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Journal Article
Ross MC, Muzny DM, McCormick JB, Gibbs RA, Fisher-Hoch SP, Petrosino JF. 16S gut community of the Cameron County Hispanic Cohort. Microbiome. 2015 ;3:7.
Niu T, Smith DL, Yang Z, Gao S, Yin T, Jiang Z-H, You M, Gibbs RA, Petrosino JF, Hu M. Bioactivity and bioavailability of ginsenosides are dependent on the glycosidase activities of the A/J mouse intestinal microbiome defined by pyrosequencing. Pharm Res. 2013 ;30(3):836-46.
Nelson KE, Weinstock GM, Highlander SK, Worley KC, Creasy HHuot, Wortman JRusso, Rusch DB, Mitreva M, Sodergren E, Chinwalla AT, Feldgarden M, Gevers D, Haas BJ, Madupu R, Ward DV, Birren BW, Gibbs RA, Methe B, Petrosino JF, Strausberg RL, Sutton GG, White OR, Wilson RK, Durkin S, Giglio MGwinn, Gujja S, Howarth C, Kodira CD, Kyrpides N, Mehta T, Muzny DM, Pearson M, Pepin K, Pati A, Qin X, Yandava C, Zeng Q, Zhang L, Berlin AM, Chen L, Hepburn TA, Johnson J, McCorrison J, Miller J, Minx P, Nusbaum C, Russ C, Sykes SM, Tomlinson CM, Young S, Warren WC, Badger J, Crabtree J, Markowitz VM, Orvis J, Cree A, Ferriera S, Fulton LL, Fulton RS, Gillis M, Hemphill LD, Joshi V, Kovar C, Torralba M, Wetterstrand KA, Abouellleil A, Wollam AM, Buhay CJ, Ding Y, Dugan S, FitzGerald MG, Holder M, Hostetler J, Clifton SW, Allen-Vercoe E, Earl AM, Farmer CN, Liolios K, Surette MG, Xu Q, Pohl C, Wilczek-Boney K, Zhu D. A catalog of reference genomes from the human microbiome. Science. 2010 ;328(5981):994-9.
Petrosino JF, Xiang Q, Karpathy SE, Jiang H, Yerrapragada S, Liu Y, Gioia J, Hemphill L, Gonzalez A, Raghavan TM, Uzman A, Fox GE, Highlander S, Reichard M, Morton RJ, Clinkenbeard KD, Weinstock GM. Chromosome rearrangement and diversification of Francisella tularensis revealed by the type B (OSU18) genome sequence. J Bacteriol. 2006 ;188(19):6977-85.
Qin X, Galloway-Peña JR, Sillanpaa J, Roh JHyeob, Nallapareddy SR, Chowdhury S, Bourgogne A, Choudhury T, Muzny DM, Buhay CJ, Ding Y, Dugan-Rocha S, Liu W, Kovar C, Sodergren E, Highlander S, Petrosino JF, Worley KC, Gibbs RA, Weinstock GM, Murray BE. Complete genome sequence of Enterococcus faecium strain TX16 and comparative genomic analysis of Enterococcus faecium genomes. BMC Microbiol. 2012 ;12:135.
Durfee T, Nelson R, Baldwin S, Plunkett G, Burland V, Mau B, Petrosino JF, Qin X, Muzny DM, Ayele M, Gibbs RA, Csörgo B, Pósfai G, Weinstock GM, Blattner FR. The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli DH10B: insights into the biology of a laboratory workhorse. J Bacteriol. 2008 ;190(7):2597-606.
Matejková P, Strouhal M, Smajs D, Norris SJ, Palzkill T, Petrosino JF, Sodergren E, Norton JE, Singh J, Richmond TA, Molla MN, Albert TJ, Weinstock GM. Complete genome sequence of Treponema pallidum ssp. pallidum strain SS14 determined with oligonucleotide arrays. BMC Microbiol. 2008 ;8:76.
