
Filters: Author is Paulin, Luis F  [Clear All Filters]
Paulin LF, Fan J, O'Neill K, Pleasance E, Porter VL, Jones SJM, Sedlazeck FJ. The benefit of a complete reference genome for cancer structural variant analysis. medRxiv. 2024 ;.
Smolka M, Paulin LF, Grochowski CM, Horner DW, Mahmoud M, Behera S, Kalef-Ezra E, Gandhi M, Hong K, Pehlivan D, Scholz SW, Carvalho CMB, Proukakis C, Sedlazeck FJ. Detection of mosaic and population-level structural variants with Sniffles2. Nat Biotechnol. 2024 ;.
Chen N-C, Paulin LF, Sedlazeck FJ, Koren S, Phillippy AM, Langmead B. Improved sequence mapping using a complete reference genome and lift-over. Nat Methods. 2024 ;21(1):41-49.
Grochowski CM, Bengtsson JD, Du H, Gandhi M, Lun MYin, Mehaffey MG, Park KH, Höps W, Benito E, Hasenfeld P, Korbel JO, Mahmoud M, Paulin LF, Jhangiani SN, Hwang JPaul, Bhamidipati SV, Muzny DM, Fatih JM, Gibbs RA, Pendleton M, Harrington E, Juul S, Lindstrand A, Sedlazeck FJ, Pehlivan D, Lupski JR, Carvalho CMB. Inverted triplications formed by iterative template switches generate structural variant diversity at genomic disorder loci. Cell Genom. 2024 ;4(7):100590.
Smolka M, Paulin LF, Grochowski CM, Horner DW, Mahmoud M, Behera S, Kalef-Ezra E, Gandhi M, Hong K, Pehlivan D, Scholz SW, Carvalho CMB, Proukakis C, Sedlazeck FJ. Publisher Correction: Detection of mosaic and population-level structural variants with Sniffles2. Nat Biotechnol. 2024 ;.
Rhie A, Nurk S, Cechova M, Hoyt SJ, Taylor DJ, Altemose N, Hook PW, Koren S, Rautiainen M, Alexandrov IA, Allen J, Asri M, Bzikadze AV, Chen N-C, Chin C-S, Diekhans M, Flicek P, Formenti G, Fungtammasan A, Girón CGarcía, Garrison E, Gershman A, Gerton JL, Grady PGS, Guarracino A, Haggerty L, Halabian R, Hansen NF, Harris R, Hartley GA, Harvey WT, Haukness M, Heinz J, Hourlier T, Hubley RM, Hunt SE, Hwang S, Jain M, Kesharwani RK, Lewis AP, Li H, Logsdon GA, Lucas JK, Makalowski W, Markovic C, Martin FJ, Cartney AMMc, McCoy RC, McDaniel J, McNulty BM, Medvedev P, Mikheenko A, Munson KM, Murphy TD, Olsen HE, Olson ND, Paulin LF, Porubsky D, Potapova T, Ryabov F, Salzberg SL, Sauria MEG, Sedlazeck FJ, Shafin K, Shepelev VA, Shumate A, Storer JM, Surapaneni L, Oill AMTaravell, Thibaud-Nissen F, Timp W, Tomaszkiewicz M, Vollger MR, Walenz BP, Watwood AC, Weissensteiner MH, Wenger AM, Wilson MA, Zarate S, Zhu Y, Zook JM, Eichler EE, O'Neill RJ, Schatz MC, Miga KH, Makova KD, Phillippy AM. The complete sequence of a human Y chromosome. Nature. 2023 ;621(7978):344-354.
Behera S, LeFaive J, Orchard P, Mahmoud M, Paulin LF, Farek J, Soto DC, Parker SCJ, Smith AV, Dennis MY, Zook JM, Sedlazeck FJ. FixItFelix: improving genomic analysis by fixing reference errors. Genome Biol. 2023 ;24(1):31.
Paulin LF, Raveendran M, Harris RA, Rogers J, von Haeseler A, Sedlazeck FJ. SVhound: detection of regions that harbor yet undetected structural variation. BMC Bioinformatics. 2023 ;24(1):23.