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McKenna DD, Scully ED, Pauchet Y, Hoover K, Kirsch R, Geib SM, Mitchell RF, Waterhouse RM, Ahn S-J, Arsala D, Benoit JB, Blackmon H, Bledsoe T, Bowsher JH, Busch A, Calla B, Chao H, Childers AK, Childers C, Clarke DJ, Cohen L, Demuth JP, Dinh H, Doddapaneni H, Dolan A, Duan JJ, Dugan S, Friedrich M, Glastad KM, Goodisman MAD, Haddad S, Han Y, Hughes DST, Ioannidis P, J Johnston S, Jones JW, Kuhn LA, Lance DR, Lee C-Y, Lee SL, Lin H, Lynch JA, Moczek AP, Murali SC, Muzny DM, Nelson DR, Palli SR, Panfilio KA, Pers D, Poelchau MF, Quan H, Qu J, Ray AM, Rinehart JP, Robertson HM, Roehrdanz R, Rosendale AJ, Shin S, Silva C, Torson AS, Jentzsch IMVargas, Werren JH, Worley KC, Yocum G, Zdobnov EM, Gibbs RA, Richards S. Genome of the Asian longhorned beetle (Anoplophora glabripennis), a globally significant invasive species, reveals key functional and evolutionary innovations at the beetle-plant interface. Genome Biol. 2016 ;17(1):227.
Kolokotronis S-O, Foox J, Rosenfeld JA, Brugler MR, Reeves D, Benoit JB, Booth W, Robison G, Steffen M, Sakas Z, Palli SR, Schal C, Richards S, Narechania A, Baker RH, Sorkin LN, Amato G, Mason CE, Siddall ME, DeSalle R. The mitogenome of the bed bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae). Mitochondrial DNA B Resour. 2016 ;1(1):425-427.
Benoit JB, Adelman ZN, Reinhardt K, Dolan A, Poelchau M, Jennings EC, Szuter EM, Hagan RW, Gujar H, Shukla JNath, Zhu F, Mohan M, Nelson DR, Rosendale AJ, Derst C, Resnik V, Wernig S, Menegazzi P, Wegener C, Peschel N, Hendershot JM, Blenau W, Predel R, Johnston PR, Ioannidis P, Waterhouse RM, Nauen R, Schorn C, Ott M-C, Maiwald F, J Johnston S, Gondhalekar AD, Scharf ME, Peterson BF, Raje KR, Hottel BA, Armisén D, Crumière AJean Johan, Refki PNagui, Santos MEmilia, Sghaier E, Viala S, Khila A, Ahn S-J, Childers C, Lee C-Y, Lin H, Hughes DST, Duncan EJ, Murali SC, Qu J, Dugan S, Lee SL, Chao H, Dinh H, Han Y, Doddapaneni H, Worley KC, Muzny DM, Wheeler D, Panfilio KA, Jentzsch IMVargas, Vargo EL, Booth W, Friedrich M, Weirauch MT, Anderson MAE, Jones JW, Mittapalli O, Zhao C, Zhou J-J, Evans JD, Attardo GM, Robertson HM, Zdobnov EM, Ribeiro JMC, Gibbs RA, Werren JH, Palli SR, Schal C, Richards S. Unique features of a global human ectoparasite identified through sequencing of the bed bug genome. Nat Commun. 2016 ;7:10165.
Papanicolaou A, Schetelig MF, Arensburger P, Atkinson PW, Benoit JB, Bourtzis K, Castañera P, Cavanaugh JP, Chao H, Childers C, Curril I, Dinh H, Doddapaneni H, Dolan A, Dugan S, Friedrich M, Gasperi G, Geib S, Georgakilas G, Gibbs RA, Giers SD, Gomulski LM, González-Guzmán M, Guillem-Amat A, Han Y, Hatzigeorgiou AG, Hernández-Crespo P, Hughes DST, Jones JW, Karagkouni D, Koskinioti P, Lee SL, Malacrida AR, Manni M, Mathiopoulos K, Meccariello A, Munoz-Torres M, Murali SC, Murphy TD, Muzny DM, Oberhofer G, Ortego F, Paraskevopoulou MD, Poelchau M, Qu J, Reczko M, Robertson HM, Rosendale AJ, Rosselot AE, Saccone G, Salvemini M, Savini G, Schreiner P, Scolari F, Siciliano P, Sim SB, Tsiamis G, Ureña E, Vlachos IS, Werren JH, Wimmer EA, Worley KC, Zacharopoulou A, Richards S, Handler AM. The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species. Genome Biol. 2016 ;17(1):192.
