
Filters: Author is Muzny, Donna M  [Clear All Filters]
Mahmoud M, Harting J, Corbitt H, Chen X, Jhangiani SN, Doddapaneni H, Meng Q, Han T, Lambert C, Zhang S, Baybayan P, Henno G, Shen H, Hu J, Han Y, Riegler C, Metcalf GA, Henno G, Chinn IK, Eberle MA, Kingan S, Farinholt T, Carvalho CMB, Gibbs RA, Kronenberg Z, Muzny DM, Sedlazeck FJ. Closing the gap: Solving complex medically relevant genes at scale. medRxiv. 2024 ;.
Hu J, Korchina V, Zouk H, Harden MV, Murdock DR, Macbeth A, Harrison SM, Lennon N, Kovar C, Balasubramanian A, Zhang L, Chandanavelli G, Pasham D, Rowley R, Wiley K, Smith ME, Gordon A, Jarvik GP, Sleiman P, Kelly MA, Bland HT, Murugan M, Venner E, Boerwinkle E, Prows C, Mahanta L, Rehm HL, Gibbs RA, Muzny DM. Genetic sex validation for sample tracking in next-generation sequencing clinical testing. BMC Res Notes. 2024 ;17(1):62.
Martin-Giacalone BA, Li H, Scheurer ME, Casey DL, Dugan-Perez S, Marquez-Do DA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Barkauskas DA, Hall D, Stewart DR, Schiffman JD, McEvoy MT, Khan J, Malkin D, Linardic CM, Crompton BD, Shern JF, Skapek SX, Venkatramani R, Hawkins DS, Sabo A, Plon SE, Lupo PJ. Germline Genetic Testing and Survival Outcomes Among Children With Rhabdomyosarcoma: A Report From the Children's Oncology Group. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 ;7(3):e244170.
Du H, Dardas Z, Jolly A, Grochowski CM, Jhangiani SN, Li H, Muzny DM, Fatih JM, Yesil G, Elcioglu NH, Gezdirici A, Marafi D, Pehlivan D, Calame DG, Carvalho CMB, Posey JE, Gambin T, Coban-Akdemir Z, Lupski JR. HMZDupFinder: a robust computational approach for detecting intragenic homozygous duplications from exome sequencing data. Nucleic Acids Res. 2024 ;52(4):e18.
Avadhanula V, Agustinho DPaiva, Menon VKumar, Chemaly RF, Shah DP, Qin X, Surathu A, Doddapaneni H, Muzny DM, Metcalf GA, Cregeen SJavornik, Gibbs RA, Petrosino JF, Sedlazeck FJ, Piedra PA. Inter and intra-host diversity of RSV in hematopoietic stem cell transplant adults with normal and delayed viral clearance. Virus Evol. 2024 ;10(1):vead086.
Grochowski CM, Bengtsson JD, Du H, Gandhi M, Lun MYin, Mehaffey MG, Park KH, Höps W, Benito E, Hasenfeld P, Korbel JO, Mahmoud M, Paulin LF, Jhangiani SN, Hwang JPaul, Bhamidipati SV, Muzny DM, Fatih JM, Gibbs RA, Pendleton M, Harrington E, Juul S, Lindstrand A, Sedlazeck FJ, Pehlivan D, Lupski JR, Carvalho CMB. Inverted triplications formed by iterative template switches generate structural variant diversity at genomic disorder loci. Cell Genom. 2024 ;4(7):100590.
Dardas Z, Fatih JM, Jolly A, Dawood M, Du H, Grochowski CM, Jones EG, Jhangiani SN, Wehrens XHT, Liu P, Bi W, Boerwinkle E, Posey JE, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR, Coban-Akdemir Z, Morris SA. NODAL variants are associated with a continuum of laterality defects from simple D-transposition of the great arteries to heterotaxy. Genome Med. 2024 ;16(1):53.
Lim H, Gingras M-C, Zhao J, Byun J, Castro PD, Tsavachidis S, Hu J, Doddapaneni H, Han Y, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Amos CI, Thrift AP. Somatic mutations of esophageal adenocarcinoma: a comparison between Black and White patients. Sci Rep. 2024 ;14(1):8988.
