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Gong B, Li D, Kusko R, Novoradovskaya N, Zhang Y, Wang S, Pabón-Peña C, Zhang Z, Lai K, Cai W, LoCoco JS, Lader E, Richmond TA, Mittal VK, Liu L-C, Johann DJ, Willey JC, Bushel PR, Yu Y, Xu C, Chen G, Burgess D, Cawley S, Giorda K, Haseley N, Qiu F, Wilkins K, Arib H, Attwooll C, Babson K, Bao L, Bao W, Lucas ABergstrom, Best H, Bhandari A, Bisgin H, Blackburn J, Blomquist TM, Boardman L, Burgher B, Butler DJ, Chang C-J, Chaubey A, Chen T, Chierici M, Chin CR, Close D, Conroy J, Coleman JCooley, Craig DJ, Crawford E, Del Pozo A, Deveson IW, Duncan D, Eterovic AKarina, Fan X, Foox J, Furlanello C, Ghosal A, Glenn S, Guan M, Haag C, Hang X, Happe S, Hennigan B, Hipp J, Hong H, Horvath K, Hu J, Hung L-Y, Jarosz M, Kerkhof J, Kipp B, Kreil DPhilip, Łabaj P, Lapunzina P, Li P, Li Q-Z, Li W, Li Z, Liang Y, Liu S, Liu Z, Ma C, Marella N, Martín-Arenas R, Megherbi DB, Meng Q, Mieczkowski PA, Morrison T, Muzny DM, Ning B, Parsons BL, Paweletz CP, Pirooznia M, Qu W, Raymond A, Rindler P, Ringler R, Sadikovic B, Scherer A, Schulze E, Sebra R, Shaknovich R, Shi Q, Shi T, Silla-Castro JCarlos, Smith M, López MSolís, Song P, Stetson D, Strahl M, Stuart A, Supplee J, Szankasi P, Tan H, Tang L-Y, Tao Y, Thakkar S, Thierry-Mieg D, Thierry-Mieg J, Thodima VJ, Thomas D, Tichý B, Tom N, Garcia EVallespin, Verma S, Walker K, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Y, Wen Z, Wirta V, Wu L, Xiao C, Xiao W, Xu S, Yang M, Ying J, Yip SH, Zhang G, Zhang S, Zhao M, Zheng Y, Zhou X, Mason CE, Mercer T, Tong W, Shi L, Jones W, Xu J. Cross-oncopanel study reveals high sensitivity and accuracy with overall analytical performance depending on genomic regions. Genome Biol. 2021 ;22(1):109.