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Journal Article
Deverka PA, Majumder MA, Villanueva AG, Anderson M, Bakker AC, Bardill J, Boerwinkle E, Bubela T, Evans BJ, Garrison N'A, Gibbs RA, Gentleman R, Glazer D, Goldstein MM, Greely H, Harris C, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, Kohane IS, La Rosa S, Mattison J, O'Donnell CJ, Rai AK, Rehm HL, Rodriguez LL, Shelton R, Simoncelli T, Terry SF, Watson MS, Wilbanks J, Cook-Deegan R, McGuire AL. Creating a data resource: what will it take to build a medical information commons?. Genome Med. 2017 ;9(1):84.
Voidonikolas G, Gingras M-C, Hodges S, McGuire AL, Chen C, Gibbs RA, F Brunicardi C, Fisher WE. Developing a tissue resource to characterize the genome of pancreatic cancer. World J Surg. 2009 ;33(4):723-31.
D Parsons W, Roy A, Yang Y, Wang T, Scollon S, Bergstrom K, Kerstein RA, Gutierrez S, Petersen AK, Bavle A, Lin FY, López-Terrada DH, Monzon FA, M Hicks J, Eldin KW, Quintanilla NM, Adesina AM, Mohila CA, Whitehead W, Jea A, Vasudevan SA, Nuchtern JG, Ramamurthy U, McGuire AL, Hilsenbeck SG, Reid JG, Muzny DM, Wheeler DA, Berg SL, Chintagumpala MM, Eng CM, Gibbs RA, Plon SE. Diagnostic Yield of Clinical Tumor and Germline Whole-Exome Sequencing for Children With Solid Tumors. JAMA Oncol. 2016 ;2(5):616-624.
McGuire AL, Moore Q, Majumder M, Walkiewicz M, Eng CM, Belmont JW, Nassef S, Darilek S, Rutherford K, Pereira S, Scherer SE, V Sutton R, Wolf D, Gibbs RA, Kahn R, Sanchez LA. The ethics of conducting molecular autopsies in cases of sudden death in the young. Genome Res. 2016 ;26(9):1165-9.
Murdock DR, Venner E, Muzny DM, Metcalf GA, Murugan M, Hadley TD, Chander V, de Vries PS, Jia X, Hussain A, Agha AM, Sabo A, Li S, Meng Q, Hu J, Tian X, Cohen M, Yi V, Kovar CL, Gingras M-C, Korchina V, Howard C, Riconda DL, Pereira S, Smith HS, Huda ZA, Buentello A, Marino PR, Leiber L, Balasubramanyam A, Amos CI, Civitello AB, Chelu MG, Maag R, McGuire AL, Boerwinkle E, Wehrens XHT, Ballantyne CM, Gibbs RA. Genetic testing in ambulatory cardiology clinics reveals high rate of findings with clinical management implications. Genet Med. 2021 ;23(12):2404-2414.
McGuire AL, Gibbs RA. Genetics. No longer de-identified. Science. 2006 ;312(5772):370-1.
Hill EJ, Robak LA, Al-Ouran R, Deger J, Fong JC, Vandeventer PJerrod, Schulman E, Rao S, Saade H, Savitt JM, von Coelln R, Desai N, Doddapaneni H, Salvi S, Dugan-Perez S, Muzny DM, McGuire AL, Liu Z, Gibbs RA, Shaw C, Jankovic J, Shulman LM, Shulman JM. Genome Sequencing in the Parkinson Disease Clinic. Neurol Genet. 2022 ;8(4):e200002.
McGuire AL, Majumder MA, Villanueva AG, Bardill J, Bollinger JM, Boerwinkle E, Bubela T, Deverka PA, Evans BJ, Garrison N'A, Glazer D, Goldstein MM, Greely HT, Kahn SD, Knoppers BM, Koenig BA, J Lambright M, Mattison JE, O'Donnell C, Rai AK, Rodriguez LL, Simoncelli T, Terry SF, Thorogood AM, Watson MS, Wilbanks JT, Cook-Deegan R. Importance of Participant-Centricity and Trust for a Sustainable Medical Information Commons. J Law Med Ethics. 2019 ;47(1):12-20.