Dawood M, Akay G, Mitani T, Marafi D, Fatih JM, Gezdirici A, Najmabadi H, Kahrizi K, Punetha J, Grochowski CM, Du H, Jolly A, Li H, Coban-Akdemir Z, Sedlazeck FJ, Hunter JV, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Pehlivan D, Posey JE, Carvalho CMB, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR. A biallelic frameshift indel in PPP1R35 as a cause of primary microcephaly. Am J Med Genet A. 2023 ;191(3):794-804.
Mangum R, Reuther J, Baksi KSen, Gandhi I, Zabriskie RC, Recinos A, Raesz-Martinez R, Lin FY, Potter SL, Sher AC, Kralik SF, Mohila CA, Chintagumpala MM, Muzny DM, Hu J, Gibbs RA, Fisher KE, Bernini JCarlos, Gill J, Griffin TC, Tomlinson GE, Vallance KL, Plon SE, Roy A, D Parsons W. Circulating tumor DNA sequencing of pediatric solid and brain tumor patients: An institutional feasibility study. Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2023 ;40(8):719-738.
Sok P, Sabo A, Almli LM, Jenkins MM, Nembhard WN, Agopian AJ, Bamshad MJ, Blue EE, Brody LC, Brown AL, Browne ML, Canfield MA, Carmichael SL, Chong JX, Dugan-Perez S, Feldkamp ML, Finnell RH, Gibbs RA, Kay DM, Lei Y, Meng Q, Moore CA, Mullikin JC, Muzny DM, Olshan AF, Pangilinan F, Reefhuis J, Romitti PA, Schraw JM, Shaw GM, Werler MM, Harpavat S, Lupo PJ. Exome-wide assessment of isolated biliary atresia: A report from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study using child-parent trios and a case-control design to identify novel rare variants. Am J Med Genet A. 2023 ;191(6):1546-1556.
Hu J, Korchina V, Zouk H, Harden MV, Murdock DR, Macbeth A, Harrison SM, Lennon N, Kovar C, Balasubramanian A, Zhang L, Chandanavelli G, Pasham D, Rowley R, Wiley K, Smith ME, Gordon A, Jarvik GP, Sleiman P, Kelly MA, Bland HT, Murugan M, Venner E, Boerwinkle E, Prows C, Mahanta L, Rehm HL, Gibbs RA, Muzny DM. Genetic Sex Validation for Sample Tracking in Clinical Testing. Res Sq. 2023 ;.
Choi D-J, Armstrong G, Lozzi B, Vijayaraghavan P, Plon SE, Wong TC, Boerwinkle E, Muzny DM, Chen H-C, Gibbs RA, Ostrom QT, Melin B, Deneen B, Bondy ML, Bainbridge MN, Amos CI, Barnholtz-Sloan JS, Bernstein JL, Claus EB, Houlston RS, Il'yasova D, Jenkins RB, Johansen C, Lachance D, Lai R, Melin BS, Merrell RT, Olson SH, Sadetzki S, Schildkraut J, Shete S, Ambrose JC, Arumugam P, Bevers R, Bleda M, Boardman-Pretty F, Boustred CR, Brittain H, Brown MA, Caulfield MJ, Chan GC, Giess A, Griffin JN, Hamblin A, Henderson S, Hubbard TJP, Jackson R, Jones LJ, Kasperaviciute D, Kayikci M, Kousathanas A, Lahnstein L, Lakey A, Leigh SEA, Leong IUS, Lopez FJ, Maleady-Crowe F, McEntagart M, Minneci F, Mitchell J, Moutsianas L, Mueller M, Murugaesu N, Need AC, O'Donovan P, Odhams CA, Patch C, Perez-Gil D, Pereira MB, Pullinger J, Rahim T, Rendon A, Rogers T, Savage K, Sawant K, Scott RH, Siddiq A, Sieghart A, Smith SC, Sosinsky A, Stuckey A, Tanguy M, Tavares ALTaylor, Thomas ERA, Thompson SR, Tucci A, Welland MJ, Williams E, Witkowska K, Wood SM, Zarowiecki M. The genomic landscape of familial glioma. Sci Adv. 2023 ;9(17):eade2675.
Behera S, Belyeu JR, Chen X, Paulin LF, Nguyen NQH, Newman E, Mahmoud M, Menon VK, Qi Q, Joshi P, Marcovina S, Rossi M, Roller E, Han J, Onuchic V, Avery CL, Ballantyne CM, Rodriguez CJ, Kaplan RC, Muzny DM, Metcalf GA, Gibbs RA, Yu B, Boerwinkle E, Eberle MA, Sedlazeck FJ. Identification of allele-specific KIV-2 repeats and impact on Lp(a) measurements for cardiovascular disease risk. bioRxiv. 2023 ;.
