E. Isolated and Syndromic Retinal Dystrophy Caused by Biallelic Mutations in RCBTB1, a Gene Implicated in Ubiquitination. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 ;99(2):470-80.
Eldomery MK, Akdemir ZC, Vögtle F-N, Charng W-L, Mulica P, Rosenfeld JA, Gambin T, Gu S, Burrage LC, Shamsi AAl, Penney S, Jhangiani SN, Zimmerman HH, Muzny DM, Wang X, Tang J, Medikonda R, Ramachandran PV, Wong L-J, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Eng CM, Lalani SR, Hertecant J, Rodenburg RJ, Abdul-Rahman OA, Yang Y, Xia F, Wang MC, Lupski JR, Meisinger C, V Sutton R. MIPEP recessive variants cause a syndrome of left ventricular non-compaction, hypotonia, and infantile death. Genome Med. 2016 ;8(1):106.
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Gawlinski P, Posmyk R, Gambin T, Sielicka D, Chorazy M, Nowakowska B, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Bekiesinska-Figatowska M, Bal J, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR, Wiszniewski W. PEHO Syndrome May Represent Phenotypic Expansion at the Severe End of the Early-Onset Encephalopathies. Pediatr Neurol. 2016 ;60:83-7.
Szafranski P, Coban-Akdemir ZH, Rupps R, Grazioli S, Wensley D, Jhangiani SN, Popek E, Lee AF, Lupski JR, Boerkoel CF, Stankiewicz P. Phenotypic expansion of TBX4 mutations to include acinar dysplasia of the lungs. Am J Med Genet A. 2016 ;170(9):2440-4.
Jakobsdottir J, van der Lee SJ, Bis JC, Chouraki V, Li-Kroeger D, Yamamoto S, Grove ML, Naj A, Vronskaya M, Salazar JL, DeStefano AL, Brody JA, Smith AV, Amin N, Sims R, Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Choi S-H, Satizabal CL, Lopez OL, Beiser A, M Ikram A, Garcia ME, Hayward C, Varga TV, Ripatti S, Franks PW, Hallmans G, Rolandsson O, Jansson J-H, Porteous DJ, Salomaa V, Eiriksdottir G, Rice KM, Bellen HJ, Levy D, Uitterlinden AG, Emilsson V, Rotter JI, Aspelund T, O'Donnell CJ, Fitzpatrick AL, Launer LJ, Hofman A, San Wang L-, Williams J, Schellenberg GD, Boerwinkle E, Psaty BM, Seshadri S, Shulman JM, Gudnason V, van Duijn CM. Rare Functional Variant in TM2D3 is Associated with Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease. PLoS Genet. 2016 ;12(10):e1006327.
Harel T, Yoon WHee, Garone C, Gu S, Coban-Akdemir Z, Eldomery MK, Posey JE, Jhangiani SN, Rosenfeld JA, Cho MT, Fox S, Withers M, Brooks SM, Chiang T, Duraine L, Erdin S, Yuan B, Shao Y, Moussallem E, Lamperti C, Donati MA, Smith JD, McLaughlin HM, Eng CM, Walkiewicz M, Xia F, Pippucci T, Magini P, Seri M, Zeviani M, Hirano M, Hunter JV, Srour M, Zanigni S, Lewis RAlan, Muzny DM, Lotze TE, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Hickey SE, Graham BH, Yang Y, Buhas D, Martin DM, Potocki L, Graziano C, Bellen HJ, Lupski JR. Recurrent De Novo and Biallelic Variation of ATAD3A, Encoding a Mitochondrial Membrane Protein, Results in Distinct Neurological Syndromes. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 ;99(4):831-845.
Wei P, Cao Y, Zhang Y, Xu Z, Kwak I-Y, Boerwinkle E, Pan W. On Robust Association Testing for Quantitative Traits and Rare Variants. G3 (Bethesda). 2016 ;6(12):3941-3950.
Prescott TE, Kulseth MAnn, Heimdal KR, Stadheim B, Hopp E, Gambin T, Akdemir ZHCoban, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR, Stray-Pedersen A. Two male sibs with severe micrognathia and a missense variant in MED12. Eur J Med Genet. 2016 ;59(8):367-72.
James RA, Campbell IM, Chen ES, Boone PM, Rao MA, Bainbridge MN, Lupski JR, Yang Y, Eng CM, Posey JE, Shaw CA. A visual and curatorial approach to clinical variant prioritization and disease gene discovery in genome-wide diagnostics. Genome Med. 2016 ;8(1):13.
Bi W, Glass IA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Eng CM, Yang Y, Sun A. Whole exome sequencing identifies the first STRADA point mutation in a patient with polyhydramnios, megalencephaly, and symptomatic epilepsy syndrome (PMSE). Am J Med Genet A. 2016 ;170(8):2181-5.
Seco CZazo, de Castro LSerrão, van Nierop JW, Morín M, Jhangiani S, Verver EJJ, Schraders M, Maiwald N, Wesdorp M, Venselaar H, Spruijt L, Oostrik J, Schoots J, van Reeuwijk J, Lelieveld SH, Huygen PLM, Insenser M, Admiraal RJC, Pennings RJE, Hoefsloot LH, Arias-Vásquez A, de Ligt J, Yntema HG, Jansen JH, Muzny DM, Huls G, van Rossum MM, Lupski JR, Moreno-Pelayo MAngel, Kunst HPM, Kremer H. Allelic Mutations of KITLG, Encoding KIT Ligand, Cause Asymmetric and Unilateral Hearing Loss and Waardenburg Syndrome Type 2. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 ;97(5):647-60.
