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Journal Article
Xu M, Eblimit A, Wang J, Li J, Wang F, Zhao L, Wang X, Xiao N, Li Y, Wong L-JC, Lewis RA, Chen R. ADIPOR1 Is Mutated in Syndromic Retinitis Pigmentosa. Hum Mutat. 2016 ;37(3):246-9.
Khanna H, Davis EE, Murga-Zamalloa CA, Estrada-Cuzcano A, Lopez I, Hollander AI den, Zonneveld MN, Othman MI, Waseem N, Chakarova CF, Maubaret C, Diaz-Font A, MacDonald I, Muzny DM, Wheeler DA, Morgan M, Lewis LR, Logan CV, Tan PL, Beer MA, Inglehearn CF, Lewis RA, Jacobson SG, Bergmann C, Beales PL, Attié-Bitach T, Johnson CA, Otto EA, Bhattacharya SS, Hildebrandt F, Gibbs RA, Koenekoop RK, Swaroop A, Katsanis N. A common allele in RPGRIP1L is a modifier of retinal degeneration in ciliopathies. Nat Genet. 2009 ;41(6):739-45.
Chaki M, Airik R, Ghosh AK, Giles RH, Chen R, Slaats GG, Wang H, Hurd TW, Zhou W, Cluckey A, Gee HYung, Ramaswami G, Hong C-J, Hamilton BA, Cervenka I, Ganji RSri, Bryja V, Arts HH, van Reeuwijk J, Oud MM, Letteboer SJF, Roepman R, Husson H, Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya O, Yasunaga T, Walz G, Eley L, Sayer JA, Schermer B, Liebau MC, Benzing T, Le Corre S, Drummond I, Janssen S, Allen SJ, Natarajan S, O'Toole JF, Attanasio M, Saunier S, Antignac C, Koenekoop RK, Ren H, Lopez I, Nayir A, Stoetzel C, Dollfus H, Massoudi R, Gleeson JG, Andreoli SP, Doherty DG, Lindstrad A, Golzio C, Katsanis N, Pape L, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi AA, Lewis RA, Omran H, Lee EY-HP, Wang S, Sekiguchi JM, Saunders R, Johnson CA, Garner E, Vanselow K, Andersen JS, Shlomai J, Nurnberg G, Nurnberg P, Levy S, Smogorzewska A, Otto EA, Hildebrandt F. Exome capture reveals ZNF423 and CEP164 mutations, linking renal ciliopathies to DNA damage response signaling. Cell. 2012 ;150(3):533-48.
Mao K, Borel C, Ansar M, Jolly A, Makrythanasis P, Froehlich C, Iwaszkiewicz J, Wang B, Xu X, Li Q, Blanc X, Zhu H, Chen Q, Jin F, Ankamreddy H, Singh S, Zhang H, Wang X, Chen P, Ranza E, Paracha SAziz, Shah SFahim, Guida V, Piceci-Sparascio F, Melis D, Dallapiccola B, Digilio MCristina, Novelli A, Magliozzi M, Fadda MTeresa, Streff H, Machol K, Lewis RA, Zoete V, Squeo GMaria, Prontera P, Mancano G, Gori G, Mariani M, Selicorni A, Psoni S, Fryssira H, Douzgou S, Marlin S, Biskup S, De Luca A, Merla G, Zhao S, Cox TC, Groves AK, Lupski JR, Zhang Q, Zhang Y-B, Antonarakis SE. FOXI3 pathogenic variants cause one form of craniofacial microsomia. Nat Commun. 2023 ;14(1):2026.
M Poli C, Ebstein F, Nicholas SK, de Guzman MM, Forbes LR, Chinn IK, Mace EM, Vogel TP, Carisey AF, Benavides F, Coban-Akdemir ZH, Gibbs RA, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Carvalho CMB, Schady DA, Jain M, Rosenfeld JA, Emrick L, Lewis RA, Lee B, Zieba BA, Küry S, Krüger E, Lupski JR, Bostwick BL, Orange JS. Heterozygous Truncating Variants in POMP Escape Nonsense-Mediated Decay and Cause a Unique Immune Dysregulatory Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 ;102(6):1126-1142.
Boone PM, Yuan B, Gu S, Ma Z, Gambin T, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Jain M, Murdock TJ, White JJ, Jhangiani SN, Walker K, Wang Q, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, J Hejtmancik F, Lupski JR, Posey JE, Lewis RA. Hutterite-type cataract maps to chromosome 6p21.32-p21.31, cosegregates with a homozygous mutation in LEMD2, and is associated with sudden cardiac death. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2016 ;4(1):77-94.
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Bosch DGM, F Boonstra N, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Xu M, de Ligt J, Jhangiani S, Wiszniewski W, Muzny DM, Yntema HG, Pfundt R, Vissers LELM, Spruijt L, Blokland EAW, Chen C-A, Lewis RA, Tsai SY, Gibbs RA, Tsai M-J, Lupski JR, Zoghbi HY, Cremers FPM, de Vries BBA, Schaaf CP. NR2F1 mutations cause optic atrophy with intellectual disability. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(2):303-9.
Yuan Z, Li B, Xu M, Chang EY, Li H, Yang L, Wu S, Soens ZT, Li Y, Wong L-JC, Lewis RA, Sui R, Chen R. The phenotypic variability of HK1-associated retinal dystrophy. Sci Rep. 2017 ;7(1):7051.
Lindstrand A, Davis EE, Carvalho CMB, Pehlivan D, Willer JR, Tsai I-C, Ramanathan S, Zuppan C, Sabo A, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Liu P, Lewis RA, Banin E, Lupski JR, Clark R, Katsanis N. Recurrent CNVs and SNVs at the NPHP1 locus contribute pathogenic alleles to Bardet-Biedl syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(5):745-54.
Magoulas PL, Shchelochkov OA, Bainbridge MN, Ben-Shachar S, Yatsenko S, Potocki L, Lewis RA, Searby C, Marcogliese AN, M Elghetany T, Zapata G, Hernández PP, Gadkari M, Einhaus D, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Bertuch AA, Scott DA, Corvera S, Franco LM. Syndromic congenital myelofibrosis associated with a loss-of-function variant in . Blood. 2018 ;132(6):658-662.
Davis EE, Zhang Q, Liu Q, Diplas BH, Davey LM, Hartley J, Stoetzel C, Szymanska K, Ramaswami G, Logan CV, Muzny DM, Young AC, Wheeler DA, Cruz P, Morgan M, Lewis LR, Cherukuri P, Maskeri B, Hansen NF, Mullikin JC, Blakesley RW, Bouffard GG, Gyapay G, Rieger S, Tönshoff B, Kern I, Soliman NA, Neuhaus TJ, Swoboda KJ, Kayserili H, Gallagher TE, Lewis RA, Bergmann C, Otto EA, Saunier S, Scambler PJ, Beales PL, Gleeson JG, Maher ER, Attié-Bitach T, Dollfus H, Johnson CA, Green ED, Gibbs RA, Hildebrandt F, Pierce EA, Katsanis N. TTC21B contributes both causal and modifying alleles across the ciliopathy spectrum. Nat Genet. 2011 ;43(3):189-96.
Wang X, Wang H, Cao M, Li Z, Chen X, Patenia C, Gore A, Abboud EB, Al-Rajhi AA, Lewis RA, Lupski JR, Mardon G, Zhang K, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Chen R. Whole-exome sequencing identifies ALMS1, IQCB1, CNGA3, and MYO7A mutations in patients with Leber congenital amaurosis. Hum Mutat. 2011 ;32(12):1450-9.