Sisoudiya SDushyant, Mishra P, Li H, Schraw JM, Scheurer ME, Salvi S, Doddapaneni H, Muzny DM, Mitchell D, Taylor O, Sabo A, Lupo PJ, Plon SE. Identification of USP9X as a leukemia susceptibility gene. Blood Adv. 2023 ;7(16):4563-4575.
Avadhanula V, Creighton CJ, Ferlic-Stark L, Sucgang R, Zhang Y, Nagaraj D, Nicholson EG, Rajan A, Menon VKumar, Doddapaneni H, Muzny DM, Metcalf GA, Cregeen SJoan Javor, Hoffman KLouise, Gibbs RA, Petrosino J, Piedra PA. Longitudinal host transcriptional responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults with extremely high viral load. bioRxiv. 2023 ;.
Jolly A, Du H, Borel C, Chen N, Zhao S, Grochowski CM, Duan R, Fatih JM, Dawood M, Salvi S, Jhangiani SN, Muzny DM, Koch A, Rouskas K, Glentis S, Deligeoroglou E, Bacopoulou F, Wise CA, Dietrich JE, Van den Veyver IB, Dimas AS, Brucker S, V Sutton R, Gibbs RA, Antonarakis SE, Wu N, Coban-Akdemir ZH, Zhu L, Posey JE, Lupski JR. Rare variant enrichment analysis supports as a contributory driver gene in the etiology of Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome. HGG Adv. 2023 ;4(3):100188.
Locke DP, Hillier LDW, Warren WC, Worley KC, Nazareth LV, Muzny DM, Yang S-P, Wang Z, Chinwalla AT, Minx P, Mitreva M, Cook L, Delehaunty KD, Fronick C, Schmidt H, Fulton LA, Fulton RS, Nelson JO, Magrini V, Pohl C, Graves TA, Markovic C, Cree A, Dinh HH, Hume J, Kovar CL, Fowler GR, Lunter G, Meader S, Heger A, Ponting CP, Marques-Bonet T, Alkan C, Chen L, Cheng Z, Kidd JM, Eichler EE, White S, Searle S, Vilella AJ, Chen Y, Flicek P, Ma J, Raney B, Suh B, Burhans R, Herrero J, Haussler D, Faria R, Fernando O, Darré F, Farré D, Gazave E, Oliva M, Navarro A, Roberto R, Capozzi O, Archidiacono N, Valle GDella, Purgato S, Rocchi M, Konkel MK, Walker JA, Ullmer B, Batzer MA, Smit AFA, Hubley R, Casola C, Schrider DR, Hahn MW, Quesada V, Puente XS, Ordoñez GR, López-Otín C, Vinar T, Brejova B, Ratan A, Harris RS, Miller W, Kosiol C, Lawson HA, Taliwal V, Martins AL, Siepel A, Roychoudhury A, Ma X, Degenhardt J, Bustamante CD, Gutenkunst RN, Mailund T, Dutheil JY, Hobolth A, Schierup MH, Ryder OA, Yoshinaga Y, De Jong PJ, Weinstock GM, Rogers J, Mardis ER, Gibbs RA, Wilson RK. Author Correction: Comparative and demographic analysis of orang-utan genomes. Nature. 2022 ;608(7924):E36.
Scollon S, Eldomery MK, Reuther J, Lin FY, Potter SL, Desrosiers L, McClain KL, Smith V, Su JMeng-Fen, Venkatramani R, Hu J, Korchina V, Zarrin-Khameh N, Gibbs RA, Muzny DM, Eng C, Roy A, D Parsons W, Plon SE. Clinical and molecular features of pediatric cancer patients with Lynch syndrome. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2022 ;69(11):e29859.
Harris RA, Raveendran M, Lyfoung DT, Sedlazeck FJ, Mahmoud M, Prall TM, Karl JA, Doddapaneni H, Meng Q, Han Y, Muzny DM, Wiseman RW, O'Connor DH, Rogers J. Construction of a new chromosome-scale, long-read reference genome assembly for the Syrian hamster, Mesocricetus auratus. Gigascience. 2022 ;11.