Papanicolaou A, Schetelig MF, Arensburger P, Atkinson PW, Benoit JB, Bourtzis K, Castañera P, Cavanaugh JP, Chao H, Childers C, Curril I, Dinh H, Doddapaneni H, Dolan A, Dugan S, Friedrich M, Gasperi G, Geib S, Georgakilas G, Gibbs RA, Giers SD, Gomulski LM, González-Guzmán M, Guillem-Amat A, Han Y, Hatzigeorgiou AG, Hernández-Crespo P, Hughes DST, Jones JW, Karagkouni D, Koskinioti P, Lee SL, Malacrida AR, Manni M, Mathiopoulos K, Meccariello A, Munoz-Torres M, Murali SC, Murphy TD, Muzny DM, Oberhofer G, Ortego F, Paraskevopoulou MD, Poelchau M, Qu J, Reczko M, Robertson HM, Rosendale AJ, Rosselot AE, Saccone G, Salvemini M, Savini G, Schreiner P, Scolari F, Siciliano P, Sim SB, Tsiamis G, Ureña E, Vlachos IS, Werren JH, Wimmer EA, Worley KC, Zacharopoulou A, Richards S, Handler AM. Erratum to: The whole genome sequence of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann), reveals insights into the biology and adaptive evolution of a highly invasive pest species. Genome Biol. 2017 ;18(1):11.
Saha S, Hosmani PS, Villalobos-Ayala K, Miller S, Shippy T, Flores M, Rosendale A, Cordola C, Bell T, Mann H, DeAvila G, DeAvila D, Moore Z, Buller K, Ciolkevich K, Nandyal S, Mahoney R, Van Voorhis J, Dunlevy M, Farrow D, Hunter D, Morgan T, Shore K, Guzman V, Izsak A, Dixon DE, Cridge A, Cano L, Cao X, Jiang H, Leng N, Johnson S, Cantarel BL, Richards S, English A, Shatters RG, Childers C, Chen M-J, Hunter W, Cilia M, Mueller LA, Munoz-Torres M, Nelson D, Poelchau MF, Benoit JB, Wiersma-Koch H, D'Elia T, Brown SJ. Improved annotation of the insect vector of citrus greening disease: biocuration by a diverse genomics community. Database (Oxford). 2017 ;2017.
Armisén D, Rajakumar R, Friedrich M, Benoit JB, Robertson HM, Panfilio KA, Ahn S-J, Poelchau MF, Chao H, Dinh H, Doddapaneni HVardhan, Dugan S, Gibbs RA, Hughes DST, Han Y, Lee SL, Murali SC, Muzny DM, Qu J, Worley KC, Munoz-Torres M, Abouheif E, Bonneton F, Chen T, Chiang L-M, Childers CP, Cridge AG, Crumière AJJ, Decaras A, Didion EM, Duncan EJ, Elpidina EN, Favé M-J, Finet C, Jacobs CGC, Jarvela AMCheatle, Jennings EC, Jones JW, Lesoway MP, Lovegrove MR, Martynov A, Oppert B, Lillico-Ouachour A, Rajakumar A, Refki PNagui, Rosendale AJ, Santos MEmilia, Toubiana W, Van der Zee M, Jentzsch IMVargas, Lowman AVargas, Viala S, Richards S, Khila A. The genome of the water strider Gerris buenoi reveals expansions of gene repertoires associated with adaptations to life on the water. BMC Genomics. 2018 ;19(1):832.
Poynton HC, Hasenbein S, Benoit JB, Sepulveda MS, Poelchau MF, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Chen S, Glastad KM, Goodisman MAD, Werren JH, Vineis JH, Bowen JL, Friedrich M, Jones J, Robertson HM, Feyereisen R, Mechler-Hickson A, Mathers N, Lee CEunmi, Colbourne JK, Biales A, J Johnston S, Wellborn GA, Rosendale AJ, Cridge AG, Munoz-Torres MC, Bain PA, Manny AR, Major KM, Lambert FN, Vulpe CD, Tuck P, Blalock BJ, Lin Y-Y, Smith ME, Ochoa-Acuña H, Chen M-JMay, Childers CP, Qu J, Dugan S, Lee SL, Chao H, Dinh H, Han Y, Doddapaneni H, Worley KC, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Richards S. The Toxicogenome of Hyalella azteca: A Model for Sediment Ecotoxicology and Evolutionary Toxicology. Environ Sci Technol. 2018 ;52(10):6009-6022.
