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Lu H-C, Tan Q, Rousseaux MWC, Wang W, Kim J-Y, Richman R, Wan Y-W, Yeh S-Y, Patel JM, Liu X, Lin T, Lee Y, Fryer JD, Han J, Chahrour M, Finnell RH, Lei Y, Zurita-Jimenez ME, Ahimaz P, Anyane-Yeboa K, Van Maldergem L, Lehalle D, Jean-Marcais N, Mosca-Boidron A-L, Thevenon J, Cousin MA, Bro DE, Lanpher BC, Klee EW, Alexander N, Bainbridge MN, Orr HT, Sillitoe RV, M Ljungberg C, Liu Z, Schaaf CP, Zoghbi HY. Disruption of the ATXN1-CIC complex causes a spectrum of neurobehavioral phenotypes in mice and humans. Nat Genet. 2017 ;49(4):527-536.
Yamamoto S, Jaiswal M, Charng W-L, Gambin T, Karaca E, Mirzaa G, Wiszniewski W, Sandoval H, Haelterman NA, Xiong B, Zhang K, Bayat V, David G, Li T, Chen K, Gala U, Harel T, Pehlivan D, Penney S, Vissers LELM, de Ligt J, Jhangiani SN, Xie Y, Tsang SH, Parman Y, Sivaci M, Battaloglu E, Muzny DM, Wan Y-W, Liu Z, Lin-Moore AT, Clark RD, Curry CJ, Link N, Schulze KL, Boerwinkle E, Dobyns WB, Allikmets R, Gibbs RA, Chen R, Lupski JR, Wangler MF, Bellen HJ. A drosophila genetic resource of mutants to study mechanisms underlying human genetic diseases. Cell. 2014 ;159(1):200-214.
Patel AJ, Wan Y-W, Al-Ouran R, Revelli J-P, Cardenas MF, Oneissi M, Xi L, Jalali A, Magnotti JF, Muzny DM, Doddapaneni H, Sebastian S, Heck KA, J Goodman C, Gopinath SP, Liu Z, Rao G, Plon SE, Yoshor D, Wheeler DA, Zoghbi HY, Klisch TJ. Molecular profiling predicts meningioma recurrence and reveals loss of DREAM complex repression in aggressive tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 ;116(43):21715-21726.