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Journal Article
Yuan B, Wang L, Liu P, Shaw C, Dai H, Cooper L, Zhu W, Anderson SA, Meng L, Wang X, Wang Y, Xia F, Xiao R, Braxton A, Peacock S, Schmitt E, Ward PA, Vetrini F, He W, Chiang T, Muzny D, Gibbs RA, Beaudet AL, Breman AM, Smith J, Cheung SWai, Bacino CA, Eng CM, Yang Y, Lupski JR, Bi W. CNVs cause autosomal recessive genetic diseases with or without involvement of SNV/indels. Genet Med. 2020 ;22(10):1633-1641.
Vetrini F, McKee S, Rosenfeld JA, Suri M, Lewis AM, Nugent KMargaret, Roeder E, Littlejohn RO, Holder S, Zhu W, Alaimo JT, Graham B, Harris JM, Gibson JB, Pastore M, McBride KL, Komara M, Al-Gazali L, Shamsi AAl, Fanning EA, Wierenga KJ, Scott DA, Ben-Neriah Z, Meiner V, Cassuto H, Elpeleg O, J Holder L, Burrage LC, Seaver LH, Van Maldergem L, Mahida S, Soul JS, Marlatt M, Matyakhina L, Vogt J, Gold J-A, Park S-M, Varghese V, Lampe AK, Kumar A, Lees M, Holder-Espinasse M, McConnell V, Bernhard B, Blair E, Harrison V, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Elsea SH, Posey JE, Bi W, Lalani S, Xia F, Yang Y, Eng CM, Lupski JR, Liu P. Correction to: De novo and inherited TCF20 pathogenic variants are associated with intellectual disability, dysmorphic features, hypotonia, and neurological impairments with similarities to Smith-Magenis syndrome. Genome Med. 2019 ;11(1):16.
Leduc MS, Niu Z, Bi W, Zhu W, Miloslavskaya I, Chiang T, Streff H, Seavitt JR, Murray SA, Eng C, Chan A, Yang Y, Lalani SR. CRIPT exonic deletion and a novel missense mutation in a female with short stature, dysmorphic features, microcephaly, and pigmentary abnormalities. Am J Med Genet A. 2016 ;170(8):2206-11.
Vetrini F, McKee S, Rosenfeld JA, Suri M, Lewis AM, Nugent KMargaret, Roeder E, Littlejohn RO, Holder S, Zhu W, Alaimo JT, Graham B, Harris JM, Gibson JB, Pastore M, McBride KL, Komara M, Al-Gazali L, Shamsi AAl, Fanning EA, Wierenga KJ, Scott DA, Ben-Neriah Z, Meiner V, Cassuto H, Elpeleg O, J Holder L, Burrage LC, Seaver LH, Van Maldergem L, Mahida S, Soul JS, Marlatt M, Matyakhina L, Vogt J, Gold J-A, Park S-M, Varghese V, Lampe AK, Kumar A, Lees M, Holder-Espinasse M, McConnell V, Bernhard B, Blair E, Harrison V, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Elsea SH, Posey JE, Bi W, Lalani S, Xia F, Yang Y, Eng CM, Lupski JR, Liu P. De novo and inherited TCF20 pathogenic variants are associated with intellectual disability, dysmorphic features, hypotonia, and neurological impairments with similarities to Smith-Magenis syndrome. Genome Med. 2019 ;11(1):12.
Burrage LC, Charng W-L, Eldomery MK, Willer JR, Davis EE, Lugtenberg D, Zhu W, Leduc MS, Akdemir ZC, Azamian M, Zapata G, Hernandez PP, Schoots J, de Munnik SA, Roepman R, Pearring JN, Jhangiani S, Katsanis N, Vissers LELM, Brunner HG, Beaudet AL, Rosenfeld JA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Eng CM, Xia F, Lalani SR, Lupski JR, Bongers EMHF, Yang Y. De Novo GMNN Mutations Cause Autosomal-Dominant Primordial Dwarfism Associated with Meier-Gorlin Syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 ;97(6):904-13.
Xia F, Bainbridge MN, Tan TYang, Wangler MF, Scheuerle AE, Zackai EH, Harr MH, V Sutton R, Nalam RL, Zhu W, Nash M, Ryan MM, Yaplito-Lee J, Hunter JV, Deardorff MA, Penney SJ, Beaudet AL, Plon SE, Boerwinkle E, Lupski JR, Eng CM, Muzny DM, Yang Y, Gibbs RA. De novo truncating mutations in AHDC1 in individuals with syndromic expressive language delay, hypotonia, and sleep apnea. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(5):784-9.