Saha S, Hosmani PS, Villalobos-Ayala K, Miller S, Shippy T, Flores M, Rosendale A, Cordola C, Bell T, Mann H, DeAvila G, DeAvila D, Moore Z, Buller K, Ciolkevich K, Nandyal S, Mahoney R, Van Voorhis J, Dunlevy M, Farrow D, Hunter D, Morgan T, Shore K, Guzman V, Izsak A, Dixon DE, Cridge A, Cano L, Cao X, Jiang H, Leng N, Johnson S, Cantarel BL, Richards S, English A, Shatters RG, Childers C, Chen M-J, Hunter W, Cilia M, Mueller LA, Munoz-Torres M, Nelson D, Poelchau MF, Benoit JB, Wiersma-Koch H, D'Elia T, Brown SJ. Improved annotation of the insect vector of citrus greening disease: biocuration by a diverse genomics community. Database (Oxford). 2019 ;2019.
Panfilio KA, Jentzsch IMVargas, Benoit JB, Erezyilmaz D, Suzuki Y, Colella S, Robertson HM, Poelchau MF, Waterhouse RM, Ioannidis P, Weirauch MT, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Werren JH, Jacobs CGC, Duncan EJ, Armisén D, Vreede BMI, Baa-Puyoulet P, Berger CS, Chang C-C, Chao H, Chen M-JM, Chen Y-T, Childers CP, Chipman AD, Cridge AG, Crumière AJJ, Dearden PK, Didion EM, Dinh H, Doddapaneni HVardhan, Dolan A, Dugan S, Extavour CG, Febvay G, Friedrich M, Ginzburg N, Han Y, Heger P, Holmes CJ, Horn T, Hsiao Y-M, Jennings EC, J Johnston S, Jones TE, Jones JW, Khila A, Koelzer S, Kovacova V, Leask M, Lee SL, Lee C-Y, Lovegrove MR, Lu H-L, Lu Y, Moore PJ, Munoz-Torres MC, Muzny DM, Palli SR, Parisot N, Pick L, Porter ML, Qu J, Refki PN, Richter R, Rivera-Pomar R, Rosendale AJ, Roth S, Sachs L, M Santos E, Seibert J, Sghaier E, Shukla JN, Stancliffe RJ, Tidswell O, Traverso L, Van der Zee M, Viala S, Worley KC, Zdobnov EM, Gibbs RA, Richards S. Molecular evolutionary trends and feeding ecology diversification in the Hemiptera, anchored by the milkweed bug genome. Genome Biol. 2019 ;20(1):64.
Sparks ME, Bansal R, Benoit JB, Blackburn MB, Chao H, Chen M, Cheng S, Childers C, Dinh H, Doddapaneni HVardhan, Dugan S, Elpidina EN, Farrow DW, Friedrich M, Gibbs RA, Hall B, Han Y, Hardy RW, Holmes CJ, Hughes DST, Ioannidis P, Jarvela AMCheatle, J Johnston S, Jones JW, Kronmiller BA, Kung F, Lee SL, Martynov AG, Masterson P, Maumus F, Munoz-Torres M, Murali SC, Murphy TD, Muzny DM, Nelson DR, Oppert B, Panfilio KA, Paula DPires, Pick L, Poelchau MF, Qu J, Reding K, Rhoades JH, Rhodes A, Richards S, Richter R, Robertson HM, Rosendale AJ, Tu ZJake, Velamuri AS, Waterhouse RM, Weirauch MT, Wells JT, Werren JH, Worley KC, Zdobnov EM, Gundersen-Rindal DE. Brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys (Stål), genome: putative underpinnings of polyphagy, insecticide resistance potential and biology of a top worldwide pest. BMC Genomics. 2020 ;21(1):227.
Rotenberg D, Baumann AA, Ben-Mahmoud S, Christiaens O, Dermauw W, Ioannidis P, Jacobs CGC, Jentzsch IMVargas, Oliver JE, Poelchau MF, Rajarapu SPriya, Schneweis DJ, Snoeck S, Taning CNT, Wei D, Gamage SMKWidana, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Bailey ST, Bejerman NE, Holmes CJ, Jennings EC, Rosendale AJ, Rosselot A, Hervey K, Schneweis BA, Cheng S, Childers C, Simão FA, Dietzgen RG, Chao H, Dinh H, Doddapaneni HVardhan, Dugan S, Han Y, Lee SL, Muzny DM, Qu J, Worley KC, Benoit JB, Friedrich M, Jones JW, Panfilio KA, Park Y, Robertson HM, Smagghe G, Ullman DE, Van der Zee M, Van Leeuwen T, Veenstra JA, Waterhouse RM, Weirauch MT, Werren JH, Whitfield AE, Zdobnov EM, Gibbs RA, Richards S. Correction to: Genome-enabled insights into the biology of thrips as crop pests. BMC Biol. 2020 ;18(1):169.
