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Journal Article
Burrage LC, Charng W-L, Eldomery MK, Willer JR, Davis EE, Lugtenberg D, Zhu W, Leduc MS, Akdemir ZC, Azamian M, Zapata G, Hernandez PP, Schoots J, de Munnik SA, Roepman R, Pearring JN, Jhangiani S, Katsanis N, Vissers LELM, Brunner HG, Beaudet AL, Rosenfeld JA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Eng CM, Xia F, Lalani SR, Lupski JR, Bongers EMHF, Yang Y. De Novo GMNN Mutations Cause Autosomal-Dominant Primordial Dwarfism Associated with Meier-Gorlin Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 ;97(6):904-13.
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Eblimit A, Nguyen T-MT, Chen Y, Esteve-Rudd J, Zhong H, Letteboer S, van Reeuwijk J, Simons DL, Ding Q, Wu KMan, Li Y, Van Beersum S, Moayedi Y, Xu H, Pickard P, Wang K, Gan L, Wu SM, Williams DS, Mardon G, Roepman R, Chen R. Spata7 is a retinal ciliopathy gene critical for correct RPGRIP1 localization and protein trafficking in the retina. Hum Mol Genet. 2015 ;24(6):1584-601.
Dharmat R, Eblimit A, Robichaux MA, Zhang Z, Nguyen T-MT, Jung SYun, He F, Jain A, Li Y, Qin J, Overbeek P, Roepman R, Mardon G, Wensel TG, Chen R. SPATA7 maintains a novel photoreceptor-specific zone in the distal connecting cilium. J Cell Biol. 2018 ;217(8):2851-2865.