Masi AC, Fofanova TY, Lamb CA, Auchtung JM, Britton RA, Estes MK, Ramani S, Cockell SJ, Coxhead J, Embleton ND, Berrington JE, Petrosino JF, Stewart CJ. Distinct gene expression profiles between human preterm-derived and adult-derived intestinal organoids exposed to : a pilot study. Gut. 2021 ;.
Criss ZK, Bhasin N, Di Rienzi SC, Rajan A, Deans-Fielder K, Swaminathan G, Kamyabi N, Zeng X-L, Doddapaneni H, Menon VK, Chakravarti D, Estrella C, Yu X, Patil K, Petrosino JF, Fleet JC, Verzi MP, Christakos S, Helmrath MA, Arimura S, DePinho RA, Britton RA, Maresso AW, K Grande-Allen J, Blutt SE, Crawford SE, Estes MK, Ramani S, Shroyer NF. Drivers of transcriptional variance in human intestinal epithelial organoids. Physiol Genomics. 2021 ;53(11):486-508.
Menon V, Okhuysen PC, Chappell CL, Mahmoud M, Mahmoud M, Meng Q, Doddapaneni H, Vee V, Han Y, Salvi S, Bhamidipati S, Kottapalli K, Weissenberger G, Shen H, Ross MC, Hoffman KL, Cregeen SJavornik, Muzny DM, Metcalf GA, Gibbs RA, Petrosino JF, Sedlazeck FJ. Fully resolved assembly of Cryptosporidium parvum. Gigascience. 2022 ;11.
Saulnier DM, Riehle K, Mistretta T-A, Diaz M-A, Mandal D, Raza S, Weidler EM, Qin X, Coarfa C, Milosavljevic A, Petrosino JF, Highlander S, Gibbs RA, Lynch SV, Shulman RJ, Versalovic J. Gastrointestinal microbiome signatures of pediatric patients with irritable bowel syndrome. Gastroenterology. 2011 ;141(5):1782-91.
Sczesnak A, Segata N, Qin X, Gevers D, Petrosino JF, Huttenhower C, Littman DR, Ivanov II. The genome of th17 cell-inducing segmented filamentous bacteria reveals extensive auxotrophy and adaptations to the intestinal environment. Cell Host Microbe. 2011 ;10(3):260-72.
Karpathy SE, Qin X, Gioia J, Jiang H, Liu Y, Petrosino JF, Yerrapragada S, Fox GE, Haake SKinder, Weinstock GM, Highlander SK. Genome sequence of Fusobacterium nucleatum subspecies polymorphum - a genetically tractable fusobacterium. PLoS One. 2007 ;2(7):e659.
Nash AK, Auchtung TA, Wong MC, Smith DP, Gesell JR, Ross MC, Stewart CJ, Metcalf GA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Ajami NJ, Petrosino JF. The gut mycobiome of the Human Microbiome Project healthy cohort. Microbiome. 2017 ;5(1):153.
Avadhanula V, Agustinho DPaiva, Menon VKumar, Chemaly RF, Shah DP, Qin X, Surathu A, Doddapaneni H, Muzny DM, Metcalf GA, Cregeen SJavornik, Gibbs RA, Petrosino JF, Sedlazeck FJ, Piedra PA. Inter and intra-host diversity of RSV in hematopoietic stem cell transplant adults with normal and delayed viral clearance. Virus Evol. 2024 ;10(1):vead086.
Hollister EB, Oezguen N, Chumpitazi BP, Luna RAnn, Weidler EM, Rubio-Gonzales M, Dahdouli M, Cope JL, Mistretta T-A, Raza S, Metcalf GA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Petrosino JF, Heitkemper M, Savidge TC, Shulman RJ, Versalovic J. Leveraging Human Microbiome Features to Diagnose and Stratify Children with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. J Mol Diagn. 2019 ;21(3):449-461.
Petrosino JF, Highlander S, Luna RAnn, Gibbs RA, Versalovic J. Metagenomic pyrosequencing and microbial identification. Clin Chem. 2009 ;55(5):856-66.