Thomas GWC, Dohmen E, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Poelchau M, Glastad K, Anstead CA, Ayoub NA, Batterham P, Bellair M, Binford GJ, Chao H, Chen YH, Childers C, Dinh H, Doddapaneni HVardhan, Duan JJ, Dugan S, Esposito LA, Friedrich M, Garb J, Gasser RB, Goodisman MAD, Gundersen-Rindal DE, Han Y, Handler AM, Hatakeyama M, Hering L, Hunter WB, Ioannidis P, Jayaseelan JC, Kalra D, Khila A, Korhonen PK, Lee CEunmi, Lee SL, Li Y, Lindsey ARI, Mayer G, McGregor AP, McKenna DD, Misof B, Munidasa M, Munoz-Torres M, Muzny DM, Niehuis O, Osuji-Lacy N, Palli SR, Panfilio KA, Pechmann M, Perry T, Peters RS, Poynton HC, Prpic N-M, Qu J, Rotenberg D, Schal C, Schoville SD, Scully ED, Skinner E, Sloan DB, Stouthamer R, Strand MR, Szucsich NU, Wijeratne A, Young ND, Zattara EE, Benoit JB, Zdobnov EM, Pfrender ME, Hackett KJ, Werren JH, Worley KC, Gibbs RA, Chipman AD, Waterhouse RM, Bornberg-Bauer E, Hahn MW, Richards S. Gene content evolution in the arthropods. Genome Biol. 2020 ;21(1):15.
Rotenberg D, Baumann AA, Ben-Mahmoud S, Christiaens O, Dermauw W, Ioannidis P, Jacobs CGC, Jentzsch IMVargas, Oliver JE, Poelchau MF, Rajarapu SPriya, Schneweis DJ, Snoeck S, Taning CNT, Wei D, Gamage SMKWidana, Hughes DST, Murali SC, Bailey ST, Bejerman NE, Holmes CJ, Jennings EC, Rosendale AJ, Rosselot A, Hervey K, Schneweis BA, Cheng S, Childers C, Simão FA, Dietzgen RG, Chao H, Dinh H, Doddapaneni HVardhan, Dugan S, Han Y, Lee SL, Muzny DM, Qu J, Worley KC, Benoit JB, Friedrich M, Jones JW, Panfilio KA, Park Y, Robertson HM, Smagghe G, Ullman DE, Van der Zee M, Van Leeuwen T, Veenstra JA, Waterhouse RM, Weirauch MT, Werren JH, Whitfield AE, Zdobnov EM, Gibbs RA, Richards S. Genome-enabled insights into the biology of thrips as crop pests. BMC Biol. 2020 ;18(1):142.
Oeyen JPhilip, Baa-Puyoulet P, Benoit JB, Beukeboom LW, Bornberg-Bauer E, Buttstedt A, Calevro F, Cash EI, Chao H, Charles H, Chen M-JMay, Childers C, Cridge AG, Dearden P, Dinh H, Doddapaneni HVardhan, Dolan A, Donath A, Dowling D, Dugan S, Duncan E, Elpidina EN, Friedrich M, Geuverink E, Gibson JD, Grath S, Grimmelikhuijzen CJP, Große-Wilde E, Gudobba C, Han Y, Hansson BS, Hauser F, Hughes DST, Ioannidis P, Jacquin-Joly E, Jennings EC, Jones JW, Klasberg S, Lee SL, Lesný P, Lovegrove M, Martin S, Martynov AG, Mayer C, Montagné N, Moris VC, Munoz-Torres M, Murali SCanchi, Muzny DM, Oppert B, Parisot N, Pauli T, Peters RS, Petersen M, Pick C, Persyn E, Podsiadlowski L, Poelchau MF, Provataris P, Qu J, Reijnders MJMF, von Reumont BMarcus, Rosendale AJ, Simão FA, Skelly J, Sotiropoulos AG, Stahl AL, Sumitani M, Szuter EM, Tidswell O, Tsitlakidis E, Vedder L, Waterhouse RM, Werren JH, Wilbrandt J, Worley KC, Yamamoto DS, van de Zande L, Zdobnov EM, Ziesmann T, Gibbs RA, Richards S, Hatakeyama M, Misof B, Niehuis O. Sawfly Genomes Reveal Evolutionary Acquisitions That Fostered the Mega-Radiation of Parasitoid and Eusocial Hymenoptera. Genome Biol Evol. 2020 ;12(7):1099-1188.