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Journal Article
Morimoto M, Waller-Evans H, Ammous Z, Song X, Strauss KA, Pehlivan D, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Puffenberger EG, Holst CR, Karaca E, Brigatti KW, Maguire E, Coban-Akdemir ZH, Amagata A, C Lau C, Chepa-Lotrea X, Macnamara E, Tos T, Isikay S, Nehrebecky M, Overton JD, Klein M, Markello TC, Posey JE, Adams DR, Lloyd-Evans E, Lupski JR, Gahl WA, Malicdan MChristine. Bi-allelic CCDC47 Variants Cause a Disorder Characterized by Woolly Hair, Liver Dysfunction, Dysmorphic Features, and Global Developmental Delay. Am J Hum Genet. 2018 ;103(5):794-807.
F Frost G, Morimoto M, Sharma P, Ruaud L, Belnap N, Calame DG, Uchiyama Y, Matsumoto N, Oud MM, Ferreira EA, Narayanan V, Rangasamy S, Huentelman M, Emrick LT, Sato-Shirai I, Kumada S, Wolf NI, Steinbach PJ, Huang Y, Pusey BN, Passemard S, Levy J, Drunat S, Vincent M, Guet A, Agolini E, Novelli A, Digilio MCristina, Rosenfeld JA, Murphy JL, Lupski JR, Vezina G, Macnamara EF, Adams DR, Acosta MT, Tifft CJ, Gahl WA, Malicdan MChristine. Bi-allelic SNAPC4 variants dysregulate global alternative splicing and lead to neuroregression and progressive spastic paraparesis. Am J Hum Genet. 2023 ;110(4):663-680.
Karaca E, Harel T, Pehlivan D, Jhangiani SN, Gambin T, Akdemir ZCoban, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Erdin S, Bayram Y, Campbell IM, Hunter JV, Atik MM, Van Esch H, Yuan B, Wiszniewski W, Isikay S, Yesil G, Yuregir OO, Bozdogan STug, Aslan H, Aydin H, Tos T, Aksoy A, De Vivo DC, Jain P, B Geckinli B, Sezer O, Gul D, Durmaz B, Cogulu O, Ozkinay F, Topcu V, Candan S, Cebi AHan, Ikbal M, Gulec EYilmaz, Gezdirici A, Koparir E, Ekici F, Coskun S, Cicek S, Karaer K, Koparir A, Duz MBugrahan, Kirat E, Fenercioglu E, Ulucan H, Seven M, Guran T, Elcioglu N, Yildirim MSelman, Aktas D, Alikaşifoğlu M, Ture M, Yakut T, Overton JD, Yuksel A, Ozen M, Muzny DM, Adams DR, Boerwinkle E, Chung WK, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR. Genes that Affect Brain Structure and Function Identified by Rare Variant Analyses of Mendelian Neurologic Disease. Neuron. 2015 ;88(3):499-513.