missense mutations in Xia-Gibbs syndrome.

Title missense mutations in Xia-Gibbs syndrome.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2021
AuthorsKhayat, MM, Hu, J, Jiang, Y, Li, H, Chander, V, Dawood, M, Hansen, AW, Li, S, Friedman, J, Cross, L, Bijlsma, EK, Ruivenkamp, CAL, Sansbury, FH, Innis, JW, O'Shea, JOmark, Meng, Q, Rosenfeld, JA, McWalter, K, Wangler, MF, Lupski, JR, Posey, JE, Murdock, DR, Gibbs, RA
JournalHGG Adv
Date Published2021 Oct 14

Xia-Gibbs syndrome (XGS; MIM: 615829) is a phenotypically heterogeneous neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) caused by newly arising mutations in the AT-Hook DNA-Binding Motif-Containing 1 () gene that are predicted to lead to truncated AHDC1 protein synthesis. More than 270 individuals have been diagnosed with XGS worldwide. Despite the absence of an independent assay for AHDC1 protein function to corroborate potential functional consequences of rare variant genetic findings, there are also reports of individuals with XGS-like trait manifestations who have missense mutations and who have been provided a molecular diagnosis of the disorder. To investigate a potential contribution of missense mutations to XGS, we mapped the missense mutations from 10 such individuals to the AHDC1 conserved protein domain structure and detailed the observed phenotypes. Five newly identified individuals were ascertained from a local XGS Registry, and an additional five were taken from external reports or databases, including one publication. Where clinical data were available, individuals with missense mutations all displayed phenotypes consistent with those observed in individuals with truncating mutations, including delayed motor milestones, intellectual disability (ID), hypotonia, and speech delay. A subset of the 10 reported missense mutations cluster in two regions of the AHDC1 protein with known conserved domains, likely representing functional motifs. Variants outside the clustered regions score lower for computational prediction of their likely damaging effects. Overall, missense variants in are likely diagnostic of XGS when analysis of their position relative to conserved regions is considered together with disease trait manifestations.

Alternate JournalHGG Adv
PubMed ID34950897
PubMed Central IDPMC8694554
Grant ListK08 HG008986 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
R35 NS105078 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
U01 HG011758 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States
UM1 HG008898 / HG / NHGRI NIH HHS / United States