Zhang J, Gambin T, Yuan B, Szafranski P, Rosenfeld JA, Balwi MAl, Alswaid A, Al-Gazali L, Shamsi AMAl, Komara M, Ali BR, Roeder E, McAuley L, Roy DS, Manchester DK, Magoulas P, King LE, Hannig V, Bonneau D, Denommé-Pichon A-S, Charif M, Besnard T, Bézieau S, Cogné B, Andrieux J, Zhu W, He W, Vetrini F, Ward PA, Cheung SWai, Bi W, Eng CM, Lupski JR, Yang Y, Patel A, Lalani SR, Xia F, Stankiewicz P. Erratum to: Haploinsufficiency of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase gene TRIP12 causes intellectual disability with or without autism spectrum disorders, speech delay, and dysmorphic features. Hum Genet. 2017 ;136(8):1009-1011.
Zhang J, Gambin T, Yuan B, Szafranski P, Rosenfeld JA, Balwi MAl, Alswaid A, Al-Gazali L, Shamsi AMAl, Komara M, Ali BR, Roeder E, McAuley L, Roy DS, Manchester DK, Magoulas P, King LE, Hannig V, Bonneau D, Denommé-Pichon A-S, Charif M, Besnard T, Bézieau S, Cogné B, Andrieux J, Zhu W, He W, Vetrini F, Ward PA, Cheung SWai, Bi W, Eng CM, Lupski JR, Yang Y, Patel A, Lalani SR, Xia F, Stankiewicz P. Haploinsufficiency of the E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase gene TRIP12 causes intellectual disability with or without autism spectrum disorders, speech delay, and dysmorphic features. Hum Genet. 2017 ;136(4):377-386.
Lalani SR, Zhang J, Schaaf CP, Brown CW, Magoulas P, Tsai AChun-Hui, El-Gharbawy A, Wierenga KJ, Bartholomew D, Fong C-T, Barbaro-Dieber T, Kukolich MK, Burrage LC, Austin E, Keller K, Pastore M, Fernandez F, Lotze T, Wilfong A, Purcarin G, Zhu W, Craigen WJ, McGuire M, Jain M, Cooney E, Azamian M, Bainbridge MN, Muzny DM, Boerwinkle E, Person RE, Niu Z, Eng CM, Lupski JR, Gibbs RA, Beaudet AL, Yang Y, Wang MC, Xia F. Mutations in PURA cause profound neonatal hypotonia, seizures, and encephalopathy in 5q31.3 microdeletion syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;95(5):579-83.
Lalani SR, Liu P, Rosenfeld JA, Watkin LB, Chiang T, Leduc MS, Zhu W, Ding Y, Pan S, Vetrini F, Miyake CY, Shinawi M, Gambin T, Eldomery MK, Akdemir ZHande Coba, Emrick L, Wilnai Y, Schelley S, Koenig MKay, Memon N, Farach LS, Coe BP, Azamian M, Hernandez P, Zapata G, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Lotze T, Clark G, Wilfong A, Northrup H, Adesina A, Bacino CA, Scaglia F, Bonnen PE, Crosson J, Duis J, Maegawa GHB, Coman D, Inwood A, McGill J, Boerwinkle E, Graham B, Beaudet A, Eng CM, Hanchard NA, Xia F, Orange JS, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR, Yang Y. Recurrent Muscle Weakness with Rhabdomyolysis, Metabolic Crises, and Cardiac Arrhythmia Due to Bi-allelic TANGO2 Mutations. Am J Hum Genet. 2016 ;98(2):347-57.
Dai H, Zhu W, Yuan B, Walley N, Schoch K, Jiang Y-H, Phillips JA, Jones MS, Liu P, Murdock DR, Burrage LC, Lee B, Rosenfeld JA, Xiao R. A recurrent single-exon deletion in TBCK might be under-recognized in patients with infantile hypotonia and psychomotor delay. Hum Mutat. 2022 ;43(12):1816-1823.
Chen C-A, Lattier J, Zhu W, Rosenfeld J, Wang L, Scott TM, Du H, Patel V, Dang A, Magoulas P, Streff H, Sebastian J, Svihovec S, Curry K, Delgado MR, Hanchard NA, Lalani S, Marom R, Madan-Khetarpal S, Saenz M, Dai H, Meng L, Xia F, Bi W, Liu P, Posey JE, Scott DA, Lupski JR, Eng CM, Xiao R, Yuan B. Retrospective analysis of a clinical exome sequencing cohort reveals the mutational spectrum and identifies candidate disease-associated loci for BAFopathies. Genet Med. 2022 ;24(2):364-373.
Yuan B, Schulze KV, Batzir NAssia, Sinson J, Dai H, Zhu W, Bocanegra F, Fong C-T, Holder J, Nguyen J, Schaaf CP, Yang Y, Bi W, Eng C, Shaw C, Lupski JR, Liu P. Sequencing individual genomes with recurrent genomic disorder deletions: an approach to characterize genes for autosomal recessive rare disease traits. Genome Med. 2022 ;14(1):113.