Boone PM, Soens ZT, Campbell IM, Stankiewicz P, Cheung SWai, Patel A, Beaudet AL, Plon SE, Shaw CA, McGuire AL, Lupski JR. Incidental copy-number variants identified by routine genome testing in a clinical population. Genet Med. 2013 ;15(1):45-54.
McGuire AL, Gibbs RA. Meeting the growing demands of genetic research. J Law Med Ethics. 2006 ;34(4):809-12.
Scollon S, Bergstrom K, Kerstein RA, Wang T, Hilsenbeck SG, Ramamurthy U, Gibbs RA, Eng CM, Chintagumpala MM, Berg SL, McCullough LB, McGuire AL, Plon SE, D Parsons W. Obtaining informed consent for clinical tumor and germline exome sequencing of newly diagnosed childhood cancer patients. Genome Med. 2014 ;6(9):69.
Pereira S, Gibbs RA, McGuire AL. Open access data sharing in genomic research. Genes (Basel). 2014 ;5(3):739-47.
Becnel LB, Pereira S, Drummond JA, Gingras M-C, Covington KR, Kovar CL, Doddapaneni H, Hu J, Muzny DM, McGuire AL, Wheeler DA, Gibbs RA. An open access pilot freely sharing cancer genomic data from participants in Texas. Sci Data. 2016 ;3:160010.
Smith HStevens, Sanchez CE, Maag R, Buentello A, Murdock DR, Metcalf GA, Hadley TD, Riconda DL, Boerwinkle E, Wehrens XHT, Ballantyne CM, Gibbs RA, McGuire AL, Pereira S. Patient and Clinician Perceptions of Precision Cardiology Care: Findings From the HeartCare Study. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2022 ;15(6):e003605.
Scollon S, Bergstrom K, McCullough LB, McGuire AL, Gutierrez S, Kerstein R, D Parsons W, Plon SE. Pediatric Cancer Genetics Research and an Evolving Preventive Ethics Approach for Return of Results after Death of the Subject. J Law Med Ethics. 2015 ;43(3):529-37.
McGuire AL, Lupski JR. Personal genome research : what should the participant be told?. Trends Genet. 2010 ;26(5):199-201.
Jiang Y, Wangler MF, McGuire AL, Lupski JR, Posey JE, Khayat MM, Murdock DR, Sanchez-Pulido L, Ponting CP, Xia F, Hunter JV, Meng Q, Murugan M, Gibbs RA. The phenotypic spectrum of Xia-Gibbs syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2018 ;176(6):1315-1326.
McGuire AL, Caulfield T, Cho MK. Research ethics and the challenge of whole-genome sequencing. Nat Rev Genet. 2008 ;9(2):152-6.
Gambin T, Jhangiani SN, Below JE, Campbell IM, Wiszniewski W, Muzny DM, Staples J, Morrison AC, Bainbridge MN, Penney S, McGuire AL, Gibbs RA, Lupski JR, Boerwinkle E. Secondary findings and carrier test frequencies in a large multiethnic sample. Genome Med. 2015 ;7(1):54.
McGuire AL, Majumder MA, Halpern SD, Swindell JS, Yaeger LV, Gibbs RA, Wheeler TM. Taking DNA from the dead. Nat Rev Genet. 2010 ;11(5):318.
McCullough LB, Slashinski MJ, McGuire AL, Street RL, Eng CM, Gibbs RA, D Parsons W, Plon SE. Is Whole-Exome Sequencing an Ethically Disruptive Technology? Perspectives of Pediatric Oncologists and Parents of Pediatric Patients With Solid Tumors. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2016 ;63(3):511-5.
Lupski JR, Reid JG, Gonzaga-Jauregui C, Deiros DRio, C Y Chen D, Nazareth L, Bainbridge M, Dinh H, Jing C, Wheeler DA, McGuire AL, Zhang F, Stankiewicz P, Halperin JJ, Yang C, Gehman C, Guo D, Irikat RK, Tom W, Fantin NJ, Muzny DM, Gibbs RA. Whole-genome sequencing in a patient with Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy. N Engl J Med. 2010 ;362(13):1181-91.