Hyde ER, Petrosino JF, Piedra PA, Camargo CA, Espinola JA, Mansbach JM. Nasopharyngeal Proteobacteria are associated with viral etiology and acute wheezing in children with severe bronchiolitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 ;133(4):1220-2.
Doddapaneni H, Cregeen SJavornik, Sucgang R, Meng Q, Qin X, Avadhanula V, Chao H, Menon V, Nicholson E, Henke D, Piedra F-A, Rajan A, Momin Z, Kottapalli K, Hoffman KL, Sedlazeck FJ, Metcalf G, Piedra PA, Muzny DM, Petrosino JF, Gibbs RA. Oligonucleotide capture sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and subgenomic fragments from COVID-19 individuals. bioRxiv. 2020 ;.
Doddapaneni H, Cregeen SJavornik, Sucgang R, Meng Q, Qin X, Avadhanula V, Chao H, Menon V, Nicholson E, Henke D, Piedra F-A, Rajan A, Momin Z, Kottapalli K, Hoffman KL, Sedlazeck FJ, Metcalf GA, Piedra PA, Muzny DM, Petrosino JF, Gibbs RA. Oligonucleotide capture sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 genome and subgenomic fragments from COVID-19 individuals. PLoS One. 2021 ;16(8):e0244468.
Doddapaneni H, Cregeen SJavornik, Sucgang R, Meng Q, Qin X, Avadhanula V, Chao H, Menon V, Nicholson E, Henke D, Piedra F-A, Rajan A, Momin Z, Kottapalli K, Hoffman KL, Sedlazeck FJ, Metcalf GA, Piedra PA, Muzny DM, Petrosino JF, Gibbs RA. Oligonucleotide Capture Sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 Genome and Subgenomic Fragments from COVID-19 Individuals. bioRxiv. 2020 ;.
Gioia J, Yerrapragada S, Qin X, Jiang H, Igboeli OC, Muzny D, Dugan-Rocha S, Ding Y, Hawes A, Liu W, Perez L, Kovar C, Dinh H, Lee S, Nazareth L, Blyth P, Holder M, Buhay C, Tirumalai MR, Liu Y, Dasgupta I, Bokhetache L, Fujita M, Karouia F, Moorthy PEswara, Siefert J, Uzman A, Buzumbo P, Verma A, Zwiya H, McWilliams BD, Olowu A, Clinkenbeard KD, Newcombe D, Golebiewski L, Petrosino JF, Nicholson WL, Fox GE, Venkateswaran K, Highlander SK, Weinstock GM. Paradoxical DNA repair and peroxide resistance gene conservation in Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032. PLoS One. 2007 ;2(9):e928.
Vehik K, Lynch KF, Wong MC, Tian X, Ross MC, Gibbs RA, Ajami NJ, Petrosino JF, Rewers M, Toppari J, Ziegler AG, She J-X, Lernmark A, Akolkar B, Hagopian WA, Schatz DA, Krischer JP, Hyoty H, Lloyd RE. Prospective virome analyses in young children at increased genetic risk for type 1 diabetes. Nat Med. 2019 ;25(12):1865-1872.
Hollister EB, Riehle K, Luna RAnn, Weidler EM, Rubio-Gonzales M, Mistretta T-A, Raza S, Doddapaneni H, Metcalf GA, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA, Petrosino JF, Shulman RJ, Versalovic J. Structure and function of the healthy pre-adolescent pediatric gut microbiome. Microbiome. 2015 ;3:36.
Stewart CJ, Ajami NJ, O'Brien JL, Hutchinson DS, Smith DP, Wong MC, Ross MC, Lloyd RE, Doddapaneni H, Metcalf GA, Muzny D, Gibbs RA, Vatanen T, Huttenhower C, Xavier RJ, Rewers M, Hagopian W, Toppari J, Ziegler A-G, She J-X, Akolkar B, Lernmark A, Hyoty H, Vehik K, Krischer JP, Petrosino JF. Temporal development of the gut microbiome in early childhood from the TEDDY study. Nature. 2018 ;562(7728):583-588.