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Palesch D, Bosinger SE, Tharp GK, Vanderford TH, Paiardini M, Chahroudi A, Johnson ZP, Kirchhoff F, Hahn BH, Norgren RB, Patel NB, Sodora DL, Dawoud RA, Stewart C-B, Seepo SM, Harris RA, Liu Y, Raveendran M, Han Y, English A, Thomas GWC, Hahn MW, Pipes L, Mason CE, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Sauter D, Worley K, Rogers J, Silvestri G. Sooty mangabey genome sequence provides insight into AIDS resistance in a natural SIV host. Nature. 2018 ;553(7686):77-81.
Butler D, Mozsary C, Meydan C, Foox J, Rosiene J, Shaiber A, Danko D, Afshinnekoo E, MacKay M, Sedlazeck FJ, Ivanov NA, Sierra M, Pohle D, Zietz M, Gisladottir U, Ramlall V, Sholle ET, Schenck EJ, Westover CD, Hassan C, Ryon K, Young B, Bhattacharya C, Ng DL, Granados AC, Santos YA, Servellita V, Federman S, Ruggiero P, Fungtammasan A, Chin C-S, Pearson NM, Langhorst BW, Tanner NA, Kim Y, Reeves JW, Hether TD, Warren SE, Bailey M, Gawrys J, Meleshko D, Xu D, Couto-Rodriguez M, Nagy-Szakal D, Barrows J, Wells H, O'Hara NB, Rosenfeld JA, Chen Y, Steel PAD, Shemesh AJ, Xiang J, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Iftner A, Bezdan D, Sanchez E, Campion TR, Sipley J, Cong L, Craney A, Velu P, Melnick AM, Shapira S, Hajirasouliha I, Borczuk A, Iftner T, Salvatore M, Loda M, Westblade LF, Cushing M, Wu S, Levy S, Chiu C, Schwartz RE, Tatonetti N, Rennert H, Imielinski M, Mason CE. Shotgun transcriptome, spatial omics, and isothermal profiling of SARS-CoV-2 infection reveals unique host responses, viral diversification, and drug interactions. Nat Commun. 2021 ;12(1):1660.
Butler DJ, Mozsary C, Meydan C, Danko D, Foox J, Rosiene J, Shaiber A, Afshinnekoo E, MacKay M, Sedlazeck FJ, Ivanov NA, Sierra M, Pohle D, Zietz M, Gisladottir U, Ramlall V, Westover CD, Ryon K, Young B, Bhattacharya C, Ruggiero P, Langhorst BW, Tanner N, Gawrys J, Meleshko D, Xu D, Steel PAD, Shemesh AJ, Xiang J, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Schwartz RE, Iftner A, Bezdan D, Sipley J, Cong L, Craney A, Velu P, Melnick AM, Hajirasouliha I, Horner SM, Iftner T, Salvatore M, Loda M, Westblade LF, Cushing M, Levy S, Wu S, Tatonetti N, Imielinski M, Rennert H, Mason CE. Shotgun Transcriptome and Isothermal Profiling of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Reveals Unique Host Responses, Viral Diversification, and Drug Interactions. bioRxiv. 2020 ;.
Sapoval N, Mahmoud M, Jochum MD, Liu Y, Elworth RALeo, Wang Q, Albin D, Ogilvie HA, Lee MD, Villapol S, Hernandez KM, Berry IMaljkovic, Foox J, Beheshti A, Ternus K, Aagaard KM, Posada D, Mason CE, Sedlazeck FJ, Treangen TJ. SARS-CoV-2 genomic diversity and the implications for qRT-PCR diagnostics and transmission. Genome Res. 2021 ;31(4):635-644.
Wagner J, Olson ND, Harris L, McDaniel J, Cheng H, Fungtammasan A, Hwang Y-C, Gupta R, Wenger AM, Rowell WJ, Khan ZM, Farek J, Zhu Y, Pisupati A, Mahmoud M, Xiao C, Yoo B, Sahraeian SMohammad E, Miller DE, Jáspez D, Lorenzo-Salazar JM, Muñoz-Barrera A, Rubio-Rodríguez LA, Flores C, Narzisi G, Evani UShanker, Clarke WE, Lee J, Mason CE, Lincoln SE, Miga KH, Ebbert MTW, Shumate A, Li H, Chin C-S, Zook JM, Sedlazeck FJ. Curated variation benchmarks for challenging medically relevant autosomal genes. Nat Biotechnol. 2022 ;40(5):672-680.
Gong B, Li D, Kusko R, Novoradovskaya N, Zhang Y, Wang S, Pabón-Peña C, Zhang Z, Lai K, Cai W, LoCoco JS, Lader E, Richmond TA, Mittal VK, Liu L-C, Johann DJ, Willey JC, Bushel PR, Yu Y, Xu C, Chen G, Burgess D, Cawley S, Giorda K, Haseley N, Qiu F, Wilkins K, Arib H, Attwooll C, Babson K, Bao L, Bao W, Lucas ABergstrom, Best H, Bhandari A, Bisgin H, Blackburn J, Blomquist TM, Boardman L, Burgher B, Butler DJ, Chang C-J, Chaubey A, Chen T, Chierici M, Chin CR, Close D, Conroy J, Coleman JCooley, Craig DJ, Crawford E, Del Pozo A, Deveson IW, Duncan D, Eterovic AKarina, Fan X, Foox J, Furlanello C, Ghosal A, Glenn S, Guan M, Haag C, Hang X, Happe S, Hennigan B, Hipp J, Hong H, Horvath K, Hu J, Hung L-Y, Jarosz M, Kerkhof J, Kipp B, Kreil DPhilip, Łabaj P, Lapunzina P, Li P, Li Q-Z, Li W, Li Z, Liang Y, Liu S, Liu Z, Ma C, Marella N, Martín-Arenas R, Megherbi DB, Meng Q, Mieczkowski PA, Morrison T, Muzny DM, Ning B, Parsons BL, Paweletz CP, Pirooznia M, Qu W, Raymond A, Rindler P, Ringler R, Sadikovic B, Scherer A, Schulze E, Sebra R, Shaknovich R, Shi Q, Shi T, Silla-Castro JCarlos, Smith M, López MSolís, Song P, Stetson D, Strahl M, Stuart A, Supplee J, Szankasi P, Tan H, Tang L-Y, Tao Y, Thakkar S, Thierry-Mieg D, Thierry-Mieg J, Thodima VJ, Thomas D, Tichý B, Tom N, Garcia EVallespin, Verma S, Walker K, Wang C, Wang J, Wang Y, Wen Z, Wirta V, Wu L, Xiao C, Xiao W, Xu S, Yang M, Ying J, Yip SH, Zhang G, Zhang S, Zhao M, Zheng Y, Zhou X, Mason CE, Mercer T, Tong W, Shi L, Jones W, Xu J. Cross-oncopanel study reveals high sensitivity and accuracy with overall analytical performance depending on genomic regions. Genome Biol. 2021 ;22(1):109.