Garcia A, Desrosiers L, Scollon S, Gruner S, Reuther J, Gandhi I, Patil N, Fuller MY, Dai H, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Bercaw-Pratt JL, Rao SL, Rainusso N, Fisher KE, Lin FY, Plon SE, D Parsons W, Roy A. Distinct somatic DICER1 hotspot mutations in three metachronous ovarian Sertoli-Leydig cell tumors in a patient with DICER1 syndrome. Cancer Genet. 2022 ;262-263:53-56.
Menon V, Okhuysen PC, Chappell CL, Mahmoud M, Mahmoud M, Meng Q, Doddapaneni H, Vee V, Han Y, Salvi S, Bhamidipati S, Kottapalli K, Weissenberger G, Shen H, Ross MC, Hoffman KL, Cregeen SJavornik, Muzny DM, Metcalf GA, Gibbs RA, Petrosino JF, Sedlazeck FJ. Fully resolved assembly of Cryptosporidium parvum. Gigascience. 2022 ;11.
Forbes LR, Eckstein OS, Gulati N, Peckham-Gregory EC, Ozuah NW, Lubega J, El-Mallawany NK, Agrusa JE, M Poli C, Vogel TP, Chaimowitz NS, Rider NL, Mace EM, Orange JS, Caldwell JW, Aldave-Becerra JC, Jolles S, Saettini F, Chong HJ, Stray-Pedersen A, Heslop HE, Kamdar KY, R Rouce H, Muzny DM, Jhangiani SN, Gibbs RA, Coban-Akdemir ZH, Lupski JR, McClain KL, Allen CE, Chinn IK. Genetic errors of immunity distinguish pediatric nonmalignant lymphoproliferative disorders. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022 ;149(2):758-766.
Hill EJ, Robak LA, Al-Ouran R, Deger J, Fong JC, Vandeventer PJerrod, Schulman E, Rao S, Saade H, Savitt JM, von Coelln R, Desai N, Doddapaneni H, Salvi S, Dugan-Perez S, Muzny DM, McGuire AL, Liu Z, Gibbs RA, Shaw C, Jankovic J, Shulman LM, Shulman JM. Genome Sequencing in the Parkinson Disease Clinic. Neurol Genet. 2022 ;8(4):e200002.
Wang L, Scherer SE, Bielinski SJ, Muzny DM, Jones LA, Black JLogan, Moyer AM, Giri J, Sharp RR, Matey ET, Wright JA, Oyen LJ, Nicholson WT, Wiepert M, Sullard T, Curry TB, Vitek CRRohrer, McAllister TM, St Sauver JL, Caraballo PJ, Lazaridis KN, Venner E, Qin X, Hu J, Kovar CL, Korchina V, Walker K, Doddapaneni H, Wu T-J, Raj R, Denson S, Liu W, Chandanavelli G, Zhang L, Wang Q, Kalra D, Karow MBeth, Harris KJ, Sicotte H, Peterson SE, Barthel AE, Moore BE, Skierka JM, Kluge ML, Kotzer KE, Kloke K, Pol JMVander, Marker H, Sutton JA, Kekic A, Ebenhoh A, Bierle DM, Schuh MJ, Grilli C, Erickson S, Umbreit A, Ward L, Crosby S, Nelson EA, Levey S, Elliott M, Peters SG, Pereira N, Frye M, Shamoun F, Goetz MP, Kullo IJ, Wermers R, Anderson JA, Formea CM, Melik RMEl, Zeuli JD, Herges JR, Krieger CA, Hoel RW, Taraba JL, St Thomas SR, Absah I, Bernard ME, Fink SR, Gossard A, Grubbs PL, Jacobson TM, Takahashi P, Zehe SC, Buckles S, Bumgardner M, Gallagher C, Fee-Schroeder K, Nicholas NR, Powers ML, Ragab AK, Richardson DM, Stai A, Wilson J, Pacyna JE, Olson JE, Sutton EJ, Beck AT, Horrow C, Kalari KR, Larson NB, Liu H, Wang L, Lopes GS, Borah BJ, Freimuth RR, Zhu Y, Jacobson DJ, Hathcock MA, Armasu SM, McGree ME, Jiang R, Koep TH, Ross JL, Hilden MG, Bosse K, Ramey B, Searcy I, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Weinshilboum RM. Implementation of preemptive DNA sequence-based pharmacogenomics testing across a large academic medical center: The Mayo-Baylor RIGHT 10K Study. Genet Med. 2022 ;24(5):1062-1072.