Li AH, Morrison AC, Kovar C, L Cupples A, Brody JA, Polfus LM, Yu B, Metcalf GA, Muzny DM, Veeraraghavan N, Liu X, Lumley T, Mosley TH, Gibbs RA, Boerwinkle E. Analysis of loss-of-function variants and 20 risk factor phenotypes in 8,554 individuals identifies loci influencing chronic disease. Nat Genet. 2015 ;47(6):640-2.
Nikpay M, Goel A, Won H-H, Hall LM, Willenborg C, Kanoni S, Saleheen D, Kyriakou T, Nelson CP, Hopewell JC, Webb TR, Zeng L, Dehghan A, Alver M, Armasu SM, Auro K, Bjonnes A, Chasman DI, Chen S, Ford I, Franceschini N, Gieger C, Grace C, Gustafsson S, Huang J, Hwang S-J, Kim YKyoung, Kleber ME, Lau KWai, Lu X, Lu Y, Lyytikäinen L-P, Mihailov E, Morrison AC, Pervjakova N, Qu L, Rose LM, Salfati E, Saxena R, Scholz M, Smith AV, Tikkanen E, Uitterlinden A, Yang X, Zhang W, Zhao W, de Andrade M, de Vries PS, Van Zuydam NR, Anand SS, Bertram L, Beutner F, Dedoussis G, Frossard P, Gauguier D, Goodall AH, Gottesman O, Haber M, Han B-G, Huang J, Jalilzadeh S, Kessler T, König IR, Lannfelt L, Lieb W, Lind L, Lindgren CM, Lokki M-L, Magnusson PK, Mallick NH, Mehra N, Meitinger T, Memon F-U-R, Morris AP, Nieminen MS, Pedersen NL, Peters A, Rallidis LS, Rasheed A, Samuel M, Shah SH, Sinisalo J, Stirrups KE, Trompet S, Wang L, Zaman KS, Ardissino D, Boerwinkle E, Borecki IB, Bottinger EP, Buring JE, Chambers JC, Collins R, L Cupples A, Danesh J, Demuth I, Elosua R, Epstein SE, Esko T, Feitosa MF, Franco OH, Franzosi MGrazia, Granger CB, Gu D, Gudnason V, Hall AS, Hamsten A, Harris TB, Hazen SL, Hengstenberg C, Hofman A, Ingelsson E, Iribarren C, J Jukema W, Karhunen PJ, Kim B-J, Kooner JS, Kullo IJ, Lehtimäki T, Loos RJF, Melander O, Metspalu A, Marz W, Palmer CN, Perola M, Quertermous T, Rader DJ, Ridker PM, Ripatti S, Roberts R, Salomaa V, Sanghera DK, Schwartz SM, Seedorf U, Stewart AF, Stott DJ, Thiery J, Zalloua PA, O'Donnell CJ, Reilly MP, Assimes TL, Thompson JR, Erdmann J, Clarke R, Watkins H, Kathiresan S, McPherson R, Deloukas P, Schunkert H, Samani NJ, Farrall M. A comprehensive 1,000 Genomes-based genome-wide association meta-analysis of coronary artery disease. Nat Genet. 2015 ;47(10):1121-1130.
Jiang L, Liang X, Li Y, Wang J, Zaneveld JEric, Wang H, Xu S, Wang K, Wang B, Chen R, Sui R. Comprehensive molecular diagnosis of 67 Chinese Usher syndrome probands: high rate of ethnicity specific mutations in Chinese USH patients. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2015 ;10:110.
Wang H, Wang X, Zou X, Xu S, Li H, Soens ZTore, Wang K, Li Y, Dong F, Chen R, Sui R. Comprehensive Molecular Diagnosis of a Large Chinese Leber Congenital Amaurosis Cohort. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2015 ;56(6):3642-55.
Foote AD, Liu Y, Thomas GWC, Vinar T, Alföldi J, Deng J, Dugan S, van Elk CE, Hunter ME, Joshi V, Khan Z, Kovar C, Lee SL, Lindblad-Toh K, Mancia A, Nielsen R, Qin X, Qu J, Raney BJ, Vijay N, Wolf JBW, Hahn MW, Muzny DM, Worley KC, M Gilbert TP, Gibbs RA. Convergent evolution of the genomes of marine mammals. Nat Genet. 2015 ;47(3):272-5.
Cheng J, Sedlazeck FJ, Altmüller J, Nolte AW. Ectodysplasin signalling genes and phenotypic evolution in sculpins (Cottus). Proc Biol Sci. 2015 ;282(1815).
Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Harel T, Gambin T, Kousi M, Griffin LB, Francescatto L, Ozes B, Karaca E, Jhangiani SN, Bainbridge MN, Lawson KS, Pehlivan D, Okamoto Y, Withers M, Mancias P, Slavotinek A, Reitnauer PJ, Goksungur MT, Shy M, Crawford TO, Koenig M, Willer J, Flores BN, Pediaditrakis I, Us O, Wiszniewski W, Parman Y, Antonellis A, Muzny DM, Katsanis N, Battaloglu E, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR. Exome Sequence Analysis Suggests that Genetic Burden Contributes to Phenotypic Variability and Complex Neuropathy. Cell Rep. 2015 ;12(7):1169-83.